School Campaign

Say Goodbye

7:00 AM [Alarm] Bbbzzzzt! 

Yang Yoseob's POV

"Oh ! Not again! It's freaking 7:00 AM! Eommaaa! Why didn't you wake me up? Zzz. I'm too late for school now." Yoseob yelled furiously from his room grabbing his uniform and rushing towards the bathroom. 

"JINJA? You blame mo for you're stuborness? I told you not to stay up too late!" Ms. Yang, yelled back from the kitchen while preparing Yoseob's food for school.

Yoseob had to shower so fast, grab his stuff and campaign materials. "Aish! It's today! My team's campaign. I hope we win, I've got so much plans for the school year. I hope I win president! Hwaiting Yoseob!" Yoseob screamed at his reflection in the mirror, while rushing towards the kitchen to give his eomma a tight hug and grabbing his food. 

"Yang Yoseob.. Are you seriously going to school with that Domo bag? You're 15 years old for pete's sake! You're all grown up.."

"Aigoo~ Eomma. It's the fashion nowadays! It's suites me. I'm cute, it's cute. :') Byeeeeeee eommaaa~ See you later! Wish me luck!"

"Of course sweetie! Goodluck! Fighting!"

I rushed towards the school bus. Thank God, the bus driver loves mr so much for my kindness and waited for me amidst the scorching heat of the sun. I hopped in the bus, and received hi's and hello's from the entire students in the bus. My  busmate's are mostly elementary students, and they all loved me so much for being hyper. They call me "Hyung Pororo or Oppa Pororo". I guess I am a really friendly boy, that's why they fancy me so much. It was a long trip to school, and I was still sleepy but I was too excited too sleep. I'm too excited. I can't take off the smile from my face. I knew it was going to be a bright day for me and my partylist mates.

When I got off the bus, I saw someone rushing towards me...


Thud. I fell down, and he was on top of me.. I was extremly embarassed for what happened and suddenly the students from my bus were screaming "AAAAIIIGGOOOOO! Yoseob and Hyung sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.." 

"Yah! Don't say that. hyung is my close friend! Say hi to Doojoon hyung kids.."

"Hi Doojoon Hyung!" "Hi Doojoon Oppa!"

I was wiping all the dirt off my clothes when Doojoon couldn't resist hugging them little kids. 

"Yah! Kids! Go to your class now you'll be late! Be careful~" I told them, while they nodded and run towards their classes. 

"So Yoseob.. Are you excited?" Doojoon hyung asked me

"OFCOURSE! But now I'm dirty cause of you pabo. Huhuhu~" I wailed while Doojoon took all my stuff and helped me towards our classroom. 

I was scared that our first subject teacher, Physics, would scream at me for being late. I barged in the door without hesitating. I closed my eyes and knelt on the floor my hands clasped together screaming "Sir! I'm sorry I'm late! It's not my fault! Doojoon hyung here pushed me and I fell and I.."

Suddenly I felt someone hitting my forehead "Yah pabo! Sir's not yet here! Are you going nuts?" I heard a familiar voice

"HYUUUUUUNNSEEEEUUUUUNGGGGGG HYUNG! Aigo I'm embarrased!" I hugged him so tight that he couldn't breathe anymore, then saw the rest of the class laughing at me for being foolish.

"Yah pabos! Laugh all you want just vote for me, okay? Mr. President!" I felt very cool whenever I mentioned the name Mr. President, I've always dreamt of being the head of the student council, and in a few hours, I'd be facing the entire school giving out my speech. I'm shivering and I felt those warm hands hugging me and keeping my head into a hard chest but comfortable one. 

"Yah.. Don't be nervouse you'll do fine I'm sure! We'll support you neh?" Doojoon hyung's smooth and calming voiced echoed in my ears while I cooed in his shirt like a catt

"Neh!" I hugged him tight, and left the room to gather with my partlist mates.

We had our meeting, and we were all set for the campaign. The campaign would start at 11:00 AM and there would be three partylists. We were the last partylist to go up on stage. Thank God! And unexpectedly when the emcee screamed our partylist name, the crowd went wild and everyone started cheering. The entire eight hundred plus population of our school were screaming my name and my partylist name. I was really overwhelmed but I didn't want to win just because of my popularity. I wanted to win because I knew I deserved it. 

I went up on stage and gave my speech like a boss, and by the end of the day the total results of the winner for the Student Council of our school year would be released. 

I couldn't wait. I was shaking like hell till dismissal time. I rushed towards the main bulletin board and saw my name flashing on the screen "President: Yang Yoseonb (649 Votes) Euna Kim (34 Votes) Park Tim (49 Votes) IT WAS AMAZING! I had most of the votes and I loved it! 

Everyone cheered for me, but I was really tired despite everyone inviting me to go out and hangout and celebrate for my victory, all I wanted was to go home and rest and sleep and eat cookies and watch Pororo till I fall asleep again. 

I rushed home, and told my eomma the good news...


"Yoseobiieee! I'm so proud of you! I knew you'd win!" My mom hugged me and pinched my cheeks till it was really painful that I had to slap her hands

"Yah! That was painful!"

"Aigoo! Sorry I can't resist the cuteness of my son!"

"Eomma, I'll go take a nap neh?"

"Go ahead sweetie!"

I rushed towards my room, and lay down on my bed suddenly I recieved a call from our principal, I had to answer it despite me wanting to sleep.

"Hello? Mr. Principal? This is Yoseob speaking what is it?"

"Hi Yoseob! I've heard the great news! I'd just want to congratulate you, hoping for great plans this school year neh? Anyways, we are invited for an environmental clean up campaign drive tomorrow at Haikadu Beach, and since you're the president of the student council. I was hoping if you could spread the news? Thanks!"

"Aigo! Kamsahamnida Mr. Principal! Of course I've got too much plans on my mind already.. And sure, I'd love to spead the news with Faecbook you'd spread anything in a minute... Okay bye!"

I logged in to Facebook, and spread the word and fell asleep. 

Next day would be a really really really tiring day, and all I want to do now is just sleep...






Omg! It's my first chapter! I'm sorry if it's lame but I've got to leave atm so I had to write this really really fast. Hope you like it! Thanks! :) 

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catsKatty #1
Chapter 1: Authornim please update to the next chapter huhuhu~ T^T btw love your story!! X3
KiSeObB2STbias #2
Chapter 1: when r u going to updating it author-sshi?? plllllllllzzz.. update soon.. huhu.. i'm transferring u my energy.. kamekamehaaaaaaaaaa... juz kiddin'.. hehehehe.. btw, fighting!!!!!
This is awesome!!!
Kiseoblove #4
yaaay ^^ is it a kiseob story? please just kiseob T.T i love kiseob O.O