crush to crash

I am shock with her sudden movement I want to chase her but wait, I need to pay this first. I paid our food and start searching. Why they made this amusement park too big? I go to every ride to look if she was there, then I go every shops if she was there but she is not at everywhere. Suddenly soeone poke me from the back.

"Hyung what are you doing here?" Zelo ask me. Of course the whole members also there behind Zelo. 

"I-I'm..." I pant because of the run and hunt for Baby. 

"Wae?" Yongguk ask with his husky voice.

"I lost my aegi." everyone look at me quizically. 

"ahhh I mean I lost Baby." I exlain back. 

"WHAT!!!!" the only word that come from everybody and a pair of strong arm hold my collar. It is non other the impatience Yongguk. 

"Woahh woahh, Yongguk stop stop. I was eating with her, then I ask her why not finish her food then she stormed out. Then I lost her."Yongguk release him. 

"You sure you are 'asking' not 'scolding'" the smartass Yongjae asked. Then Yongguk hold my collar back. 

"You dare to scold my baby?????" Himchan pulls Yongguk away from me.

"Yahh I pay for the food and it is wasted because she is not finishing it. Italian food is expensive you know!" I defend myself

"what kind of italian?" Yongjae ask

"Carbonara spagetthi." I answered short.

"You should ask before scold her. Baby hate creamy food. Baby will got stomach ache if she eat greasy food, she got bad digestion. Haishh Daehyunnie why you never think about others before making a decision. I am dissappointed I thought you can take care of her. You must be responsible with all this." Yongjae make me feel like I am the worst human on earth. What the hell is this ! 

"Yah! how can I know. She's not objecting it when I made the order. tchk she should say that she can't tolerate that food then I can choose other food for her." I try to defense again. 

"Perhaps, Baby never object to anything. She will follow obediently especially when she know that you are treating her with your money. That is why she didn't speak." Goshh I scratch my head again. Yes just put the blame on me. I push everybody and continue to search for Baby. I noticed that none of them following me. Yah why they left me alone to search for her. I turn my back. I see Yongguk put his thumb across his neck indicating that if I cannot find her I am dead! 

I walk around and stop at one of the bench I sat there and sigh. Where to find her. I look at my left side, I saw a girl on bench hugging her knee. I think I found her already. I walk to sit next to her. She move a bit and trying to see who is sitting next to her. 

"Don't turn your head or you're dead." She turn back to her previous position and put her head between the knee. 

"Answer me.. Why you don't tell me that you cannot eat carbonara? Why you ran away without telling me that you are going to sit here? Do you know that I am soaking with sweat run here and there to look after you? Were you really want Yongguk to kill me by slaughtering me pieces by pieces? do you....." 

"... Mianhe..." she mumble softly and she sobs. 

"I don't ask you to say sorry. I want you to answer me!" I replied. Her sobs become louder. 

"because you hate me. Better to run away than hear you say that you hate me if I stay." I shock with her statement. Am I that badass? I smack her head softly. 

"Pabo. Why must I hate you when all the thing I do is for you? Do you know how much I care about you and I am dead worried when you're gone!" she turned to me. Arghhhh my biggest secret had leaked. 

"I SAID NO TURNING HEAD!" she turn back to her position and looking to her feet. 

"Daehyun, is it true you care for me? but why you never be nice to me?" she asked me. 

"... b-because I am shy to admit it. I n-never have this feeling toward any girl before and you are Yongguk and Yongjae's little sister. This is awkward!!" I try to cover my face with palm. This is the most embarrassing moment ever! arghhh. I feel like want to run away. SUddenly, there is pair of hands pull my hands away from my face. Baby is holding my wrist and prevent me to cover my obvious blush face from her. 

"Daehyun-ah ... Kamsahamnida .... for care bout me... " she said shyly and softly. Taint of pink shades can be seen from her chubby cheeks. I pinch those cheeks and she jolted away holding her cheeks. 

"Yahhh pain!" she push me. 

"aegi.. you are blushing like a strawberry there.. mehrongg!!" she smack me on back of my head. Then we laugh together.



Baby's POV

Daehyun looks so cute laughing beside me. He is not that bad like I always thought, he even care about me and most importantly he doesn't HATE me. I am so happy by this fact. 

"Daehyun can I share something with you?" he nods and looks at me. He is giving all his attention to me. 

"I used to hate this one person. I really don't like him, but everytime I saw him I feel there's butterfly in my stomach. I admit that I hate him but I always wanted to see him. everytime with him my heart is thumping like crazy! am I insane?" I look at him. He smile at me and pinch my nose. 

"aegi-ya! that is total insane but in positive way. You have a crush! I am going to spread this to them. yay yay yay." He jumping like kid. Then he stop with his cheeky grin. 

"May I know who is that poor guy that you fall in love with? He is stealing the heart of bullies' Yongguk and Yongjae sister. hahahha" I have no word to utter I just point my finger to him. He stop laughing and turn his head to back as if there is other people I'm pointing than him. 

"m-m-me?" he asked with stuttering voice. I can't even raise my face to look at him. I am so shy. What if he said I'm jerk or weird. 

"It is you daehyun. I feel so weird about you. I just..... you said love.... is it love?" I can't help but become more embarrass. 

"Aegi you sure? You sure it's me? Tell me you are telling the whole truth!" Daehyun walking near to me and lift my chin to look at those orbs. Omoo I feel like I want to faint. I just give him a slow nod. 

"Answer me aegi." He asked softly.

"Ne.. Daehyun I think I like you." I am trying to run away but he is way faster and stronger than me. He pulled my hand and force me into his embrace. I feel hot blush creep again at my chubby cheeks. 

"Aegi.. I like you too" Daehyun plant a soft kiss on my forehead but not long after that I heard a loud groan from him. Yongguk oppa punch his square at jaw while Yongjae oppa hug me dearly. 

"How dare you kiss my baby?" 

"Oppa, don't hurt my Daehyunnie." I pull Yongguk's hand from Daehyun's collar. 

"Your what? your Daehyunnie? Baby, oppa want to sulk because you cae about him more than me." with that my immature oppa pout his thick lips and walk away. Yongjae left me with Daehyun and pull away the rest. He show a thumb up to me and grin like a monkey. 


from that eventful day me and Daehyun become a happy, childish, love-hate lover. 

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loloipop #1
Nice story!