My Tutor

My Tutor

Daehyun had been staring at you for a long time. He was admiring your beauty in your solemn face. You, the two years older girl was just hired by his mother two weeks ago to be his personal tutor because he had failed all his subjects in school. He, who was a recluse, threw a huge rampage when he knew he will have a personal tutor. He hated to be around people. He was never comfortable when he needed to communicate with people. But this time was different. Or maybe it was you who was different. 

"So, this is how you get the x value, understand?" You raised your eyes only to meet a pair of single eyelid eyes, gazing intensively at you. "What?"
Smiling faintly at you, Daehyun shook his head. "Nothing." My goodness. Those eyes. 
You tilted you head. "Really? If you don't understand, I can explain again, you know?" You gave him a sincere smile. You didn't mind to explain the thing all over again because it was your job as the tutor. I need to be a responsible tutor! I'm not getting pay for nothing!
Daehyun scratched his head awkwardly and shook his head as if he was in pain. Aish! How could I stay calm when she smiles like that? I'm really going crazy here!
"Yah, are you okay?" You quickly stood up and went to the other side of the table. You firmly held his shoulders. "Are you in pain or something?" 
Daehyun's body shivered at your touches. His heart was beating crazily. You were so close that he could feel the heat of your body. He gulped down his saliva slowly. I'm seriously going to lose my mind! "Didn't I say I'm okay? Now, go back to your place! PLEASE!" He harshly pushed your hands away. Or else I don't know what I'll do.
You were astounded by his attitude. What is wrong with this kid? I thought he was a decent recluse but just now he was acting like a total jerk! You knew that he was not those people who enjoyed being around others but you had never thought that he would disrespect you as you were older than him. You stood up angrily. "Well, I'm just concerned about you! No need to be that rude to me! And in case if you forgot, I'm your noona! How could you raise your voice like that?" You walked back to her place and sat down angrily. You were really pissed off.
Crap! She's mad! I really lost it just now. But I didn't mean to do that. Aish! I don't know anymore! Should I apologize or not? He was in dilemma. Daehyun let out a sigh that worth for a year.
You pulled a long face. Your pride as a senior was hurt. You held up your book straight and started reading the words written on the pages with furrowed eyebrows. Stupid recluse! Talking informally and rude to his senior! I'm not talking to you until you apologize!
There was a long silence in his room after that. You were not talking to him anymore. He felt really guilty for making you upset. He rubbed the back of his neck multiple times. Why did I push her hands away at the first place? But if I didn't, I'm really going to lose myself.
Suddenly, Daehyun slowly stood up from his seat. Naturally, he stretched his numb body. "Argh! My back hurt so much from sitting too long! I think it's going to break! Argh! I'm worn out~" He was only pretending though. He took a glance at you. She didn't even move at all! Aish! This is harder than I thought.
Pathetic! You screamed in your heart. You kept on reading the book in front of you. Your anger hadn't subsided. How could he be worn out when he didn't even study? Stupid liar!
Hesitantly, Daehyun walked closer to you, step by step. He then sat down beside you when he reached your place. "~~~~~-ah," he called out your name and poked your shoulder.
You gripped your fist. This jerk! You couldn't take it anymore. You slammed the book on the table. "Yah! Who are you calling ~~~~~?! It's noona for you! Noona!" You were about to punch him in his face with your fist.
Whoa! I didn't know she could throw such tantrum! Daehyun was panicking inside. He was trying to make the situation to normal not worse. "Then, ~~~~~ noona. Is that okay?" Daehyun said politely. "~~~~~ noona."
The furrow between your eyebrows started to disappear. You dropped your fist when he started to address you correctly. "That's better. It's not a hard thing to do, right?"
Daehyun nodded fervently. "~~~~~ noona, I'm sorry for being rude to you just now. I just had something in my mind that made me reacted that way. I'm really sorry. Would you forgive me?" He apologized sincerely. To be honest, he was looking at your forehead when he apologized because he didn't have the courage to look into your eyes. 
Your heart softened at his words. You felt bad, too. You shouldn't be like that. You should be a mature senior so that you could be a good role model for him. "It's okay. Don't worry. Should we continue our study then?" Your lips curved into a smile. Seriously. What've gotten into me just now? I shouldn't bring a bad reputation to the female generation.
Damn! That smile again! Aish! Really! "Noona, please don't smile like that again or I'll really go crazy," he silently mumbled under his breath while he tried to avert his eyes to elsewhere but your face.
