More Than Just Oppa

Forbidden Love

I couldn’t believe it. Was it a dream? Did it really happen? Did Hoon Oppa really kiss me? Twice? Did he really say he loved me? Did he really mean what he said? So many questions and thoughts were going through my head. I sat in Piano class unable to pay attention. I was too distracted by my thoughts that would not go away as much as I tried to make them.

I was late for class because of my accidental meet up with Oppa, and was a bit unsettled because of that also. After confessing his love to me, Oppa’s kiss lasted a good minute or two, covering my bottom lip with his and lightly on it. I was so into the kiss that I didn’t pay attention to the fact that there was only ten minutes for me to get from one class to the other and I had already wasted seven. I looked at my phone’s clock and panicked! “Oppa! I gotta go!” I told him. As I began to run off, Hoon grabbed my arm and wrapped one of his arms around me, soon wrapping the other one around me when he let go of my arm. I sighed and hugged him back too. We stayed silent for a few minutes, then Hoon let me go and I had to race to class.

When I got to class, I was only a few minutes late, but my professor seemed quite upset. It was only the first day of class, so he should have considered the fact that I could have gotten lost, even though that was not the case. He must have been one of the strict professors. Just my luck.

When class was over, I was pulled aside by my professor. “Why were you late? You know how important the first day of class is, right? You’re not giving a good first impression right now.”

I sighed and tried to hide my intimidation. “Sorry… I...” I began, but I couldn’t think of what to say. I was terrified.

“She was with me Professor Park.” said a familiar voice coming from behind me. I turned around to see Hoon. He smiled at me before continuing to explain my tardiness to the professor. “I caught her on her way to class and began to chit chat. She told me she had to get to class, but I wouldn’t let her go. I was being selfish.” He bowed and apologized to my professor.

Professor Park suddenly seemed warmer. “It’s alright Hoon, I just need to keep these students in line. If they cannot be respectful and responsible, they should not be in this class. I didn’t mean to assume your friend was a bad student.”

Hoon laughed. “Yes, well she is not so bad. She’s a sweet girl and a responsible student. I am sorry to cause you any trouble.” Hoon said, bowing again.

“You are lucky to have Hoon as a friend, Miss. Please do prove to me all that he has praised about you just now.” Professor Park told me, smiling now. I nodded.

“I am sorry, Professor. This will never happen again.” I assured him. I then bowed. Professor bowed back, showing me that he was sorry as well. He then nodded, signaling that it was okay for me and Hoon to leave. Hoon and I bowed once more before we left the classroom.

“How did you know where I was?” I asked him as we walked down the hall. He stopped walking and got in front of me.

“I followed you to class.” he confessed." Does that bother you?”

I shook my head. “No, you saved me from the wrath of an angry Professor. I am really happy you came, Oppa.”

He then chuckled. “Good.”

“But…” I began, “How do you know Professor Park? You seem like good friends.”

Hoon nodded. “We are. I was a trainee for his entertainment agency. Although I did not make the cut, I still respect him very much and he is like a father figure to me.”

“E-entertainment agency?” I stuttered.

"Yes, he is the famous Park Jin-Young, founder of JYP Entertainment. You didn’t know that?”

I shook my head. “He looks so different in person. Maybe it’s his hair…”

Hoon laughed but suddenly got serious. “Then that means you don’t know who I am, right?”

“Yes,” I told him. His eyes widened. “You are Hoon Oppa, of course.”

To this Hoon shook his head slowly and looked into my eyes. “Then you really don’t know?” he asked, looking quite upset.

“Know what?” I asked. I was confused.

“That I am Hoon Oppa, yes, but I am also Hoon, a newer member of idol group U-KISS.” He told me. I could feel my stomach curling. How did I not know this? I listened to U-KISS all the time. I owned all their albums and had even been to a couple their concerts - older ones and more recent ones. Hell, I think the last song played on my iPod was a U-KISS song. I looked deeper into Oppa’s eyes and saw the U-KISS Hoon in him.

“I-I’m sorry,” I began. “I don’t know how I didn’t realize. I’m actually a big Kiss Me. You look different up close and in person. Maybe it’s the hair?” I said, giving the same lame excuse as to why I didn’t recognize JYP. Hoon smirked at this. “And you never told me either. You treated me as another person and not just a fan. I’m grateful for this, but you should have told me something as important as this.”

Hoon sighed at this. “I knew you were a Kiss Me. When I took your iPod to look at your music, U-KISS’s ‘Man Man Ha Ni’ was the song you had listened to last. I thought that because you were a Kiss Me that you would recognize me. But you didn’t. I guess it’s my fault also. I was trying not to be recognized too much. I changed my hair and usually wear hats in school.”

I smiled weakly. “It’s okay, Hoon Oppa. I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you, but because of this, I hope you can see my feelings for you are real. I loved you before I realized who you were.”

“Yes, I’m grateful for this.” Hoon smiled. He then hugged me tight.

“Beautiful couple.” I heard someone say from behind us. Hoon and I jumped, separating to see Professor Park standing before us, smirking. “Much nicer than the Hoon and Eunhye couple.”

Hoon and I blushed. “No, it’s…” Hoon began. I felt he was going to say ‘It’s not like that,’ but he had stopped himself. He sighed. “Thank you very much, Professor.”

“Yes, thank you Professor Park.” I said right after, bowing.

Professor smiled. “Outside of class, don’t be so formal. Call me JYP, or JY for short. And I can sense a good couple as I see them.”

JY saying this made me happy. Hoon and I bowed as JY left. Then blushing, I inched closer to Hoon, grabbing his hand. The moment our hands touched, he looked and me and held my hand tightly. He then pulled my chin up to him with his free hand and kissed me again. “You have no idea how much I love doing this.” he told me. He had no idea how much I loved it when he did this either.

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UKissKiseop2 #1
Chapter 25: You have to continue this one!! I am completely in love with this story!!
Chapter 1: whoa...i can tell this story is going to be a good one ^A^
the first chapter was written beautifully.
but everything happened so fast so i had to read it few
more times to understand ^^;
i even teared up a bit at the end of chpt 1 ._.
i guess that's just how good your writing is c;
Chapter 25: It'll be good if you continue! ^^
Chapter 25: yes!!!! please continue!!! i love this story so much!!!
So beautiful. You write so well, and the ending actually made me tear up quite a bit. <3
I'm actually so happy she got together with Hyun Joong. I was afraid it would be similar to BOF. That got to the point where I was like, "Jandi, just get together with Hyun Joong's character. Jun Pyo is an idiot who does nothing but hurt you. Just let him marry the other chick." It irritates me so much when the girl leaves the nice guy heart-broken and goes back to the jerk. I'm happy to see a story where the girl stays with the nice guy for once. So thank you so much for ending the story like this, and proving that they can still all have a happy ending! Definitely loved this story! <3
kpopmusiclover #7
Awww the ending was so happy and sweet ^^ great story!
KoreanMusicLuva #8
oh my god!!! it's finally done! even though i wished that she ended up with Hoon again...but I guess not all people go back to their firsts :/

but I like Hyun Joong too :D
Theeee endddd!!! So sorry about being late and so sorry for ending it this way... I was having a hard time writing and so I tried my best because I couldn't leave this story unfinished! If you liked this please check out my latest story: as well as a few more stories I will be working on soon! I wrote chapter 2 to Still in Love but because of the maintenance, it is not showing up. :( I do hope it shows up soon because I can't continue it until chapter two is back up. But please enjoy it if you choose to read it. ^^
Anyway, thanks so much for the love and support! And patience! ♥