I just met a random rich guy

* Love Switch *

I work in the sushi place you know. I get good money so i could buy the things i want since mum arn't gonna buy anything for me. But i only work in the sushi place for part-time. The people that work there is really friendly, i really like them alot. they are like families to me. While making sushi rolls, a guy with such a handsome face ask me for some salmon sushi. I place them salmon sushi on a mini plate and place it on the sushi round about. He picked it up and took a bite and give me a shining smile.

''Mmmm'' he mumbled while chewing the salmon.

''Its delicious.. and its so smooth... like your skin..'' he flirted at me.

''erm thanks?'' i crunch my eyebrows and gave him a weird look then continue to do my work.

While he's still eating his sushis it was time , i get to go at 6:20. I stop what i was doing and wash my hands then untie my apron and hook it on the coat hook. 

''Bye guys'' i said my goodbye's to my close friends (the people who work there) and went out of the sushi resturant. As i was walking to somewhere, i felt like someone was following me. I turn around and found the guy who ate in the sushi resturant was following me. I gave him a weird look.

''yes?'' i said

''can i have your number?'' he ask me , winking his right eye.

''ill give you whatever you want!'' he continue

''whatever i want?..'' i ask him

''yeh..aslong you be my girlfriend..'' he smile in an angle.

''okay , buy me a car''

''so you're mine now right?''

''if you buy me a car then yes'' 

''okay, what car you want?''

''Bugatti veyron Super sports'' i replied

''em..wow you chose a pretty nice car there'' he answered

''ok, the price is pretty cheap , you should of thought of a more expensive car'' he smiled.

i linked his arm and went with him. 

''I wanna eat something expensive'' i told him cutely

''really?.. Most of them are cheap..''

''The stuff you eat''

''wagyu meat is pretty good in my opinion , wanna eat that then?''

''yeah'' i said quitely in suprise.

Wagyu meat is the most expensive cow meat in the world..

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