"What? What did you say just now?" You asked him because you couldn't hear him at all just now. Why is he talking to himself?
Daehyun let out a brief sigh. "Nothing. Nothing. Nothing." He repeated his answer.
You raised your eyebrows obviously puzzled. "Is that so? Then, let's continue then." Your eyes were back on the textbook.
As if a bulb had ignited, a brilliant idea came to Daehyun's mind. It was a mischievous idea yet it might get him closer to you, his dearest tutor. It might work! "Yes! Let's continue but let's change the revision style." It's now or never.
You were surprised by his sudden suggestion. You turned to face him again and tried to read his face but you couldn't read anything at all. "Change the revision style? How?"
A mischievous smirk appeared on his face. "Written Quiz." Please agree with this! Please!
"Written Quiz?" You thought about it for a moment. You then nodded at the idea as you found that the idea was a good suggestion. After all, quizzes always test on how much one understand a particular subject. "Yeah, we can do that."
You grew restless at his word. "But what?"
The smirk didn't disappear from his face. "Let's do it with a penalty."
You furrowed your eyebrows. "What penalty? Is this even a quiz? I'm out." You shook your head. You didn't want to continue with such childish thing. A quiz is a quiz. But what's with the penalty? Ridiculous.
"Coward," he blurted out, challenging you.
"Wh-Tsk!" You scoffed at his words. "Coward?"
Daehyun shrugged his shoulders. "Am I wrong then?"
"Yah!" You slowly gripped your fist. "I am not a coward. What's the penalty then?" 
Gotcha! Daehyun screamed silently in his heart. "Okay. The rule is simple. It'll be a written quiz of five questions. If I answer wrongly for one question, noona can tell me to do anything you want."
Hearing the rule made you laughed in your heart. I will win this. Without doubts.
"But…" he continued. 
Your excitement died at the simple word. "But again?" There's more?
Daehyun gave you another smirk. "But if I get all of the questions correctly, for each of the question, noona must let me do anything I want." 
Your eyes dilated at the other half of the rule. His voice even sent chill to your spine. Why does he sound so confident with this? Yet you were confident that you won't lose to the younger boy.
"So? Are you chickening now?" Daehyun challenged you again.
“NO WAY!” You grabbed your pen and pointed it to him. "You want it? You got it!" You opened the math text book and your fast eyes quickly selected a few of math questions. As if the victory was yours even before the quiz started, you smirked. He could never get this right. You placed the textbook on the table. Using your pen, you pointed to the questions. "Answer these 5 questions then."
Daehyun looked at the textbook and looked back at you. Hard questions you'd given him. Daehyun scoffed with amusement in his heart. You were so hard to get and that made him want to win over you more. I will win this. He clicked on his mechanical pencil before he started reading the questions.
You were astounded. You had never seen him being so serious doing any homework before. More surprisingly, you were overwhelmed by the seriousness of his face. You unconsciously formed a smile. It was quite refreshing to see him like this. Noticing your unusual thought, you shook your head. What the heck am I thinking?
His eyes carefully scanned the questions one by one. He was all smiling when he finished reading the questions and started to write something in a blank paper.
Your eyes widened at the view. He's writing down the answers now? No way! He couldn't possibly do the questions! For some reasons, your confidence level decreased. You immediately shook the thought away. No, his answers must be wrong! No way would he get all the answers correctly! Just no way!
Time passed swiftly. 
"Finished!" Daehyun cried out after just 8 minutes. He held out the paper to you. "Here. Check it."
He only used less than 2 minutes to answer the questions?! You slowly swallowed your saliva. Nervously, you reached for the paper. Your palm was sweating. "Th- That was fast," you muttered. 
Daehyun had both of his elbows on the table and placed his face on his palms. "Check it now, noona," he said faintly while he had his eyes stuck on your face. 
You were not going to lie to yourself. You felt as if electricity struck your body when you heard his faint words. Your heart was beating crazily. Red liquids climbed up your cheeks, making you lowered your head so that he couldn't see that blushing of yours. "I'm- I'm going to check it now."
You placed the paper on the table and started checking the answers. You took a red pen out from your pencil case. 
Daehyun found your reaction was so funny. "Noona, your hand is shaking," he teased you.
You gripped your pen tightly. "I AM NOT!" You denied it. But it was the truth. Your hand was shaking. You couldn't even control it. Damn! Why am I so nervous?
