Ginger and Clove


Character: Kai 
Rating: PG
Word count: 775 words
Music: Travis Garland - Let Me Know


The way he moved reminded me of the scent, of the unique taste of spiced drinks. Ones heavy with ginger and the distinct flavor of cloves.


The tall, golden tanned young man entered the practice room. I was leaning to the edge of a table and I stood up to his presence, smiling to greet him. It was after school and I had waited for him to come. I needed to work on my assignment.

He came to me and held my hand under his, and sticked his forehead to mine, closing his eyes.

“I miss you. Go tell your bosses to stop stealing our afternoons.”

“Easier said than done,” he laughed.

He kissed the tip of my nose.

“Is it Mr. Jo again?” he asked. “He’s such a pain in the .”

I chuckled and nodded. “Come on,” I said, squirming away from him and walking my way to my bag. I took my phone and started flicking about it trying to find the right song.

I was still at the super long playlist, trying to find the song.

 “I want to do the one you did on the performance night, with a bit of modification,” I said.

I found the song and played it, then stood in the middle of the room, starting my dance to the song.

Plain and simple
I would give my life to you
Everything you needed
Baby I would be it
You're the only one I talk to
Who really knows me
Tells me, shows me
That it's enough sometimes just to be myself

I don't want nobody else
They don't understand
That I gave away my heart
The moment that I shook your hand

Take my breath away
Buy me anything I ask
Go anywhere I wanna go
I traded everything just to know


“Damn,” I mumbled, the music still playing. “it’s this part,” I explained, looking up to his eyes. I took my phone to stop it and started the move I meant.

One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four.

It was the twirling and bending that caught me. I had no trouble with footwork, as long as it was not a twirl. I was good at bending, but this time it seemed super awkward in the mirror.

He came to me and tried to learn the steps from me. I demonstrated and he followed. It was easy for him to do it heaps better than me in a blink of the eye.

I tried what he did, slowly, but was not getting the grip of it. He taught me the moves I showed him again, and this time, it felt like it started to work.

“Come on,” he said, walking to my phone. He played the song and danced along with me.

The way he moved reminded me of the scent, of the unique taste of spiced drinks. Ones heavy with ginger and the distinct flavor of cloves. The way that taste would spread in your tongue and touch your nose. Warm, with a note of softness that could be extremely strong when taken too much. Just like ginger and clove.

Let me know you love me
Let me know you care
Let me know you're thinking of me
When I can't be there
Let me know you miss me
Call me up sometimes
I don't wanna go but boy you gotta let me know


Stop and listen


We froze momentarily and smirked at each other, continuing our moves. I moved to my own choreography and he moved to the one he learnt from that video, with additions of his own. Before we knew it, we were moving in circles towards each other in an impromptu.


Please give me a reason to stay
Gotta get us back on track
Cause the worst thing is
Loving someone who doesn't love you back
I think you do but I need you to say it


I ran my fingers along his collar and the edges of his school vest, looking at each other deeply in the eyes. He once told me his opinion when I told him about his ginger-and-clove taste.

He told me that how I move reminded him of melting chocolate.


I need you to tell me


I stepped back knowing that it was nearing the last chorus of the song, then, as I moved towards him, I mouthed;


Let me know you love me
Let me know you care
Let me know you're thinking of me
When I can't be there
Let me know you miss me
Call me up sometimes
I don't wanna go but boy you gotta let me know


I smiled at him, not knowing how to perfectly express how much I love this man.


Let me know you love me
Let me know you care
Let me know you're thinking of me
When I can't be there
Let me know you miss me
Call me up sometimes
I don't wanna go but boy you gotta let me know




Author's note: This was made on Hwang Chara's POV, so for the people who have not read my first fic 'Cellphone,' I eagerly advise you to read it first :D

I was on some kind of meditation session after dance and my mind could not shut itself up. I was thinking about this drabble the whole time. The ginger and clove drink was my childhood favorite, a Javanese spiced drink. That was it though. Now go search who's next and let's hope that I could find something that could do justice for his impossible age.

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