Only Tears

Only Tears
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"My dad told me to never see you again," Miyoung looked from her feet to Myungsoo who was also looking down.

They were both leaning on each side of the door frame of Myungsoo's bedroom door. They have been standing there for quite a while in silence until Miyoung spoke up.

"Let's stop this then," Myungsoo suggested.

This angered Miyoung. She said it because she wanted him to fight for their love but he's doing the exact opposite. They locked eyes for a brief second and Miyoung shed a tear instantly. Myungsoo looked away from his girlfriend unable to look at her in the eyes.

Miyoung sniffed but then nodded, "If that's what you want...."

She stood straight then gazed at Myungsoo's face for a moment but he never did meet her eyes. Instead, he was looking at the lit lamp beside his bed. Miyoung finally walked to the couch and got her coach purse. She opened it and took out an infinite heart pendant. She walked back to Myungsoo and held out the pendant.

"I don't own this anymore then," she said with a shaky voice.

Myungsoo took the pendant and stared at it in his hands. Miyoung walked to the front door of his apartment then looked back one more time at Myungsoo. He still didn't look at her. His eyes were only concentrated on the pendant in his hands. With one last tear that fell, Miyoung opened the door and left.

Hearing the door closed, a teardrop hit the pendant and Myungsoo clenched the pendant on his hands as he slid down to the floor.

Mianhe, Miyoung-ah. It's for the best.

Myungsoo finally shed all his tears. He propped his knees up and buried his head in between. Hours passed and he felt groggy. Dinner was the last thing in his mind and so is changing clothes. He stood up and walked like a zombie to his bed. He let himself fall on the soft mattress and in a matter of minutes he passed out.

~*~*~* (Please listen to the song it helps with the mood) 


 The blinding, bright sunshine shoot through the huge window across from Myungsoo's bed making him squint when he opened his eyes.

"Myungsoo-ah, wake up!" that soft, familiar voice whispered to Myungsoo.

It took a while for him to adjust to the bright lights but when he did, he saw no other than Miyoung on top of him smiling brighter than the sunshine.

"I thought I had to use the ultimate weapon to wake you up again but it's good that I don't have to," Miyoung grinned.

Myungsoo's lips curved up, "You know what will happen if you do that, right?"

Miyoung's hands that were on either side of Myungsoo's head quickly covered as she gasped. She was now sitting on Myungsoo's lap while Myungsoo sat up. His smile turned into an evil smirk as he pulled her wrist to get her hands off .

"But—but I didn't do it," Miyoung tried to stop Myungsoo who was now fully awake.

In one swift move, Myungsoo was now pinning Miyoung down on the bed. His hand pinning both her wrist on either side of her head.

"I know you didn't. But you reminded me of it," Myungsoo said, "So you get punishment for reminding me of it." He leaned down closer to her lips with only an inch of space left. "But then again, I don't think this is punishment at all."

With every move of his lips, it brushes onto hers and she can't help but feel that tingling feeling that never gets old. Myungsoo finally closed the distance and kissed her gently. Once gentle grew rapid and passionate. Miyoung could barely keep up and having his hands pinning her wrist wasn't helping at all.

Myungsoo finally pulled out to let her catch her breath as he fondled his pockets for the thing that have been sitting there since last night. He grabbed a hold of it and took it out of his grey sweat pant's pocket. There dangling on his left hand was a necklace with a infinite heart pendant. Miyoung's orbs widened at the sight of the necklace in front of her.

"Myungsoo.... you didn't have to. I know it's already hard for you to keep up with the payments—"

"Sshh," Myungsoo put his index finger over his closed lips. "Anything's worth it if it's for you." He put it around her neck then examined her with it. "Perfect."

Miyoung ran her fingers through the pendant then smiled, "Thanks, Myungsoo."

Myungsoo returned the smile, "This heart," he pointed at the pendant, "is my heart. Since you captured my heart, you have to keep it."

Miyoung felt blood rush through her cheeks giving it a rosy pink color.

(what happened above is Myungsoo's dream but it really did happen)

~*~*~*~* (Please listen to the song it helps with the mood) 

Myungsoo's head moved up a bit and he looked around the room. The sun was shining bright but not as bright as when she was beside him.

Bzzzz. Bzzzzzz. Bzzzzzz.

He heard his phone vibrating under his pillow so he groggily picked it up and answered it as

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Chapter 1: So sad!!!!
Why did it have to be so sad...!!! I'm sobbing a lot here why uou do that.. But still it was well written but i wish it was more happy..?? But still good ^^v
TT^TT this is so sad... you write it really wellllllll!!!
qsnow94 #4
my tears keep rolling..sob sob..
--minyoungiie #5
darn,give me a gun or somthing,IM sooo gonna kill MyungMyung's manager!aish!The story was daebk!Tears literally fell,!!hhu,poor MyungMyung!
Myungsoo~~~ poor him.. i was about to cry reading the last part, your story really beautiful.. *wiped my tears*
Waaaaaaaaaa ~
Myungsooooo :((
T___T ♥ it's so saaaaad. And I like your choices of the song :') fits the story very well. Saranghae author-nim! *throws hearts* LOOOL.