Beyond Reality

Since The Day You Saved My Life

Kevin followed Kiseop down the murky streets, struggling to keep up with his long strides. Kiseop didn’t seem to pay any attention to the younger boy as they walked, or at least- that’s what he thought. Inside, Kiseop’s mind was reeling with so many emotions and questions.


Some of them he didn’t recognize. What was this sense of familiarity? And that feeling from before still hung heavily in his chest, thoroughly confusing him.


Unlike Kiseop, Kevin was thoughtless as he walked down the damp street. Normally, he’d be wondering so many things. Where were they going? Who was this man? Why didn’t his feet seem to make a noise as they touched the ground? But this wasn’t what he thought. He seemed to be dazed.


Kiseop’s phone buzzed in his pocket and he immediately took it out and opened it. ‘Where are you? –Eli’ the text read. He sighed and quickly replied, ‘Something…happened. I’m on my way back. –Kiseop.’ After another minute of silent walking, Kiseop’s phone began to ring.


The dull droning of overused music filled Kevin’s ears for a split second before the cell was opened and answered. He didn’t know who was on the other end, but Kiseop seemed worried. He listened for a long time, a scowl covering his once happy face.


He glanced at Kevin and held the gaze while he spoke, “I’ll explain everything. We’re almost there.” There was another pause before he spoke again, “Yes he saw them! How would I hide it! Oh and Eli, he’s hurt…yes. Yes and the smell, they’ll find him immediately. I think he’s the one they’ve been looking for.” Another pause passed before the phone clicked shut and was put away once more.


The rest of the walk was silent. But soon, Kiseop stopped in front of a small, bleak house. The once yellow paint was now chipping, baring the wood underneath. Each window was carefully boarded closed from the inside, allowing no light to seep in. It looked strange; out of place. Kevin wondered why he’d never noticed it before.


Kiseop walked up and placed his hand on the rusted doorknob. “C’mon kid. What’s your name?” he hissed.


“K-kevin,” Kevin managed to mumble, taking a few steps closer.


The older boy smiled warmly, “American huh? Cute. Anyway, c’mon, get inside Kevin.” He opened the door just enough for the boy to walk through and followed closely, closing it behind him.


The house wasn’t very luxurious on the inside either. The floor was wooden and splintering, the walls bare.  It was very dimly lit. In fact, the only light came from a few old-fashioned lanterns hanging from the walls. The room had a faint stale smell but Kevin waved it off. Two large couches faced each other from opposite walls and a small wooden coffee table sat in the middle of the room, piled high with all sorts of things.


Kevin’s thoughts were cut short as a dark figure slowly began to emerge from the hall on the fall wall. He stiffened and Kiseop gently rested his hand on the shorter boy’s shoulder.


“It’s alright Kevin. Get out of there Jaeseop, you’re creeping him out.” He said loudly. The man from the hall sighed and strode into the room. He wasn’t smiling, but the lanterns danced in his feline eyes- making them appear to glow.


“Whatever Kiseop. God have some fun.” He said, slumping down on one of the couches. “Hoon’s upstairs.” Kiseop nodded and began to walk away, motioning for Kevin to stay first.


Kevin stood awkwardly in the closed doorway. Jaeseop looked at him for a minute then smiled.


“Hoon’s our friend. He can heal people, which I think you need. Your wrist hurts a lot huh?”


“How’d yo-“ Kevin began but was unable to finish due to the other boy cutting him off.


“I can read minds. Oh I’m Jaeseop by the way.” He was up and standing in front of the dazed boy faster than Kevin thought possible, “It’s nice to meet you Kevin.” Kevin reached out and numbly shook his hand.


“That’s not possible…” he mumbled.


An amused smile grew on Jaeseop’s face. “In our world, it is. We all have powers.”


“T-then what’s…” Kevin began. Kiseop walked in then, followed by Hoon and Kevin pointed to him. “his?” Kiseop stopped dead in his tracks.


“Wha-?” he said, thoroughly confused.


“Oh Kiseop?” Jaeseop smirked. “He doesn’t have a power.”


Kiseop pouted childishly, “Shut up. Kevin, come here.” Kevin obediently walked over and gingerly sat down on the worn sofa. Hoon didn’t say a word as he gently picked up the boy’s arm and examined it.


He put one palm against Kevin’s and the other on the other side of the boy’s hand. The light blue mist began to form, swirling slowly around their hands. It began to glide up Kevin’s hand and wrist, and his eyes widened. Then, before his eyes, the bones began to shift back into place and the pain subsided. He gasped and jerked his hand away, making the mist disappear immediately.


Hoon sighed and took his hand again. He ran his fingers against the boy’s wrist, focusing completely. He then shook the boy’s hand up and down. Kevin was surprised when the pain never came. He couldn’t believe any of it.


“He’s healed.” Hoon said, sitting back next to Jaeseop nonchalantly. Kevin couldn’t believe everyone was so calm when things like this would happen. Was that even possible?


“That’s…that’s not…how could…” Kevin stuttered, unable to complete his sentence. Kiseop sat down next to him and smiled.


