Facing Fears

I'm Not Who You Think I Am


“You should come to the library with me, Luhan.” Suho offered as we walked together onto campus.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him, “No thanks. I’m in no mood to be around you and your girlfriend.”

“No, I really think you should come with me.” Suho repeated himself as he roughly grabbed my backpack and pulled me in the direction of his favorite place.

I was in no mood to fight back, so I reluctantly let him drag me to his sacred place. I stumbled on the steps a few times as he hurried up them without giving a thought that he was dragging me roughly, “Suho!”

“Shh,” He hushed me as we walked through the doors and let go of my bag, “Be quiet.”

I shot him a look and fixed my clothes as we entered the library when at the very back at one of the tables sat the person I was planning on avoiding today. ___ sat with HanEul, Suho’s girlfriend, talking intently when HanEul left ___ and came to me and Suho.

“Good luck, oppa!” HanEul patted my shoulder as she linked arms with Suho.

“For what?” I asked as I raised a brow and shot Suho a look, “You are going to talk to her right?”

Ha! Not after last time we talked.

“No I’m not.” I hissed back as HanEul shot me a look, “Go and talk to her, luhan! Straighten out the misunderstanding and tell her how you feel!”

Oh of course…Just because it worked out for you, you think it’s going to work for me…Yeah I tried that already and where did I end up….Rejected.

“Just try.” Suho patted my shoulder and walked out of the library with his girlfriend.

I sighed heavily and turned around to see ___ still sitting at the table with books sprawled everywhere. She was busy…I’ll just come back later then.

I turned around to see that Suho and HanEul were standing near the door blocking my one and only exit…

I smiled at them and sheepishly turned around to face my doom. Occasionally looking back to see if my escape route was clearly only to find that it was still be guarded.

I rolled my eyes at their childish behavior and slowly made my way to ___ . Each step increased my heartbeat while each heartbeat sent my stomach turning.

I stood only a few feet behind her when my feet carried me in the opposite direction down one of the aisles only to hide in fear.

Fear of what? I don’t know, but ___ scared me.

I mindlessly looked at the bookshelf trying to seem like I knew what I was doing when another person came down the aisle and stood beside me giving me a slap at the back of my head. I looked down at HanEul as she shot me a WTF look, “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m looking for a book.” I whispered softly and picked out a book.

“Yeah, whatever! Why aren’t you talking to ___?” she hissed back and motioned her arm to where ___ was at.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked farther away from ___ when HanEul  pulled me back by my bag…That’s it no more backpacks around this couple.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

“Too look for more books…” HanEul pulled me back when I successfully freed myself and ran down the adjacent aisle only to meet my fate.

___ stood there putting books away when she turned to me slightly. I stood frozen in my spot hearing the soft snickers from HanEul to my left through the shelves as she swiftly walked away. I was left alone to face the thing I’ve been meaning to avoid. I had nowhere to run.


Just the sound of her voice saying my name was heartbreaking. It was bittersweet really. The shock and nervousness combined into one word had me lose all feeling of pride and replaced it with hurt.

“Hey.” I croaked out my voice cracking a bit as I turned to the shelves as well just to avoid her soft gaze.

My hands ran up and down books pretending to look for something when I finally built up the courage to say something else. I lifted my head and turned to where ___ stood only to find her spot empty. She was gone.

I looked around and walked out of the aisle to see her leaving the library. I closed my eyes and slammed my hand into the bookshelf causing some of the books to topple over and have the attention of everyone in the room turn to me. I shoved my book into the shelf and swiftly made my exit.

I lost my chance to talk to her. I lost her because I hesitated. But just because I lost her didn’t mean I wasn’t going to find her again. She could run and hide all she wanted too, but there was one place I knew she’d always come back too.



Was what I was about to do the right thing to do? Am I risking my life?


Definitely yes…

I decided to walk straight into the pits of my own hell, the one place I never dreamed of going this early into the game.

I could feel the darkness emit from the pits of my soul, dancing around me, mocking me as I neared my destination.

Every past relationship.

Every date.

Every girl.

Every sin that I’ve committed flashed through my mind, mocking me with its sinister laugh.

My reputation couldn’t help me now.

My sweet smile and cute face wasn’t going to work this time…

I stood at the door hesitantly lifting my shaking hand to the doorbell and pushing the button.

I stood there for the longest seconds of my life as the door slowly opened.

This was it.

“Hello sir, my name is Luhan and If you don’t mind, I’d like to speak with you about your daughter, ___.”


hehehe until next time my lovelies...



EXO needs to have their hair up like this all the time!!! 




More shameless advertising hehe

Recipe for A Disastrous Love Story 


For all you Kai lovers...




Oh and on another side note, just out of curiousity how did you guys find my stories? 

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Queenka94 #1
Chapter 6: Fluffy unicorns?? I want some too....... :3 lol
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 16: Cuteeeee. I'm fangirling so much right now
batrishya #3
Chapter 10: Lol luhan tried opening the marker's cap on the wrong side
batrishya #4
Chapter 7: OMG they kissed so haaaaaaaaa~ cant stop fangirling lol * ~ *
Chapter 1: Aww I really like how Su Ho and HanEul are mentioned here haha~
Chapter 7: Haha omg I caught the whole "good to women" vs "good with women" part! And how did they not realize the difference between a kiss on the lips and cheek? Lol. But for the sake of the story let's go with it.
Chapter 16: so sweet. nice story authornim
the story is awesome authornim!
joyceebuzz #9
Chapter 16: Waaah I love this story so much. It short but it is just filled with FLUFF! :3 ahhaha and the ending was just too funny. Great job author-nim. And I just want to say that i love your GIFs!!!! :))))