Chapter One/Final

Soohyun oneshot

            ______ waited outside for her boyfriend and his group. Every now and then, she cringed at the small headache she had. After five minutes of waiting, her phone in her pocket vibrated.

            From: Soohyun oppa

            Content: Sorry jagiya, I think some fans may have seen us. Go in without us for now. We’ll meet up at the entrance of the waterpark.

            ______ sighed to herself and walked into Lotte World. She thought have a boyfriend would be fun. But her boyfriend is the leader of the popular group U-KISS. There isn’t that much fun when you’re constantly hiding your relationship from the public and everyone you pretty much know. She went into a store to see if she could find anything for Soohyun while passing time. She found a cute couple necklace where the charms were two characters hugging each other. She took it to the cashier to purchase it. When she left the store, her phone vibrated again.

            From Soohyun oppa

            Content: We’re here…or those that could come! But where are you? Please come soon? Please come soon! T_T I think fans are catching on.

            ______ was smiling like a dork when she ran back to the waterpark. Her eyes scanned the entrance quickly to find her boyfriend. Her happiness left as soon as it came when she didn’t see any signs of her boyfriend or any of his band mates. Suddenly strong muscular arms wrapped around her waist.

            “Hey ______”, a familiar voice said into her eat. She relaxed to the sound of her boyfriend’s voice.

            “Noona, sorry for making you wait so long!” the maknae said, apologizing on their behalf for once.

            “It’s alright,” ______ said in a calming manor.

            “Alrighty then!” Soohyun shouted, “ Let’s go ride the Viking!” ______ paled with the thought of riding the Viking.

            “O-okay” ______ said shakily, hoping none of them heard the dear in her voice. They walked to the ride and were surprised by the lack of line for the Viking.

            “I call sitting by Noona” Dongho called out. The member chuckled at him but still allowed their maknae to sit next to their leader’s girlfriend. All of them rode the Viking except for Kiseop, who stayed behind. When they got off the ride, ______ stumbled off the ride and would have fell if it weren’t for Soohyun’s strong arms.

            “Thank you Soohyun oppa” ______ said with wobbly legs. Soohyun carefully walked her to a bench while he sent Kibum to get you something to drink. Everything was going fine until she heard some of the crowd’s whispers.

            “Isn’t that U-KISS?”

            “Yeah, but why is Soohyun oppa with that girl?”

            “I know, she isn’t even that pretty”

            ______ was fed up with the all hate she was getting for just sitting next to Soohyun. They weren’t doing anything to prove that they were dating or even knew each other. Though they haven’t gone public with their relationship, the fans should be glad that their idol found love. But then ______ spotted a familiar face she seen on TV many times. Though he wasn’t her most favorite, he wasn’t the least favorite either. Before ______ shouted anything, she mentally thanked and apologized to him.

            “Hey, isn’t that Key of SHINee? And is he with a girl?!” ______ asked in a very shocked tone. Everyone, including U-KISS, turned his or her heads to the same direction as ______ was looking. True to her words, there standing in the crowd, was Almighty Key of SHINee… with a girl. Both had their faces covered, but you can definitely tell that it was still Key under the disguise. The diva of SHINee ran away with the girl in tow as the crowd followed them. ______ breathed a sigh of relief. Soohyun chuckled at his girlfriend’s successful escape from attention. The group continued to go on rides and shop around Lotte World. They continued to do so until it was starting to get dark. Throughout all the games and fun, ______ still was hiding the headache she had since the day started. It was about ten at night when they drove back to the dorm.

            “Man, that was fun! Too bad we have a schedule tomorrow.” Kiseop said while entering the dorm and stretching his arms out.

            “Definitely! Let’s go to the beach nest time though.” Xander said as they slowly entered the living room.

            “Where do you want me to put these bags?” ______ asked when she finally entered the room with Soohyun behind her. Both had multiple bags on their arms and in their hands.

            “Just drop them here. We’ll sort who’s who now and move them into our rooms” Kibum said to both ______ and her boyfriend, motioning his hand to drop the bags. Relieved, ______ and Soohyun dropped all the bags loudly on the floor. The boys scampered over like mice to cheese and dug through the bags to see which object belonged to them. As soon as they found their respective objects, they went to their room to put it away. Soohyun left ______ to go to the bathroom. As soon as she heard the door slam shut, she took out her purse to look for the necklace despite her raging headache and terrible pains in her stomach. She searched in the purse for it but couldn’t seem to find it. She knitted her eyes brows in frustration. Then suddenly her headache was too painful for her to ignore now. ______ decided it was best to lie down and sleep for a little. She got up from her squatting position in front of her purse and hobbled over to the couch. Before she made it, she out and fainted on the living room floor.

