Part-time Job

Beauty is not in the face.

You lay down on your bed, grateful that the day had finally came to an end. DaIn was in the shower - she was going to sleep over -, your mom was down stairs, doing dinner. You sighed, replaying the talking you had with Mr. Kim. DaIn came out of the shower in the exact moment, looking at you.

" Still hasn't decided? " She asked, pointing out the obvious.

" I just... Don't know. " You got up from bed, looking at the floor. " I mean, it's the perfect job, right? I'm going to be paid for something I enjoy doing, and I have full support of my mom and best friend. "

" Without mentioning, working with idols! " DaIn said, laughing. " Whoa. You could meet Super Junior, you know? " She sat down at my side, staring at me. " If you ever see Heechul and NOT take a picture of him, you're dead. " You messed your hair more than it already was. Sighing, DaIn started fixing your hair. " Stupid. You're nervous, it's normal. You're only eighteen and you're getting such an amazing job. I would be nervous too. "

You looked at your friend and saw, in her eyes, that she was right. You were always praised at work, everyone always says that you're amazing at what you do, so why not? You can at least try, right? It won't hurt - well, at least you hope it won't hurt. DaIn smiled, noticing that you had made your mind.

In the next morning, you asked your mom to call Mr. Kim, telling him you were taking the job. She smiled, obviously proud of your decision.


Standing infront of the huge building of the TS Entertainment company, you started feeling even more nervous. This was one of the first times you actually cared about your appearence. Looking at the glass of the doors, you see yourself again. A small, overweight girl with short, black and wavy hair and glasses. You were using your best jeans and t-shirt, but it's not like they were really going to make you look better or slimmer. But you were contracted for this job because of your abilities, not your appearence. You sighed, taking the rest of nerve you had and entered the building.

No one seemed to pay attention to you at first, until you started your day tumbling in a tall guy.

" I'm sorry. " You and the guy said at the same time. Curious, you looked up and noticed his bleached hair and his small eyes. He looked at you straight in the eye, without even caring about looking at the rest of you, only your eyes. " Can I.. Can I help you? " He asked, sounding nervous. Somehow, he looked more lost than you.

" Hm.. Yes, please. " You started. " Do you know where can I find Mr. Kim SeungKi. " Suddenly, the guys face softened from his nervousness. You couldn't help but giggle. He looked happy just because he could help.

" Yes! My mana- I-I mean, Mr. Kim is in the third floor. Once you get there, you can ask someone about him. Everyone in the floor knows who he is. " You stared at the lift, before noticing the boy was already stepping away from you. He bowed to you and ran to outside of the building.

What a weird boy, you thought and went to the lift.


Finally finding Mr. Kim, he gave you a short contract. It was pretty fair, but one thing seemed weird.

" I-I.. I have to sleep here?! " You asked, sounded more offended than surprised.

" Hm.. Unfortunally, yes. See, Ms. Park, you and your family live too far away from us, so it will be hard for you to come to work in time. In order to avoid that, we're asking you to live closer to us. " Mr. Kim always sounded calm, so everything he said was easily making sense. He could say that he was a water-type pokemon that, with that voice, I wouldn't question him - even though you prefer fire-type pokemons. 

" I understand, Mr. Kim, but... Living in this building is a bit too much, don't you think? " He laughed, and you didn't understand what was funny. It was a serious topic, wasn't it?

" Oh, my. You won't live here, in this building, Ms. Park. " He still hadn't fully stopped laughing. " What a silly girl. " He went to the window and pointed to the apartment right in front. " You're going to live there. A lot of ours workers live in there, so they can come earlier to the job. "

Still unsure about moving, you stare at the apartment.

" What about my mom? " You ask.

" She said that she's fine with anything you agree with. She's trusting you. "

And were those words that made you touch the pen and sign the contract. 


AN - Short chapter, sorry. I'll try to write more next time!

I personally want to end with JongUp. lol But you guys choose.

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please update soon, author-nim~ :3