
A short vamp story


The rain was pouring down outside the window were Nichkhun was sitting on the couch, looking out, hoping it soon would stop raining and that the sun would appear on a blue sky. 
The sun he adored and which was always there to brighten up his day. 
He sighed, curled his legs up under his chin and wrapped his arms around them. 
He sighed once more; all his inspiration was gone, just as the sun was gone. 
It just disappeared into thin air. 
Nichkhun got up from the couch and climbed the stairs and went into his bedroom. 
He made himself comfortable in the bed and stared at the wall in the other end of the room. 
His bedroom wasn’t big, but it wasn’t small either, it was somewhere in between. 
The bed was in the middle of the room, with a nightstand on each side, the closet stood beside the door, which was approximately 6 meters away from where he was laying, and across the room was a small window with a coffin under it. 
Nichkhun’s eyes got heavier as the seconds passed, waiting for tomorrow was too hard, waiting to die was too hard, he dried the few tears running down his cheeks.
The room felt much bigger now that he was sad, his whole family had died of the same thing he’d die of, only difference was that he was getting treatment for it so he’d live a little longer.
The morning to come would be his last day, the day he’d die as his medicine cure would come to an end, the coffin under the window reminding him every second of every day.
He snuggled under the blankets, nuzzling his face into the pillow as he closed his eyes to get some sleep, not noticing the creature that had appeared in an unknown corner of the room as lightning struck. 
It was a man, his clothes, or at least his jacket, was drenched by the rain, a hood protecting his fair blond hair from the rain.
The man took off his jacket as he paid attention to Nichlhun’s steady breathing slowly walking around the room, not across it as he somehow knew that when you reached the middle of it, the floor would creak and the boy would wake up.
Walking passed the coffin; he let his fingers slide over it.
“Oak....Nice choice.....” he mumbled softly.
Finally reaching the bed, he sat down on the edge, his eyes scanning the dark brown almost black hair covering the boy’s forehead and most of his closed eyes, the couture of his well shaped nose and beautifully shaped lips making the man smile. 
Finding such a beautiful boy was hard these days, they were always hiding away, knowing that someone would come for them and take their lives away, but not this one, this particular boy hadn’t been hiding, only keeping out of the rain.
The sleeping boy, shifted in the bed, turning to face the stranger, sleeping peacefully and oblivious to the stranger watching him.
The blonde reached out and gently the other’s cheek, the soft skin almost making him gasp, all the pictures he’d ever seen of the boy weren’t doing his face justice, it was much prettier in real life.
Feeling a gentle touch, Nichkhun tilted his head a little upwards, showing off his neck some more, the other now being able to see the vain going up along it.
He his lips, leaning down to smell it, the sweet smell of sweat and blood filling his nostrils.
Opening his mouth, his fangs came out, ready to strike, but then the boy woke up, jumping to the other side of the bed, staring wide eyed at the man.
“Don’t be scared....” the vampire spoke in a soft voice.
“G-go away!” 
“I can save you.... Just one bite and you’ll live forever.”
“I-I don’t want....Just go away you .”
“There there Nichkhun, that’s not nice saying to your best friend, now is it?”
“When did we stop being friends?” the vampire asked, tilting his head slightly to the right.
“Get out! I told you to stay away; I told you I never wanted to see you again!”
The vampire rolled his eyes at that, before he was suddenly over the other male, holding him down into the bed.
“Get off me~” he whined as he tried to get loose, but was too weak.
“I’m a vampire now, and as long as you’re human I’ll always be stronger than you,” the other replied, leaning down to smell at Nichkhun’s neck again, his nose trailing a line from the shoulder to his ear; “You don’t have to die.....”
Nichkhun’s body shivered at that, tears filling up his eyes and rolling down his cheeks.
“It’ll hurt for only a little while.”
Nichkhun started crying, he was scared of the world the other was living in, scared of having to live forever, scared of ending up alone again.
“Shh~” the other cooed, making a soft purring sound as he Nichkhun’s neck to prepare him for the bite.
“N-no~” he hiccupped, finally managing to push the other off of him, hurrying to get out of the bed before the vampire could catch him again, running out of the room and down the stairs.
“You can’t run away from me,” the man said cockily, as he got out of the bed and walked out off the room, jumping down to the first floor and ending up right in front of Nichkhun, making him gasp and fall back against the stairs.
The boy looked at the other, scared of what would happen next.
“Did you hurt yourself?” the vampire asked worriedly, reaching out to help the other up, but his hand was swatted away.
“Leave me alone...”
“Nichkhun... I can help... Don’t you want to live?” he asked, bending down and leaning closer to the other.
Nichkhun bit his lip, ready to do just about anything to get away and just when the other came close enough, he slapped him with all his might, leaving a red mark on the guy’s face.