Your eyes dilated even more and your breathing quickened as you went through the answers. You were done marking the paper. You were obviously having a huge shock from marking the answers. You put down the red pen. WHAT ON EARTH?! You couldn't believe your eyes. You glanced at the boy. How could this possibly be happening? Was he playing dumb all this time? Unbelievable! 
"Done?" Daehyun asked you after he noticed you placed down the red pen. He was nervous as well. Did I win this?
Weakly, you nodded your head. This is just ridiculous. Really. Just ridiculous.
"Really?" Daehyun was all excited that he just snatched the paper from you. Quickly, his eyes went through the marking swiftly. His eyes enlarged with amazement. He stood up abruptly. "I got them all correct! I got them all correct! I did it! I won! Woohoo!" He shouted happily.
You slapped her forehead. I don't believe this. How could he answer all of them correctly? "Yah! You cheated, didn't you?!" You raised your voice at him.
Daehyun stopped jumping around. "Pardon me?!"
"You cheated, didn't you?! There's no way you got them all correct!" You said angrily. 
Daehyun scoffed at your words. "Well, excuse me, miss, you were the one who gave the questions to me. How could I possibly know the answer beforehand?"
You couldn't say anything more. He was right. You were the one who gave him the questions. You picked them randomly, too. "Aish~ I don't know anymore! Okay. You win, okay? You win. Do as you like then," you unwillingly declared your defeat.
Hearing your statement, Daehyun's heart raced. I won. I can do anything I want now. He massaged the back of his neck nervously. Slowly, he walked to your direction and sat down closely to you.
You were taken aback by his weird actions. You shifted uncomfortably at his closeness. "What are you up to now?"
Daehyun only gave you a half smile. He brought his lips near your right ear. "It's time for the penalty," he whispered.
As if winter had struck your body, you froze. His words were simple yet they were powerful enough to make your heart stopped for a second. He was physically very close to you. No. Too close actually. You wanted to say something but nothing escaped from your throat. 
"Noona…" The boy breathed against your ear again. "No. ~~~~~ "
Warm air your face. You could hear the saliva swallowing sound of his. You wanted to get out from the room but your body didn't cooperate with your brain. Damn it! My body is not listening to me!
Suddenly, you felt a foreign warmness on your right cheek. From the corner of your eyes, you were thunderstruck when you saw his lips were in contact with your porcelain cheek. You wanted to push him away but your hands won't even listen to your brain anymore. Wh- What is going on here?!
His lips left your cheek. Now, he was staring right into your eyes. He knew that you were in a big shock but he won't let the chance slipped away. "That was for the first question."
First question? What the heck? This is his penalty?! You eyes went round. You were getting anxious yet you couldn't even move your body. You could only blink your eyes.
Daehyun moved his face closer to yours again. Slowly, he grazed his lips against your left cheek before planting a kiss on it. Staring deep into her eyes again after the peck, "Second," he breathed against your lips.
You were blushing like crazy at the second peck. Quickly, you bit your lower lip to hide your trembling lips. You were close to tears yet you didn't know why. Oh my gosh! Is this really happening?
"~~~~~," Daehyun muttered your name against your lips again. He eyed those lips of yours intensely. Pink. Good gosh… 
"Dae- Dae-" You stuttered. You didn't know that calling his name was too hard at the moment, especially when he was basically devouring you with his eyes. He's calling me ~~~~~ again. This jerk!
Daehyun smirked at your nervousness. "Dae what? Huh? Dae what?"
He was teasing you. Red colour bloomed on your cheeks when you felt his warm breaths on your lips over and over again. "St- sto-"
Before you could finish your stuttering word, Daehyun had covered your mouth with his. It was a swift peck yet he could feel himself shuddering at the taste of your lips. "The third one." 
You were flabbergasted. What the heck happened just now? Am I imagining things? Did he just kiss me on the lips? You stared at Daehyun for a long time before that smirk on his face confirmed the kiss just now. Holy crap! That was my first kiss!
Daehyun's breath became heavy. His chest went up and down rapidly. Slowly, he found the courage to cup your face with his right hand. "~~~~~-ah… I-"
Swiftly, your tears ran down your cheeks. You were terrified to find the boy's hand caressing your face. You wanted to run but your body was numb there. "Dae- hyun…" You finally managed to call his name. "St- stop…" You stuttered your word.
