What could he do?

I'm Not Who You Think I Am


What did I just do?

I blew up in ___’s father’s face and ruined my chances with ___, but I don’t regret what I did. Hell, I’d gladly do it again!

The only thing I regret is not fighting hard enough, but if ___ felt the same way she’d fight for me.


But a man could dream, and I dreamt of ___ everyday.

I accompanied Suho onto campus not listening to his droning words of comfort that I’ve already heard from my mother.

“Are you even listening to me, Luhan?” Suho stopped while he placed a hand on my shoulder.

“No, not really.” I sighed and looked at Suho with a assuring smile, “Don’t worry about me and go to your girlfriend.”

I pushed him away playfully and waved to him as he hesitantly made his way towards the library. I wasn’t going to ruin everyone else’s happiness with my sulking. Once I was alone, I could bathe in my own self pity without caring what everyone thought.

I’ve decided to leave ___ alone.  I’m not going to be a bother to her when it’s proven hopeless that my chances with her are over. I trudged my way to class getting their a little late when I noticed that someone had taken my seat. I timidly walked over to my seat and stood over the person that sat there, “Excuse me, but that’s my seat.”

___ looked up and pulled out the seat beside her, “Mind if I sit here for today?”

I smirked a bit and took the seat next to ___. The air between us was lighter as each time I glanced at ___ a smile adorned her face while there was sparkle in her eyes that just glowed with happiness. Her contagious smile had me smiling with her as the class zoomed by all too quickly.

Both of us took our time packing up our things taking the occasional peek at each other when ___ finally stood up and sighed, “Do you always take this long?”

I looked up at her and shook my head, “There is definitely something wrong with you today, ___.”

I got up from my seat and walked down the aisle towards the door not waiting for ___ when she called out, “Wait…”

___ grabbed hold of my hand and stared at me timidly, “Can we talk?”


The light mood that surrounded us earlier died down quickly and this time anticipation filled the air as we sat together at one of the benches outside of the campus. I looked around at the other students that walked the campus trying to preoccupy my mind with thoughts other than what ___ was going to say.

“After you left yesterday, my father was a little more than upset about your visit…” ___ chuckled dryly as she fiddled with the ring on her finger.

“If you’re looking for an apology, I don’t have one for you.” I replied fighting the urge to look at her.

“I don’t want an apology…But I do want you to tell me something.” ___ placed her hand on top of mine causing me to turn my head to finally meet her glance. She took her hand away from mine and sighed, “Is everything you said true?”

“Every word…” I said confidently still not looking at her because I know the moment I do is the moment I lose my sanity.

“Then can you at least look at me while I’m talking to you, Luhan.”

I turned towards her slowly keeping my eyes fixated on her hands that rested on her lap. She lifted one of them up and gently placed it on my shoulder giving it a comforting squeeze, “No guy has ever ventured near my house let alone face my father like you did.”

“But does it make a difference? Did I make a difference, ___? It’s not like you like me anyways right? It’s not like you’re allowed to date now.” I took her hand off of my shoulder and looked off to the side avoiding her eyes.

“Who said I didn’t like you?”

“You did after our date; you said you didn’t want to date me.” I argued back as I crossed my arms.

“Just because I said I didn’t want to date you doesn’t mean I don’t like you Luhan. Did you not hear what I told you before that? I said I wasn’t supposed to date you because my parents won’t let me date, I thought you figured that out?”

“Well, I don’t look that deep into things. If you liked me you should have just said so.” I pouted a bit as ___ chuckled.

“Who are you Luhan? One minute you’re this heated guy with emotions and another minute you’re so shy. What happened to the suave Luhan that all the girls on campus raved about?”

“He died a long time ago. What’s left is just me, I guess.”

“Well, whoever you are at the moment…I just want to say that I do like you and that I’m very touched by what you did yesterday.” ___ gaze lowered to her hands as a blush crept onto her cheeks.

I reached out and touched her cheek brushing her hair back keeping my focus on her face as ___ looked up to meet my gaze and smiled, “I like you too, ___.”

___ bursted into a laughing fit as she leaned into me her head resting on my chest. I held my hands up unsure if I should hug her when she lifted her head and calmed down.

“What’s so funny?” I tilted my head to the side and watched her as her lips trembled wanting to burst out laughing again, “Nothing it’s just…You have no idea what I’m feeling right now.”

“I bet I have an idea of what it is.” I patted her hair and let out a chuckle of my own.

I felt light headed…In a good way. My heart was racing to the point it felt like it was going to pop any second. My stomach was filled with newly hatched butterflies that tickled the walls of my insides while heat crept to every part of my body sending most of it to my face and ears. Goosebumps formed on my arms as ___ touched my skin while shivers ran down my spine as ___ looked into my eyes.

“Luhan…My father still won’t change his mind. I’m not allowed to date you.” ___ admitted sadly as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and leaned my head on top of hers, “We’ll think of something. I’m not going to let you go this time.”

___ wrapped her arm around mine and cuddled up closer to me.

What could her father possibly do to us that could separate us?






YOU know the drill



I'll still be working on Baekhyun's story and my other stories too....slowly....

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Queenka94 #1
Chapter 6: Fluffy unicorns?? I want some too....... :3 lol
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 16: Cuteeeee. I'm fangirling so much right now
batrishya #3
Chapter 10: Lol luhan tried opening the marker's cap on the wrong side
batrishya #4
Chapter 7: OMG they kissed so haaaaaaaaa~ cant stop fangirling lol * ~ *
Chapter 1: Aww I really like how Su Ho and HanEul are mentioned here haha~
Chapter 7: Haha omg I caught the whole "good to women" vs "good with women" part! And how did they not realize the difference between a kiss on the lips and cheek? Lol. But for the sake of the story let's go with it.
Chapter 16: so sweet. nice story authornim
the story is awesome authornim!
joyceebuzz #9
Chapter 16: Waaah I love this story so much. It short but it is just filled with FLUFF! :3 ahhaha and the ending was just too funny. Great job author-nim. And I just want to say that i love your GIFs!!!! :))))