“That’s it!” he yelled, grabbing hold of the other’s head and tilting it so he could get proper access to his neck, but just as he was about to bite, Nichkhun pulled one of his feet to his chest before kicking the other in his crotch, making him yelp and fall to the floor, clutching it as he cried out in pain.
“ you!” Nichkhun growled as he stood up, spitting at the other’s face before getting his shoes and leaving the house, only wearing a pair of sweatpants and a wife beater.
It didn’t take long before he was drenched by the rain, the thunder kind of scaring him, but then again, it would be harder for his ex friend, the vampire to find him in all this noise and not to mention his smell being washed away by the rain.
As he kept running, he ran into something or someone who pulled him into a building.
He gasped softly as he was suddenly thrown onto a bed, the thing that grabbed him appearing over him and kissing him deeply.
Nichkhun fought the forced kiss as best he could, but it didn’t take long for him to melt into it, and soon was kissing back, his fear replaced with pure lust....
Waking up later on, Nichkhun stretched and looked around, wondering where the hell he was.
He jumped slightly when he felt something move beside him, making him carefully look down on the moving object.
The room was pretty dark with no windows and two doors, one was closed, the other open and lighting up a bathroom.
He gently poked the person’s cheek, whispering; “Are you awake...?”
He got a grunt in return, making him roll his eyes and go to the bathroom to take a leak, stumbling in the darkness to get to the one place that possessed some light.
Closing and locking the door, he walked past the mirror, looking into it a little on the way, but stopped and rushed back, leaning forwards to study some kind of wound on his neck.
It looked like some kind of gigantic spider had bitten him; there were some dried blood around the bite mark, some green fluid too.
“...” Nichkhun muttered, now he had to wear a scarf when he was going to be buried.
He gently poked at one of the wounds, making a face where his teeth were showing a little and just then he noticed it, he had FANGS!!!
He jumped back against the wall, swallowing hard before carefully going back to the mirror and opened his mouth to study his teeth, but this time there were no fangs, had he imagined it?
He flicked his tongue against one of the teeth that had previously been one of the fangs, humming softly as nothing happened; he then tried to snarl, just to make sure he had been imagining things, but this time two of his teeth grew longer and became sharp.
“,” he whispered as he continued examinating his newly grown fangs until there was a knock on the door.
“You in there?” a voice said softly.
Nichkhun bit his lips and hurried to flush the toilet and pretend to wash his hands before he went to open the door, smiling at the stranger.
“I was in there~” he said, smiling.
“Mmh, you feeling alright?” the guy asked as he wrapped his arms around Nichkhun.
“Y-yeah.... Who are you?”
“You already forgot? Wow, that’s the first time I’ve hear that after making love to someone.”
“WHAT!?” Nichkhun shouted as he pushed the other away; “You did what?”
“Oh come on!” the other said; “It’s not like I you, well not in the end that is.”
“Y-you me?”
“Technically I did, but not really.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I forced a kiss, but we went to second base on your initiative.”
Nichkhun crossed his arms; he was refusing to take this.
“That’s not true...”
The other rolled his eyes; “Believe whatever you want...”
“...What was your name again?”
“It’s Taeyang.”
“I suppose I don’t have to tell you mine?”
Taeyang smiled softly as Nichkhun seemed to calm down; “Come here, I’ll help you get rid of that wound of yours.”
Nichkhun frowned slightly, how was the other going to manage to do that? But he took a step closer to him, letting him hold him close and his neck.
“Yo, what are you...” he stopped his sentence as his hand moved to touch the wound that was now gone; “How’d you...?”
Taeyang only smiled, and the other’s cheek.
“You’re a vampire, aren’t you?” Nichkhun asked softly as he leaned into the touch.
“Mmh, half vampire, half demon actually,” Taeyang replied.
“Then how come your name is Taeyang?”
Taeyang shrugged, he had no idea.
“How old are you Taeyang?”
“Oh wow.....”
“Yeah, wow~”
“Am I going to die..?”
“No... You’re a vampire now, well, not a fully transformed one, but you’ll live forever as long as you stay away from Van Helsing.”
“But I don’t want to live forever... I was supposed to die...”
“Don’t worry; I’ll be here with you, forever.”
Nichkhun made a face, last time he checked he was straight, and now he’s gay? 
Being a vampire meant he wouldn’t die of his illness, it was cured and he’d live forever with this Sun guy who really seemed to like him, oh boy....this was going to be a long forever.
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it says taeyang and I thought it‘s taecyeon but I‘m ready to read it
haruhee #2
wow I've never read a vampire story before . it's not the type of story I used to read but i loved it so much
so it's the first vampire story i read but not the last for sure ^^
you make me love the vampire stories <3