Chapter 5.

The Other Side of My World [Hiatus]
Minyoung was sitting in the center of the giant room that the boys all shared with Chanyeol right beside her. The boys were all wide awake, each and every one of them with the same question in their heads.
“What happened to you and Minyee? We were all devastated when nobody could find the two of you.” Suho was the first to speak up and asked her the question.
“I don’t remember. Truthfully I don’t even remember how I know you guys. Every single one of you is a part of these dreams I’ve been having since I was young. I figured they were memories when the dreams reoccurred with the same faces and same names. Minyee and I didn’t know about the existence of the other until we turned ten either. We grew up in separate orphanages. We were told that our parents were killed and that our uncle brought us to the orphanages due to his inability to take care of us any longer. The reason as to why he separated us is something we still can’t figure out. We have no real memories of anything that happened to us before we turned ten. Everything we “remember” is a part of those weird dreams. ”
“Wait, how did the two of you find each other then? If you guys were in separated orphanages how did the two of you manage to meet the other when you were ten?” Sehun was confused as he listened to Minyoung explain to them what happened.
“Ah yes well, Minyee is a mind reader. She was able to read my mind and talk to me when we were ten. I can read minds as well but I have better control over my shape shifting powers.” Minyoung spoke of her powers casually and noticed the stunned facial expression of the six boys staring at her.
“You can mind read AND shape shift?!?!” Baekhyun was the first to come out of his daze.
“Yep, Minyee can as well. Her shape shifting isn’t very good though haha. Why do you guys look so surprised? You guys had powers in my dreams.”
“We only have one! Having two powers is something unheard of, this has never happened before. Father was right when he said the two of you were special.” Kai’s facial expression grew sad as he thought of his father. D.O noticed this and gave his friend a pat on his shoulder.
“Your father would be so proud of them, I’m sure that he’s happy in heaven knowing that they survived and how well you’re doing in his place.” Kai smiled at D.O before the two of them turned back to Minyoung.
“Special? What do you mean by special?”
“Well, both your parents were guardians so everybody knew that you and Minyee would be special in some way, they just didn’t know what it would be. The fact that you guys each have two powers is an extremely good example of that. Even your control over your power is extraordinary, with no knowledge and training whatsoever it would be rather difficult for a mind reader to even concentrate on the thoughts of a person in a room of ten people. Minyee was able to read your mind across the world at the age of ten, that’s... well that’s special.” Suho was at a loss for words after he spoke. This is amazing.
“I knew it! They have this weird twin bond thing!” Chanyeol fist pumped as the others rolled their eyes at him. Minyoung ignored his childish act and continued to ask Suho questions.
“But what is a guardian exactly? I know what legends are now but I’ve never heard of a guardian before. Wait! Does this mean you guys know who my parents are?!” The guys took nervous glances at each other before Suho spoke again.
“Well, guardians are a group of five people with powers like us, the legends. The difference is that our duty is to protect that King whereas the guardians protect the people. The King who ruled when your father, the lead guardian was in power had conflicting ideals with the guardians. Long story short, a war broke out between the guardians and the King’s guards. Our fathers had fought in the battle as well. We don’t know the details but all five guardians and two legends were lost. The King had ordered for the death of you and Minyee as well so nobody knew if you guys were able to escape. And yes, we know your parents. They were very, very good people.” Suho stared at Minyoung intently as she absorbed the information Suho told her.
“So… our parents fought against each other? They actually fought to the death?”
“Yes, you could say that though no one really knows if the they had actually killed one another. Most of the guardians died under the arrows of the Kings guards. It never changed the relationship they had with each other though. They were still friends who loved each other; they fought because they took the responsibility they had over their duties very seriously. They even wished each other luck before the battle began. It’s a rather heartbreaking story that passed down amongst the citizens actually.” Suho was holding back his tears as he finished, he misses his father dearly. The twelve of them were so very young when they took on the roles as the legends.
Minyoung was speechless after hearing what Suho told her. She called for Minyee immediately.
“Minyee, I know who we are now. I know who are parents are. Minyee, are you there?”
“Ah yes, I have been listening to the conversation through your mind actually. I was planning to tell you what happened earlier with the legend I bumped into when I heard you talking about our childhood. This means I know who he is… I’m going to try to talk to him today. I still remember his voice clearly.”
“Oh, yes! You need to find the other legends and talk to them as well. Maybe they can help us.”
“Maybe. I’ll talk to you later, I’m going to try and search for his thoughts right now.” With that, Minyee shut her mind from Minyoung’s.
“Helloooo” The guys were all waving their hands in front of the frozen Minyoung, she was rather deep in her thoughts.
“Ah what? Sorry, I was talking to Minyee just now.”
“That’s so fricken cool!” Chanyeol was having trouble containing his excitement when he heard that.
“Tell her I say hi!” 
Alright so I don't have a lot of readers yet but I'm really happy that there are still people subscribed to this. As a special "treat" to my current readers I'll be adding three other small characters into this story as chosen guardians, they won't show up until a little later and are really small parts but I wanted the three characters to be chosen from you guys! Please fill this form out if you are interested ^^

Name: (Please pick a Korean name for yourself XD)
Hair colour + Length:
Eye colour: 
Power: (Anything you want, since they aren't the child of the previous guardians their powers can be different ^^) 
Possible Love Interest: (Apart from Lay and Chanyeol you can pick a legend or even name an idol you like, I'll fit him/her in somehow)
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Finally updated~! XD


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Omfg, I hope this story comes out of hiatus soon. Epic twist, especially how they want the twins. x.x
New reader!!!!
This story is so interesting!!!
Please update soon!!!
i'm excited and kangsoo+mansoo sound like s tbh... >.<
loveofmusic #4
I can't wait
OMG.... o__________o
OMG I officially dislike ManSoo and KangSoo but Lay is such a sweet heart so is the rest of Exo
Azure.. Just LOL

haha I know hey? So cute! XD

Updating soon~!! =D
loveofmusic #8
Kekeke I can't wait~~
lol Chanyeol is so excited ^^
He reminds me of a little kid XD
I bet Minyoung is going to beat Chanyeol when they start training xDD