Chapter 7.

The Other Side of My World [Hiatus]

By the time Minyee finished telling the boys what happened to her and Minyoung the sun was already rising. Most people would have been exhausted from the long day but they weren’t normal people, they are a group legends and a guardian.


“So, do you think you guys can help me?” The sadness in Minyee’s soft voice made the six boys in front of her grow sad as well.


“We really do want to help but there’s nothing we can do. It’s impossible for us to disobey the King; we too are separated from the guys and are powerless to do anything about it.” Kris looked at Minyee with apologetic eyes as he told her about their own situation.


“That’s okay; I wouldn’t want to put your powers in jeopardy either.”


“We’ll figure something out, we always do.” Luhan gave Minyee another hug before standing up and clasping his hands together.


“Let’s go and do something fun today, we can take a day off training right Kris?” Kris smiled at his friend and nodded, he may be known as the strict leader but he knew when to loosen up as well.


“Alright! Let’s go take Minyee around the Palace!” Luhan grabbed Minyee and dragged her outside while the others laughed at the two.


“He’s so happy to see her, I’m sure she’ll cheer up with Luhan around.”


“Of course, he missed his little sister! We all know how biased he is, he’ll probably end up spending the rest of the day trying to get her to smile.”


The guys got up from their seats and made their way outside with Luhan waving and telling them to hurry up. The Kingdom of EXOPLANET had many small towns and villages that were filled with interesting shops and shows. Although the palace boundaries were enormous, most of the attractions were in walking distance. Chen and Tao were fooling around with new swords they bought when Kris flashed them a quick glare, signalling them to stop playing with their newly bought weapons. This is a public place.


“Sorry.” The two said in unison before putting their swords back into the sheaths and throwing it over their shoulders. Lay laughed at their childishness before walking away with Kris, there was a crowd of people watching a show up front. While the guys watched the acrobatics show Minyee noticed a small shop that sold hair accessories in a small corner. Luhan and Xiumin both noticed and asked her if she wanted to go. She nodded shyly as the two boys grabbed her hands and walked her to the shop. Minyee liked cute little hair accessories ever since she was young but never got the chance to buy any. She received a hairclip from one of the older boys on her twelfth birthday before but it was the first and last one she had ever gotten. She was looking through the small shelves and tables when a pair of headbands caught her eyes. One was black and the other was white, a silver star attached to the side on the two of them. She took the two in her hands before putting the white one on while clutching the black one. I’ll find the chance to give this to Minyoung one day for sure. She walked up to the table where the owner sat and paid for her two head bands. The little old lady smiled at Minyee before helping the customer behind Minyee. Minyee walked out of the store and realized that Luhan and Xiumin wasn’t there, she walked back inside quickly and looked around. She was about to leave when she saw two pairs of feet in the very back. Must be them.  



“Ow! Xiumin, stop pulling! My hair’s going to fall off!”


“Stop moving! Aish!!”


“What are you g- …haha!” Minyee let out a laugh as she saw the scene in front of her. Xiumin’s hand was on Luhan’s head as they tried to figure out how to take a clip off. Luhan was curious and decided to put on a bow shaped pin when it had gotten stuck. He called for Xiumin to help him but he was confused as well.  


“Here, let me help you. You’re not supposed to pull these, just press the end of the clip and it’ll come right off.” Minyee reached over to Luhan’s head and took the clip off quickly. She put the clip back down the table and looked at Luhan who was blushing.


“Thanks Minyee.”


“You’re welcome, let’s go outside now. I’m done looking.” Minyee started to walk out the door with Xiumin and Luhan following quickly behind her. They made their way towards the other members.


“Oh! The headband looks really pretty on you Minyee.” Chen complimented Minyee quickly before turning his attention back to the acrobats up front.


“Thanks Chen.”


The group of seven continued to look around the palace, eating a wide variety of foods as they showed Minyee different shops and shows. It was nine PM by the time they finished.


“I had a lot of fun today guys, thank you for showing me around. I’ll see you guys another time, I have to go home now, work starts early for me tomorrow.” Minyee was about to leave when Lay grabbed her arm.


“Why don’t you stay with us and train here? You’re a guardian; you belong in the palace too.”  



Just a quick little chapter to bring Minyee and the members of EXO M closer. Minyoung's adventures with K will be in the next chapter haha XD Oh and I didn't say who said certain lines in the middle of this chapter cause it really doesn't matter. You guys can pick who says those XD


Oh and I've got our three guardians!
k-popfankaironi and loveofmusic

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Finally updated~! XD


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Omfg, I hope this story comes out of hiatus soon. Epic twist, especially how they want the twins. x.x
New reader!!!!
This story is so interesting!!!
Please update soon!!!
i'm excited and kangsoo+mansoo sound like s tbh... >.<
loveofmusic #4
I can't wait
OMG.... o__________o
OMG I officially dislike ManSoo and KangSoo but Lay is such a sweet heart so is the rest of Exo
Azure.. Just LOL

haha I know hey? So cute! XD

Updating soon~!! =D
loveofmusic #8
Kekeke I can't wait~~
lol Chanyeol is so excited ^^
He reminds me of a little kid XD
I bet Minyoung is going to beat Chanyeol when they start training xDD