Chapter 5

"Paranormal Activity" with 2PM~

They startled as they heard the sound of a person falling down..

There were also other sounds that came after that.... Although they were not loud, they were still enough to make the boys jumped out of their bed..

Jay whispered in the thin air "You heard that?"

"Yeh, i do...."

They looked into each other's eyes.... "This is confusing... What if..."

Jay slightly pointed his finger into the window, it was enough for Taecyeon to know what Jay meant.... They quickly ran to the window... Bent theirselfs down....

"Oh shoot! I told you to hold the ladder with your hands, not your back!.. My hurts, thanks to you!"

That was.... That voice.... It was from...

"NICHKHUN!" both of them whispered to each other...

"Yeh, that was definitely Nichkhun...."

But there was still another voice...

Who could it be?

They tried to hear the sound.....

"It was because of you! You didn't even stand still! Stop blaming me!"

"Stop it you two! What if Jay and Taec hear us? Why you so dumb?"

"I had to let my cellphone die because of them.... I won't stop until they are scared to death..."

So Junho and Junsu were with Nichkhun...

From above... the two black shadows smirked....


The next day - 00:00AM - Nichkhun's room

"Damn.... If i wasn't scared of those two then  wouldn't have been here in my room...."

Nichkhun spoke to himself.... He was angry, which made him couldn't sleep....


"It's been a while since it rained...."

After that ghost stuff, Chansung and Wooyoung went to Junho's room to sleep, they are afraid of sleeping outside the living room.... That room is now Nichkhun's property...
Rain was pouring outside... "God! It's cold...."
Khun covered himself with his blanket.... Tried to close his eyes...

"Knock... Knock..."

The sound of raindrops hitting the window... wait... that's not the sound of rain....

"Te fuq? It's midnight already!" Khun talked to himself, trying to sleep...

Wind was once again screaming outside the window.... The room became colder and colder every second....

The horrifying sound kept extended.... Feels like it couldn't stop....

He kicked his blanket out with annoyance, he came near the window to close his curtains....

When suddenly, he saw a Thai doll on the bookshelf next to his bed...

A Thai fan gave it to him when 2PM held a tour in Bangkok city.... The doll is very pretty with shiny big black eyes and two straight pigtails...

Busy with the schedule, he couldn't take care of his fans' gifts...

For a long time, that doll was just a piece of decoration....


Somehow, the doll looked really strange... The hair was loose, it covered the doll's shoulders.... Its mouth started to smirk a little by little without him noticing.... Seemed like its eyes could see through darkness....

Khun shivered a little....

The eyes were looking at him.... Without souls....

From those eyes... there was fresh blood dripping out....

Khun shook his head, denied what was happening at the moment....

"It's late, you should go to bed... Stop imagining stuffs, all of them aren't real.." Khun tried to calm himself

Lying on the bed, he had a feeling that someone was looking at him... Something that aren't real... Those black eyes... as black as the darkness that covered the room.... Fresh blood dripping from those eyes.... Running down those pale pair of cheeks... No souls... 

"Go to bed Khun... you have lots of things to do tomorrow..." Once again he tried to calm himself down.

That crappy sound wouldn't stop.... It keeps getting bigger, and bigger... 

He got up, he decided to go to the toilet and wash his face.... But right after when he set his feet on the floor.... he felt something....


Seemed like he stepped on something... Something that was pointy... It made him shivered

....And cold....

That thing... It was like grabbing his foot...

He looked down and finally realize....

He was stepping on...


A really cold hand....

Khun couldn't do anything except for running towards to door... Trying to open it....

But it was all useless.... The door didn't even move an inch....

His palms started to sweat... His heart was beating like crazy....He soon lost all of his patient... Sweat dripping all over his body...

"Open the door... open it... please.." Khun started to whisper... 

It was still there, without moving...

"Shoot! What's wrong with you today?" he kicked the door with all his power he had left, which didn't seem to follow what he said...

Suddenly, the door opened, which made Khun fell on his back...

There were laughters filled the air... Khun only saw a bunch of people standing in front of his eyes...

He soon realized those people were Taecyeon, Chansung, Wooyoung, Junho and Junsu

"You should stop doing it from now on or else ghost will come to fnd you, FOR REAL!"

"Bahahaha this is funny!!"


"Stop it guys~ He's still scared."

That sentence was Wooyoung's, he couldn't stop laughing when he saw Khun's face. But he didn't want his huswife to be embarrassed, so he stopped.

"Aishh... This kid... He stepped on my hand, which was like the most painful thing ever!.." Jay said that while crawling from under the bed.

"Wh-What?.. That was your hand?" Nichkhun asked, raising his eyebrow

"Who do you think it was then?.. You broke my fingers..."

"OK fine! You guys won.." Nichkhun sigh

They started to laugh their off.. They were happy because of what they've done to their beloved Nichkhun...


In the end of the hall.... There was a white shadow... It was floating...

"Stop it~ Come out here, it's all over! Nichkhun is scared to death already!" Jay shouted, not knowing who he was talking to

"Who is it??"

Jay started to count...

"Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho, Chansung... and... me..."

All 7 were there....

Then that was....




Aww... The fic is over already :( But thank for very much for reading~ I love all of you guys! I'm currently thinking of another story to write so stay tuned ~~ 

Ok that's all for now! I'll see you guys later~~











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Chapter 5: Omg, that was sooooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had to stop my laughter coz my mum would hear ...
Omg that was soo funny, poor khun scared out of his wits ...
Hahahahahahahahaha ...
Lol. And he stepped on jay's hand. Ouchies ...
Oh, heheheahahaha ...
Congrats authornim you have successfully made a comic horror fic on 2pm! Hahaha
2043 streak #2
Chapter 5: Haha :D I really enjoyed reading this fic. Great work author-nim ^_^ You got me interested with the details you put into it.
ilabya28 #3
IcyKeroro #4
Chapter 5: Lol what the freak is this story??!!! Its so great and an interesting fanfic.....I really like the ending part...hahaha a real ghost is coming ×D
woozyforevah #5
Chapter 1: I can't help but laugh and be scared at the same time! xD
This is sooooo funny. It's cute how Woo was so scared. Anyways LOVED UR STORY!!!!!
That was me threwout this! It was really good! great job!
Wow, really love this story! I still understand your English. By the way, love the comedy line! Hahaha good job ^.^
Gawd ~~~~~~~~~~ I love you story !!! SUper best . You make curious and curious when i read " to be continued " line . kekeke ^^ btw , Good job writer ><
@NovelWriter ermm... what do you mean by suspense? i know i'm poor at english but i think i know what suspense means but i don't understand your comment... lol sorry =)