( security check )

` ◜ ♕ heaven rp ◞ ↷ wgm based┇starting again; pls don't request for now

you should all know what security check is by now B|

but. if you don't. 

its when failbook- i mean facebook finds out that you're not the real person. that you're only a roleplay account.

if they find out, they will BLOCK you. which means you'll have to either go 30 days not being able to add friends, like or comment ( that's scary )

or. they'll just lock you out of your account completely. ( THATS EVEN WORSE )


so. here's a few tips to how to NOT get security check :D

1. don't go on an adding-friends spree; keep it slow. just add around 5-6 friends every hour.

2. make a backup account; it's not your main account, but just one to use WHILE you're blocked. make sure to put ( backup ) in your alternate name as well. and also add the admins + comment your account link.

3. make your name creative, but not crazy. eg. Eunji Da'HappieVirus Jung

4. you'll least likely to get S/C if you're on mobile app. NOT web version ON mobile, but the APP.

5. don't go back and forth from your rp account to your RL account. stay at least 10 minutes before logging out.


however, if you DO get secheck and you don't have backup account, NOTIFY the admins somewhere. comment on aff, post on our wall, tell us in RL if you know us, ANYTHING.


thanks <3


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aerxplane #1
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Chapter 5: Can I be Seto Koji?

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Seo Hyun here: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/profile.php?id=100005924911106