Daehyun smiled faintly at you, his beautiful tutor. "I'm sorry but I can't hear you," he said, obviously lying. The feeling of guilty rushed over him when he felt your tears ran over the back of his right hand. You were scared, he knew. 
"You know," He bit his lower lip, showing that he was nervous as well."I've always wanted to do this." His lips leaned closer to yours. Slowly, his and yours lower lips were connected and there went the fourth kiss.
You shut your eyes tightly when you felt his soft lips on yours. Your tears keep on falling for you didn't know what to do. The kiss was intimidating but surprisingly not harsh. 
His eyes were tightly shut as well. He didn't need to see your face for your face was already stuck on his mind. He could picture you perfectly in his head. Those dark chocolate eyes, that perfectly sculptured nose, those porcelain cheeks, those pink lips. Everything about you were simply breathtaking. But your beautiful features were nothing as compared to your beautiful soul. Nothing was more fascinating than to see how passionate you were when you pay full attention while doing your works.
Your lips left each other again when Daehyun broke the kiss. He opened his eyes only to meet those teary eyes of yours. He gulped nervously. "Fourth," he simply said.
Not a single word escaped from your mouth as you were powerless in the situation. Confused, resented, and scared. You stared at him with trembling lips. Your tears won't stop falling. You didn't know how to react to the situation. You filthy-shameless-erted jerk! You wanted to shout those words at the younger boy but you just couldn't find the strength to do so when you saw those eyes of his. Those eyes were not harsh nor contained with lust. It was rather a gaze full of warm affection. 
Daehyun gave you a small smile before he wiped your tears off with his thumbs. He then trailed the line of your lower lip using his right thumb. "Don't cry, ~~~~~-ah."
You were blushing endlessly at his touches. You wanted to punch the young boy in his face very much for making you like this. You were really lost in this situation. Even your bright mind couldn't register what was happening at the time.
Addicted, Daehyun eyed your lips again with his chopped breaths. He put your foreheads together and your noses touched. He nuzzled his nose against yours. Your lips and his were just an inch away from each other. This is the last one, he deeply thought. 
Again, you felt his lips pressing into yours. Surprisingly, it was not scary any more. It was as if you got used to his lips. Those plump and soft lips of his. His warm breaths caressed your bare face. Fluttered, you close your eyes again. Your hand instantly clutched onto his shirt when you felt his tongue grazed against your lips, making them parted from each other, only to allow him to deepen the kiss. And you were pretty sure that a weird sound just escaped from your own throat.
Groaning, Daehyun's left hand skillfully slid to your waist and wrapped it firmly as he pressed his body into yours slowly. The warmness of your body alone was enough to drive him crazy. He was exploring the warmness of your mouth deeper and deeper as he made you breathless against him.
You wanted to open your eyes so badly but you couldn't. Your eyes felt so heavy and your head was spinning. You felt so weak in his embrace and you hated yourself for that. How could you let a younger boy kissing you like that? You couldn't breathe and felt suffocated emotionally. You made little punches on his chest, hoping that he would let you go. You needed to take your breaths.
Selfishly, Daehyun ignored your girly punches. Instead, he moved your hand from his chest to his shoulder. He felt your nails sunk into his shoulder and he grunted in pain. Weird enough, he liked the way it hurt. He loved the pain that you were giving him. And he couldn't seem to get enough of you. He wanted you more and more at the same time. Damn it, ~~~~~! You're a freaking drug!
A minute later, Daehyun tore the kiss and he felt both of your breaths crashing into each other. The last kiss was a pure bliss. It might not be his first kiss but he swore that he won't ever forget the feeling of kissing you. He slowly opened his eyes; trying to take the first look at the girl he liked the best after the long kiss. The sight surprised him and he softened immediately. 
You were staring straight into his eyes, expecting to get an answer from him. Your eyes were soaked with tears and you could feel your plump lips still beating from the last kiss. Your chin was trembling, threatening to cry again. Never before you felt so helpless in your life. You just wanted to scream at the younger boy's face and cry your heart out but you couldn't. 
In a flash, your petite body was in his warm arms again. He knew you were angry at him and at the same time afraid. Guiltiness rushed over him. He knew that his plan might have gone too far but he never thought of scaring you. He tucked your head under his chin. He pressed his lips against the crown of your head. "I'm sorry."
