Busan To Seoul (Part Two)

Key To My Heart
Chapter Two: Busan To Seoul (Part Two)
Please listen to this song while reading this chapter:
Everlasting Story by Trax
Nobody's P.O.V
After a few minutes...
You arrive at the train station.
Then you go inside the train station and go to the train that goes to Seoul.
Inside the train...
you see that there is only a few people inside the train; after that, you sit down next to the window then you put your bags beside you.
After a few minutes, the train starts moving and you feel excited but at the same time nervous of what will happen to you in Seoul.
Your P.O.V
Finally, the train is moving and I am going to Seoul. I am really excited because I saw on the internet and magazines that Seoul has many interesting places but at the same time, I'm nervous...what will happen to me there? is Uncle Tablo a kind person? I hope that the people are nice and will treat me nicely.
Nobody's P.O.V
You just wait then you start to close your eyes and sleep because it will be a one hour and a half drive.
As you're now asleep, you start to dream or having let's say, having a nightmare.
*Your dream (nightmare)*
You're sitting on your school's desk and just reading a book but then you're start hearing some of your classmates talking about you and making fun of you. (Author's Note: you studied in a foreign school; so, the names of your classmates are different from yours)
Clarisse: look at that girl, she is so weird; always alone and so boring. I pity her so much...NOT! hahaha~
Amber (not from fx): yeah, she is not worth to be with people; she is such a weirdo.
Yuri: she is so embarrassing like she is not worth to be a relative of mine, I hate her so much.
Katelyn: maybe she is a psycho that's why she is alone hahaha~
Hiro: look at her, she is so ugly hahaha~
Jake: your right, no one will like her!
Kai: she is like those weird girls in movies, she is so strange.
Daniel: I agree with you Kai but here is something better, she looks like those girls in horror movies, hahahaha!!!
Dencio: she is really stupid, she does not know anything about life! hahaha~
Ricky (not from Teen Top): she is rubbish! maybe she does not know anything at all!
Nick: I agree with you Ricky, she is garbage!
James: she is a shame in our school, a dumb outcast!
Henry (not from Super Junior): she looks like a slave, she does not even look rich like us! she is really embarrassing!
Victor: I hate her, I hate her just by looking at her awful face!
Eric: she needs to get out of this school, she is not needed here!
Jack: why? because she is such a freakin' loser and a stupid loner, hahaha!
Adrian: she is the most unpopular girl in school! hahahaha!
Gertrude: she even likes DBSK; she will never have a chance with them because look at her; a normal boy does not even like her!
Amanda: you're right!
Lillian: she is really not at our level!
Zoe: I agree with you Lillian! actually, I agree with all of you.
You just clench your hand into a fist when you heard those words but then Hiro and Kai pour a bucket of flour on you. You start to cry while your classmates starts laughing at you.
*End of dream (nightmare)*
After that awful nightmare, you wake up and you can feel that your perspiring then you can see some of the people staring at you; an elderly woman (who is near you) ask you...
elderly woman: gwaenchana? (are you okay?)
You: ne, halmoni.
Then the elderly woman starts reading back her book while you look outside by the window and you can see that the train is already near Seoul.
Your P.O.V
I'm still having those nightmares again but I'm glad that I will never see those people again in my whole entire life.
I hope all of you like this chapter.
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Chapter 5: It's been a long time since you updated, so I wondered if you are going to finish this story or not? If not, I will be very sad... :(
New reader~
Really good! Update soon ok fighting!!
saranghaedongho #4
Update Update Update !
iloveuitz #5
Update...Please...Anw this story is great!!! :)
HI! new reader here;) update soon please..... :)
Wahhhh. L's sooo cute and nice. <33<br />
Update soon!<br />
I LOVE your writing style btw~
I really like how you describe things , like the seating arrangement ! ;D<br />
haha , can't wait to read the rest of your story ! (:
kpop_luver10 #9
Aww L is so sweet!!!<br />
Plz update soon!! ^_^
Ahh, L's soooo sweet! :)))<br />
Andd, like what xflyhigh said. WHO WAS THE GIRL WHO BROKE HIS HEART?!?! lol.<br />