Soju Blues - Final

Soju Blues



My very first blind date happens to be drinking tea with a woman named Shin Sekyung , whose name I only got to know a year after

we ‘dated’.


Her first question…


“Do you have a car?”


…was that.



“My name is—wait. Excuse me?” Am I even hearing this, right?



 “I asked you if you have a car.”



“W-well, I prefer public transportation than using… a car. So, I don’t own one.”



Kim Jonghyun’s face instantly appeared in my mind. I imagine him being punched in ways that even Pacquiao can’t take. 

Damn that jerk friend of mine. He was the one who suggested this whole blind date idea, saying that he’ll introduce me to a

drop-dead gorgeous woman since I’m already getting old.



Well, it’s kind of true(but definitely not the aging part) -- she really is gorgeous. But I think she’s also…trying hard? By

looking at that designer bag that is awkwardly resting on the beige coffee table, that fake and blindingly large (yes,

blindingly) pearl earrings that hung on both of her ears, that hair that seems to be styled with oil and that killer heels that

acts to be worthy as much as my 6-month pay, I can deduce that she is definitely not what she wants to be: rich.



And man, when she started to talk, the already well-deep bad image I had for her when she entered this busy café was

completelyshattered. Stomped on. Set on an explosion. And rolled on like a buffalo.



Also that dizzying smell of perfume is a knock-out.



“Hmm… It’s rare to see a man without a car nowadays. I heard from Jonghyun that you work as a pre-school PE teacher.

Perhaps the pay isn’t that high.”



This… female dog.



“I just got this job during the start of the school year... which is 2 months ago. I don’t have much to spend for that…”






A mug containing hot chocolate, from the table which seems to be occupied by a couple in a misunderstanding, fell into the

floor. It averted the gazes of the other customers (even my date) to their direction. The girl’s eyes were big and reflected

the feeling of shame while his boyfriend… I don’t know. He’s hanging his head down low -- out of shame too, maybe.



But my attention went back to my date before I can see the drama that is going to happen next between that couple.



“But I thought your parents should at least buy you a car? Not an import, but a domestic one will probably do…”



This . There, I said it.



“Well, I don’t want to depend on my parents…”



“I see,” she replied as she sipped the tea in front of her,"you’re quite different… as opposed from what I expected.”






Then she giggled.



 I would have loved her laugh, truthfully speaking. She’s beautiful and charming – there’s no denying it. But with that spit-

deserving mind-set of hers, everything good about the woman seems to be soiled away.



Time to straighten things up.



“My name is Choi Minho. Even if this seems out of the conversation, I would like to say that it was very nice meeting you,” I

said in one, confident line as I stood up, offering my hands for a handshake.



She carefully placed the white napkin resting on her lap on the table and followed my suit of standing up. She smiled that

seductive smile (which I will definitely not fall for) at me, taking my hand.



The things I imagine doing to her if only this table is not between us. I’m not talking in a erted way, mind you.



“Ah, yes. It was nice to meet you, too,” she answered back.



I held her hand more tightly. I plan not to let go of it not after I finished speaking. She doesn’t seem to mind anyways.



 “I do not have any desire to go out with you.”



“Excu—“ I cut her off this time.



“You don around with things out of your league then you bring yourself here like an object for sale. You decide if

your date can provide the luxury you disgustingly desire and if he passes your requirements, you’ll throw your body on

him. And you believe that that is love.”



“Wh-what?!” she withdrew her hand from mine with so much force that it nearly toppled the chair that was behind her when 

she recoiled back. 









I was shocked as the girl from the other table who broke the mug earlier went out of the café in a pace where her boyfriend

didn’t even see her anymore when he recovered after falling on the floor. He stayed standing still, holding his bruised and

reddening cheek. I can definitely see that his eyes do not have any trace of tears spilling. He’s even smiling. He is actually...

really good-looking. Well, that explains him being a playboy from what his girlfriend… no, ex-girlfriend shouted.



He suddenly turned his gaze towards me. He seems to notice that I witnessed the embarrassing scene that happened and

was still looking at him. Surprisingly, he talked to me and said,



“Watch out, that’s gonna hurt.”



Confused, I didn’t know what to say to him and instantly replied, “Pardon?“






“You’re a monster! A bastard!” After imitating what the “mug girl” did, she picked up her bag and glared at me so intensely

that I felt that I was the wrong one and had to look away. She left in a huff, heels clicking in every stride.






At my first blind date, I got slapped in the face…



“Hey slap buddy, want to get some soju?” Lee Taemin  said.



… didn’t get the girl I thought and desire…






… and ended up drinking soju with a stranger instead.





(A/N) ...aaaaaaaaaaaand I leave to your imagination what happens during and after their drinking session. /winks

I got the soju idea from a manga (whose name I forgot, such a failure) I read a long, long time ago. So when you noticed anything strangely familiar, it must be from that.

I hope you liked it! Thanks a lot for taking time to read this!

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carrotcake #1
Chapter 1: wow, i loved it. definitely unique. <3
Strangers drinking together XD This is funny XD
Lol I was like seriously and lol ok i cant explain how i feel
What a nice way to start a friendship xD
Didnt expect it to end so early but oh well, it was good.
aoiworld #5
I'm stalking you(2min story)......(^_^)
Wahahahaha you totally got Shin Se Kyung there :D...Hmmmmm 2min out for soju.....after that...*y images flashing* *smirk* I hope you told us what happened though...anyway it was nice..thanks for the fic:)
OMG rolling like a buffalo, female dog xDD you cracked me up with those xDD seriously Sekyung is a , good thing Tae was there to keep him company, I can only imagine a salamander-guru-drunk!Minho xDD that would be adorable, I really liked it ^^
What happens after their drinking session... only erted things going on in my head.