            Dongho happily came out of his room first. More likely than not, he just threw everything somewhere in his room not caring to pick it up. As he hummed the tune to Man Man Ha Ni, he noticed ______’s fallen figure. Blood obviously drained from his face. He quickly ran over to her and felt her forehead with the back of his hand.

            “She’s burning up! How long has she been like this? Most of all, why didn’t I notice it sooner? I love her for Pete’s sake!” Dongho thought angrily at himself. He lifted ______ up bridal style and gently laid her on the couch. Dongho rushed to get a towel from the bathroom only to find out it was already occupied. Out of sheer frustration, he loudly banged on the door, alerting everybody but ______.

            “Why are you banging so loudly?! The door will break if you try any harder!” Soohyun scolded him as he opened the door to the bathroom.

            “The door can break for all I care! ______ is out there with a high fever! You think I can even sit still?!” Dongho yelled at his leader. Soohyun looked at him in shocked as he registered what Dongho just said. ______ was sick with a fever? Why didn’t she mention it sooner? We could have just stayed home. Thoughts along those lines ran through his head. What kind of boyfriend was he not to notice how sick his girlfriend was? He pushed Dongho into the bathroom to let him get the wet towels to place on her forehead. He quickly walked to the living room and lifted ______ up to move her to his softer bed. He ordered Xander to make something for ______ to eat. Upon his leader’s order, he proceeded into the kitchen to make something for ______. Gentely, Soohyun laid ______ onto his bed. He got a chair from his desk so he can watch ______ sleep. Her breathing started to hasten and her eyebrows were knotted, like she was having a bad dream. She started to turn in bed as well. Soohyun took one of her hands into his two and held it against his chest. Soohyun just stared as her face began to relax and she was no longer trashing about in bed.

            The door squeaked and behind was Dongho with a bucket of cold water and a towel hanging from the side. Dongho slowly walked over to ______ and set a cold, wringed towel against her forehead. He was glad that _____ were probably feeling a lot better than when he first saw you sprawled out on the living room floor.

            It was now two in the morning and ______’s eye began to flutter open. Soohyun could feel her wake up since her hand twitched between his two.

            “S-soohyun? How long was I out for?” ______ asked him.

            “Not for long you were pretty sick as well. You slept for four hours. Here, Xander made something for you to eat. It’s some Chinese rice porridge. He told me that sick people normally ate this to feel better in Hong Kong. Now let’s see if it works.” Soohyun said to ______. She blushed and was glad for the dimly lit room. Her cheeks were ablaze with a red that only made her look sicker. Hesitantly, she opened waiting for Soohyun to feed her. She ate the congee slowly without hesitation since it didn’t taste nor feel like anything was going down her stomach, which was good since she didn’t know if it could handle it or not. She finished her entire meal for once. Which was rare for ______ since she didn’t really eat much to begin with. Soohyun was glad she ate so much.

            “Good girl” Soohyun muttered to ______ and ruffled her hair. She just giggled. She moved inward into the bed, giving a hint to Soohyun that she wants to cuddle. He sighed to himself and moved himself onto the bed. ______ leaned on his shoulder and set her head in the crook his neck. ______ smiled calmly as she inhaled the scent of her boyfriend.

            “______, don’t ever make me worry like that ever again.” Soohyun said harshly to ______ to make sure she got the point.

            “Ne oppa. I promise I won’t ever make you worry like that ever again,” ______ said to Soohyun. Slowly, ______’s eyes began to flutter asleep but right before she did, she mutter a little sentence that made Soohyun’s heart skip a beat.

            “I love you” ______ muttered before falling asleep.

            “I love you too” Soohyun said as he patted her hair down. Outside the door, Dongho, that adorably pesky maknae, was listening in on the conversation and was sulking terribly about it the next day. 

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Chapter 1: aw. dongho ends up forever alone.... dont worry! youll find someone soon oppa. but at least shes okay! for some reason i have a feeling that she's pregnant, since she wasnt rlly able to eat, but im probably just crazy. i like this one shot though!
inspiritkissmeemily <3
Awwwww, how sweet of Soohyun :">
And poor maknae dongie :"<
kinspiremae #3
Hahahah I feel so sad for Dongho oppa! But aww Soohyun so kind. Neh dont scold your jagiya! She's sick you know D:!

I like the story <3
jaeseopsanae #4
I like it :DD
hmm SOOHYUN >< :I