Teaser 2

Eternity : Nu'est [[ Apply Open ]]

Author's Pov

After their dance pratice, the Nu'est members felt extremely relaxed. 

"Hey hyung , what do you want to do?" Ren asked. Every member turned to look at the maknae. All of them blinked.

"Which hyung are you talking to?" Aron said pointing at everyone since all of the members were obviously older than the young maknae. Ren blinked and realized how his hyung interpreted the question. 

"I meant everyone..." Ren said looking at all of his hyungs.

Aron cleared his throat. "Well I had a thought, I wanted to go to a cafe and just chill. We haven't relaxed in a while, don't you think?" He said looking at the others. 

Minhyun and Baekho nodded in agreement. JR put his hand on his chin thinking about the option. On the contrary, Ren scrunches his nose in disapproval. "I want to go to the beach." He said. JR blinked and looked at the maknae coming up with a solution. After all, he is the leader even if he isn't the eldest. 

"How about Ren and I go to the beach while the rest of you go to the cafe? It'll be boring if our maknae has to go to the beach all alone. Right Ren?" JR said to him putting his arm around the younger's shoulder.

Minhyuk, Ren, Aron and Baekho nodded in approval. "Okay, let's go then!" JR said smiling and starts dragging Ren out the door. Getting dragged by the collar of his vest, Ren waved at the members. Minhyun, Aron and Baekho waved back smiling. 

"We should get going." Baekho said. Aron and Minhyun agreed and started their way out the door following JR and Ren. Walking outside of the building, Baekho, Aron and Minhyun decide to take a taxi to get to the cafe. On the way there, many things were talked about. One of the main topics was the new group that their company was debuting. NU'EST didn't even get the notice until the article came out about them. 

"The new girl has only one member revealed but I think she's really cute to be honest." Aron said. Minhyun nodded in agreement. "Eh, she's not my style. I like girls who have a stronger appearance." Baekho said grinning. 

"Are we walking there or taking the car?" Aron asked Minhyun and Baekho facing them. "What do you think?" Minhyun asked Baekho. "We should just take the car, I don't feel like walking there, too much work." Baekho answered. Clearly he was the laziest one within the members.

However he can also be the one with the most energy too. "Okay, who wants to drive? Aron, the rest of us are underage." Minhyun pointed out, laughing. Aron looked at him raising an eyebrow, "Okay fine. Since I'm the only one that CAN drive." He said walking out emphasizing on the 'can' .

Minhyun and Baekho looked at each other and laughed, "Wait up hyung!" Baekho called out. Aron ignored him and continued walking towards the door.

In the car on the way to the cafe, the three continued to talk about the new group their company was going to debut soon.

"I wonder who the rest of the group members are. We don't get to see them even though we're in the same company, our company sure is secretive about these things." Baekho pointed out. Minhyun nodded in agreement, "We didn't even know our company was debuting another group until the article came out about them." Aron added facing the road. 

They continued their conversation about the new group their company until Aron announced, "We're here! Let's go, kaja!" Minhyun and Baekho looked at each other and smiled, "Let's go! Finally some free time." Minhyun said happily.

Baekho agreed, "How long has it been since we've been alone without our manager?" He wonderd out loud. "Too long." Aron replied coming up from behind, putting his arms around Minhyun and Baekho's shoulders. They laughed and talked walking into the cafe. 

"Wait guys, does she look familiar to you or is it just me?" Minhyun said blinking and pointing his right index finger towards the center of the outdoor mini cafe.  

The figure that Minhyun pointed towards did look familiar to them in some way.

Baekho squinted his eyes to get a better view.

"She's really cute, where have I seen her? ..." Minhyun snapped his fingers. "I remember now! Park Soo Min, stage name Soomi. The girl from Eternity! Remember? " As if on cue, Soomi turned around and caught they guys' eyes staring at her. Recognition flashed through her eyes. 

Instead of Soomi getting up and greeting her sunbaes, they quickly ran other and greeted her.

"Annyeong Soomi. Sorry we didn't recognize you earlier." Minhyun said scratching the back of his neck. "Aniyo, it should have been my responsibility since I'm younger, oppa. Wait, can I call you oppa?" Soomi said with a questioning expression and gesture. Minhyun nods and smiles, "Of course, I would love it if you call me oppa. Oh, and this is Baekho and Aron. I'm Minhyun." Minhyun introduced the members. 

Soomi laughs and smiles, "I already know you guys, Shanghai boy." She said giggles and smiling. Minhyun's whole face brightens up a notch and they quickly jump into a conversation. Leaving the cafe a hour later, Soomi departed into a separate direction. "Bye guys~!" Soomi waved with a bright smile plastered on her face. The NU'EST members waved back and said bye.

Getting into the car with Aron driving once again, Minhyun speaks up, "I think she's too cute and I might like her ....." 

"Bwoh?!" Aron and Baekho literally shouted, turning to look at him.

Teaser chappieee ~

Hope you guys liked it ;_______; <3

I took forever to update, SORRY GUYS *bows 90 degrees*

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Chapter 10: Omgg! This was so adorablee! I especially loved JR;s playfulness and what happened at the dinner table :P
JojoHendrix53974 #2
Chapter 10: I liked the update! The kitchen scene was adorable! Looking forward to more~!
Chapter 9: Awwwww, I love the bond between Ellie and Soomi :D
It's so sweet to see a Dongsaeng, Unnie relationship <3
Can't wait till the other members are revealed :P
Chapter 1: Aigoo, these girls are so lucky >.< Treated like princesses ^.^
Congrats to XxAnGeLsVsDeViLsXx for being chosen ;D
Can't wait to see who else got accepted :)
Oh and I definitively wants some more romance ;P
Chapter 2: Omgg! Thank you for choosing me :D
Umm... Can I have the room with the black bed please :)
I applied :3 Hwating!!~ Good luck for all the people who applied too~
subbed for now~
will check out everything later. :D
I wonder when will the other members will be revealed. Getting excited :D Update!
Hehe, Soomi is soo sweet!!
Shanghai Boy!!
Someone is in love!!
Applied as Kim Eun Mi~!^^
Good Luck with the story! Hope you update soon :)
BTW My character adopted her surname from her brother...forgot to state that in my app...Sowwy! >.<