“Kevin…I can explain some things to you. But you’ve got to promise me something.” He said, care in his voice.




“You have to believe me…and let me protect you.” Kevin nodded slowly, thinking it over before agreeing. Kiseop looked slightly relieved.


“First, we’re vampires, Hoon, Jaeseop, me and our leader Eli. Our clan is called the N-SIDE. That man who attacked you before, he wasn’t with us. He was a vampire, yes, but he wasn’t one of us. His name was Kibum and he was part of the DUSK clan. There are others there too and they’re not as nice as us. They want to kill you Kevin.” He said his voice calm and collected, yet his eyes still singing playfully. Kevin stared at him, taking it all in.


“He doesn’t believe you.” Jaeseop suddenly said, his eyes staring through Kevin like daggers.


Kiseop sighed. “You have to believe me. I don’t want to have to prove it to you…” his voice got more serious, “It’s an ugly business Kevin. One I wish you didn’t have to be part of, but you do.”


“I…I can’t…” Kevin mumbled.


“Look at the facts…Jaeseop reads minds. You saw Hoon heal your hand. How do you think it broke in the first place? All vampires have the same similar powers- speed, strength and hearing. Then each has one special power. Jaeseop’s mind reading, Hoon’s healing, Eli can smear senses.”


“Speed…” the dazed boy said to himself. Kiseop smirked and disappeared from Kevin’s sight. Then to the boy’s surprise, he tapped him on the other shoulder. The older vampire was now sitting on the other side of him. How he got there, Kevin didn’t know.


“Everything you believe is reality Kevin. Look beyond.” Kevin nodded and yawned. His eyes were fighting him for sleep and he was only remembering half of what Kiseop had said.


He didn’t remember how he’d gotten home, but he had. As soon as his head had hit the pillow he’d been out. And that night, he’d had a dream.




Kevin was sitting in the back seat of the moving car. His father was driving, his mother chatting happily. It had snowed earlier and a white blanket covered the Earth. It was night, but the stars and moon weren’t showing. They were hidden behind a thick mass of clouds, making the dark night even darker.


All Kevin remembered was his mother suddenly screaming and the car swerving off the road. It hit into a tree hard and the airbags went off, knocking the young boy senseless. His parents were pulled from the car, but he was left there. Then he heard it, the screaming.


            He immediately stumbled out of the car and into the woods. There, he watched. There were 3 of them. They smiled, and then cracked every bone in his mother’s body. She screamed helplessly and laid limp in the things arms. The same was done to his father. It filled Kevin’s ears with the terrible, terrible cracking. It was a sound that he’d never forget.


            Forever, it would haunt him. He watched as his parents were dry and torn limb from limb. They would’ve found him and killed him too, if that boy hadn’t been there. Kevin didn’t know where he’d come from, but he was there. He’d screamed at Kevin to run away and hide for his life.


            Kevin did what he was told wordlessly. He ran and ran until he couldn’t anymore. Then, he climbed a tree and sat there, every bone in his body quaking from fear. He hadn’t seen that boy again after that. What had happened to him? He wished he could thank him for saving his life. He hoped he was okay.


            It was unlikely, but possible he guessed. The creatures never found him. But they haunted him for life. Every shadow, every animal hiding in a bush, every meow of a stray cat scared him.


That morning Kevin woke up with a start. He was shivering, yet sweating and breathing hard. Kiseop suddenly walked into his expressionless room when he’d heard the boy awaken.


            He smiled, “Morning. You ok?” Kevin only had one thing to say.


            “I believe you.”

 Updates, updates yay! I hope you like this chapter guys!

Welcome all my new subbies and that's for all the awesome coments guys, you rock!

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Comment Replies

CrazedOctopus: Yay Kiseop saved him! I'm glad you like it dear~!!


Kakurine039: Hot hot hot yuss hotness overload >.< It's awesome you like the story!!!

SapphireMoon: Yay new reader! Welcome dear~~~ Thank you for subscribing and loving my story!!

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CrazyMofoKawaii #1
Hi, I've been reading your story and I think very very very beautiful, cute and I was wondering if you could post it wattpad, but in Spanish (Give you all credits). ♥♪
audrey0189 #2
Chapter 2: I really love how you made them as vampires in this fanfic!! You are one of the best writers ever!
StillMeadows #3
Chapter 9: That's a good plot twist. o.o It wasn't really out of the blue. You never want a plot twist out of the blue with no foreshadowing. Good job. ^^b
Chapter 8: OMG I love you from just your comment replies alone!!!! <3 I totally made Kevin a in my fic!!! No offense to Kevin but yeah.....he totally comes off that way. I'm gonna finish this fic tonight!!!! Love it!
Chapter 18: omg this is beautiful! :'D but sad that kevin's dead~
shall read to sequel next keke
thanks for the wonderful fic
that was amazing!
Its sooo sad that kevin actually died...
Well, this story reminded me of twilight
But... This love story was way better than that!
*thumbs up*
Wwooooww.. I think itnwould be kinda funny if hoon sang big bang's still alive. Btw, great story. My first time reading . I dont like , but yours is totally different! Daebak!