You could hear his heart was thumping against his chest. You really wanted to beat the crap out of the boy for stealing your first kiss and hugging you like it was a natural thing to do. You were seriously mad but you couldn't find the strength to resist his embrace nor to scold him. "Why?" You finally opened your mouth.
"Why what?" Daehyun caught the word instantly. The word sounded calm but he knew it held serious meaning behind it.
"You planned all this, didn't you? You know that you will nail the quiz, didn't you?"You asked, frighteningly calm. You slowly inhaled your breath. "So, why?"
Daehyun nervously swallowed in the water in his mouth. The calmness in your voice sent real chills to his spine. He knew that you were so furious. It was the scary side of you. "It's just…" Damn it! I'm shaking here!
"Just what?" You asked again. You squirmed in his arms and escaped from his embrace. You sat straightly in front of him with your cheeks still wet from her tears. Your eyes were solemn. You were waiting for his explanation.
Daehyun held back his hands to his side when the warmness of your body finally left him. He really owed you a reasonable explanation. Hissing, he rubbed the back of his neck. "It's just that-" he paused.”I like you," he finally confessed. "I like you a lot."
Your eyes dilated at his explanation or should you say a confession? You clasped a hand over your mouth. From the expression on his face, you knew you heard that right. You couldn't decipher the situation. "So, it wasn't a prank?" 
Awkwardly, Daehyun scratched his cheek. "No," he simply replied. "What kind of prank involves kissing?"
You clasped your other hand on top of the other. Holy crap! Is this jerk serious?! What do I do now? You never encounter such incident before so you were clueless. Never before you had experience on this love thingy. Your eyes were all over the place, trying to find a good reply. Finally, you decided to back yourself off from the boy further. Damn! I need to get out from here!
Noticing your small movements, he grabbed onto your wrist quickly, making you froze on your spot. "Please." His lowered eyes flashed hurt. "Don't go." He weakly let go of your wrist. "Please."
You couldn't help but to stare at his hurtful eyes. Your heart softened at the sight. Daehyun...
He took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "I don't like people easily and people don't like me either," Daehyun opened his mouth again. He brought his eyes to meet yours. "But I like you a lot. I really like you a lot." His eyes didn't lie and his lips curved into a faint smile. "I want to have someone special by my side and…" He looked at you again. "I want to be special to someone, too." I want you.
You were so bewildered. This was your first time meeting a guy who was so opened about his feelings. Can a man be like this? Your heart beat loudly, making you even more confused. Seeing his grimace face, your heart ached because you had never seen a person with such emotion in his expression. For some reasons, seeing that expression of him made you wanted to make him the happiest person ever. Worse, your heart made a decision. A sudden decision. 
Daehyun's eyes widened when he noticed the same warmness returned to his skin. You were holding his hand and you had a smile plastered on your face. His eyes widened so much at the view. It was that same sincere smile from before. What even…
You had this determined look in your eyes. You were biting your lower lip and rosy colours crept onto your cheeks. "I'm… Uh…" You lightly squeezed his hand. "I'm willing to give us a chance!" You cried out. Aish! What am I thinking?!
Daehyun felt as if an astral light had shine over his dark clouds. His heart started to beat crazily again. Hope grew in his heart. "You wh-“His hand held yours this time. "You what?" Is this the silver lining on my cloud that I’ve been waiting for?
You blushed harder when he held your hand. "Let's give us a try." Your voice faded at the end but loud enough to be heard by Daehyun. You weren't kidding. You meant every word that came out from your mouth. Once your words were spoken, you would hold onto them. This time was no exception too. "After all, you need to be responsible for my first kiss," you tried to joke. A funny feeling was blossoming from the core of your heart.
Hearing your sincere statements, Daehyun was blushing hard for the first time in his life. "Thank you," he thanked you. "Thank you, my tutor."
Your eyes dilated almost instantly when you saw the rarest thing of the day. His lips broke into a wide smile. A recluse who never smile in front of anyone before was smiling happily, sincerely in front of you. And at that time, you could swear that you have seen the most beautiful and sincerest smile in the whole world. And you knew that you would not regret your decision. At least not for now.
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mysoulisstarving #1
Chapter 1: OMG!! this is so awesome!! you got me shaking. gosh!! *off to read the next one*
Chapter 1: I love this so so so much !!!!!! ugh .
I can't say anything more ~
Super adorable and cute! :D
smartkitty0410 #6
Ahh~ This was the best story about Daehyun yet!