Congrats on Your Engagement



Your POV

Himchan smiles at me widely as he kisses me on the lips again and goes back to his seat.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I invited some people for dissert.”

“Huh who?”

I hear the running sounds of three young children and a loud group chasing after them.

I turn around to see my girls standing behind me and I guessed I missed Ae Sook running with them. They are all wearing lovely dresses.

Yongguk comes up to us and lifts his eyebrow, “So?”

I lift up my hand to show they the beautiful engagement ring that Himchan got me.

“Wow I know you got her a beautiful ring Hyung but that’s way more than I thought you’d get for her.”

I nod my head, “I know that’s why I’lll be the one to pick out the wedding bands.”

Before eh can protest I give him a kiss.

“Himchan you realize our friends and family are here to celebrate with us and yet there’s not enough room.”

He nods his head and calls over a waiter… Sadly, I think we’re giving our waiter a wonderful work out today.

They pull over two more tables so the guys and the little ones can eat with us. Himchan and I are sitting across from each other with two girls on either side of us. Kendal and Ae Sook are on my side; well Crystal and Serah are sitting by Himchan.

I hear a voice call my name I turn around to see Bobby. I smile at him as I quickly stand up and rush into his arms.

“Appa,” I call out to him and he hugs me tightly.

I was surprised when Himchan called me and asked if he could marry you. he told me he even told your biological father to tell him the news. He didn’t’ seem to care. I told him I’d be honored to have him part of my family. When I said that he invited me to come to I guess what he calls his celebration for having you say yes.

I nod my head, “I know cocky fellow isn’t he. How could he have guessed I’d say yes?

It’s cause the two of you are in love that he was able to believe strongly you would.

I nod my head and take Bobby over to the table by the arm. I have him sit by Crystal. Where she gladly said she’d try to translate. Such a hard job for a young girl.

Our waitress comes back and is handed a camera and she smiles, “Ahh, I’ll video tape this for you.”

Himchan smiles at him, “Thank you.”

I look up to see that Mel is standing up with a glass in the air, “I’d like to be the first to say something to the happy couple. First off, to my best friend I’m so glad that you such a great guy had asked you to marry you. Himchan I’ve grown accustomed to you being around and I’m starting to like you like a brother. So I wish the two of you long happiness.”

Yongguk smiles up at her and I can tell that Mel and Yongguk are seeing each other behind our backs or is Yongguk just in love with Mel.

Oh well…

Her speeches have always been short and simple, but always touch my heart. Himchan reaches over the table and takes my hand.

We listen to what everyone has to say which doesn’t take long.

The two maknaes run off somewhere.

“Where’s Junhyung and Jongup?”

They look at each other and call the back with a big cake in their hands.

“Ommo… this cake is amazing.”

I smile as I look on the top to see the words congrats written on it. I smile as Himchan stands up and walks around the table and kisses my forehead as he pulls me into a hug.

“I’m so glad that all of you could come today. I also hope that Mel and Yongguk can watch the girls because ___ and I will be going to see my family in a few days. Then we'll hold a real engagement party.”

“huh I’m meeting your family? Wow now I’m really nervous.”

He kisses the top of my head, “No worries I’ll be by your side the whole time.”

I nod my head and smile, “Bobby thank you for coming and I hope when I walk down the aisle you’ll be the one give me away for I can marry Himchan.”

He smiles at me, “I’ll gladly do so. Just give me idea when the wedding will be and I’ll come.

I look at Himchan, “Can we get married in May? I love watching petals falling from trees making everything beautiful. ”

He nods his head knowing I’d get my way and it seems like he likes the idea anyways.

In the summer May. We’ll try to set a date but it’s still a few months away.

I know now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to have Mel take me to your place for the night and in the morning I’ll be heading home.

What do you mean? We haven’t seen you in so long and you’re already leaving.

I know but my wife is sick and I need to be there for her, but I’m sure she’ll be healthy enough when its time to see you get married.

He kisses my forehead and gives Himchan a handshake before he pulls us into a hug, “I learned only one sentence in Korean and I hope I will say it correctly,” he pauses and says his sentence, “Please take care of her for me.”

Himchan smiles at him, “I’ll always take care of her.” He pauses and asks me how to say it in English and he repeats me, “I’ll always take care of her. I love her.”

I kiss his cheek and see the girls eying the cake.

“Ahh we should have some cake.”

I pull Himchan over to the cake to see that Mel has her own camera out and the waiter has the video recorder that Yongguk had handed her at the beginning of dinner.

“we should cut this together like a wedding cake.”

He smiles at me as he nods and take my hand that is holding the knife in his hands. Slowly we cut into the cake and everyone cheers and shouts out congrats for us.

“Before we hand out pieces of cake I have to say this. I’m so glad that I have such great family and friends. I’m glad that I ran into Himchan that day, because I got to fall in love with him and now I get to spend the rest of my life with him. Kim Himchan I’m glad that in a few months time I’ll be your wife.”

“Who’s marrying who?”

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwwww...hehe, happy ending though, done reading this one! :)
Chapter 23: Omg perfect family
Chapter 20: Omg im so inloveee! Updateeeeeee
Chapter 13: Good chapter, update again soon please :)
RainaSeoyounKo #5
Chapter 11: O_O
It got so dramatic all.of a sudden!!!
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
whoa that was close!
update soon
RainaSeoyounKo #7
Plzz update ur story soon...bc i <3 it!
I love your stories!! After I found you on deviantart, I loved reading what you write!! Please update soon ^-^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
that what charlie said was in my mind too^^
they really look like a cute happy family :)
update soon^^
BaeYeonRin #10
kekeke this story is cute. I read both stories and I love them. Update soon, and maybe Mel will be with yongguk?:))