*****-K Profile #1

SM New Girlgroup [APPLY OPEN!!]

Name : Park Yerin

Nickname : Bobae (means 'treasure' in Korean, given by parents before birth

Stage Name : JoJo

Birthplace : Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea, South

Birthday : 04/04/1995

Age : 17

Height : 168cm

Weight  : 45kg

Appearance :

Ulzzang, Harajuku or Net Idol's Name : Tang Guo Candy (Emily Zheng)

Languages : Korean/Japanese (fluent), English (conversational)

Ethnicity : Korean/Japanese


Casual :

Formal :

Stage : 

Training :

Swimwear :

Sleepwear :


Personality : Yerin has Aspergers Syndrome (you can Google it for more information, I also have it), which makes her a socially awkward girl. She tries real hard to be outgoing.... She tends to jumble up her words and stammer a lot but she works hard to change it. She's quirky and has a for weird objects. She tends to nag alot and it's pretty annoying. Seriously.  You might wanna cover your ears. She is violent. Yes. V-I-O-L-E-N-T. She doesn't really shows that side of her often. But her strength isn't a joke.  You don't wanna know what she can do with that strength. Her tear ducts are uncontrollable . She cries over ....everything? As long as it's sad or touching blah blah blah , those tear ducts will start. Her laughter is pretty contagious. She doesn't cover mouth and giggles . She'll just clap her hands and laugh loudly. Maybe she'll roll on the floor. It depends :D  She has a peculiar sense of humour. Okay. It's not peculiar. It's cold. Really cold. argh. She has a strange taste in food. [E.g. :  Pancakes with chilli , ice cream with fries.] But she tends to hide her feelings. If she's in trouble , she'll never reveal it to anyone. Maybe herself , herself or HERSELF.  She does lots of body gags. Lots of it. and yup, She's a klutz. She'll just laugh it off if she falls. So do not be alarmed!  Bruises are normal....But otherwise, she is very responsible. She acts a little like a mother, always making sure things are in check. If there are people around her, she makes sure they are doing what they should be doing, like the time she smacked her friend's brother for not doing his homework. She also seems to know how to wrap up sticky situations, even if she is the one that causes half of them.

Background  : Ever since Jojo was a little girl, she has suffered from social impairments and become a very secluded child. Her parents didn’t discover she had Aspergers until she was about to leave for training, and they told her new manager to get her some medication for it when she left. Although her life has been okay overall, she has had ups and downs. In third grade (just before she moved to Japan), she won her school talent show, but in eighth grade her best friend's mom got drunk and beat her (the friend). She made lots of new friends every time she moved, but her old friends always lost touch. When she was eleven or twelve, her aunt got killed in a tornado in Hiroshima, which induced her to having a fear of the weather. She has also lost family members to car acidents, heart disease, and many of them to war and the military. When she went back to Korea for training to become a star, her best friend was very upset and cried over the phone before calling Jojo a selfish being and requesting her never to speak to her again. Although other kids tried to convince her thast she was being dumb, she never again talked to Jojo, and Jojo forced herself to get over it, which was much easier once she;d completed her solo training and moved on to training with the other girls from the group. Her solo training was supervised and carried out byher sunbae's SHINee and SNSD, and CL from YG's 2NE1 came in as a personal tutor when Jojo’s training morphed into the rest of thr group’s training (i hope you know what i mean by that sentence, i can’t reword it and it kinds doesnt make sense)

Likes: chocolate, body gags, rain, skinship, gum, coffee products, small hard candies, kids/babies, gadgets (iPods, computers, etc), video games

Dislikes:bugs, disorder, cigarettes/smokers, American media, vulgarity, promiscuity, Oreos, spicy/sour foods, heat, cooking

Habits: scratches her ear when she's lying, bad at SHINee's RDD dance but does it all the time, always ropes friends into playing I Am Ground, always has a stick of gum in and five backup packs in her purse, cameras always catch her during her weird moments, tries to pop hair ties at people but can't do it

Hobbies:playing I Am Ground, chewing gum during EVERYTHING, dancing, singing, designing clothes, reading/writing, stargazing, dancing in the rain

Trivia: -She bites her nails, and wears fake nails when she goes out into public
-She has Aspergers; Syndrome (google it, I have it too)
-Yerin’s number one hobby/career is photobombing
-She got a nose job because she broke her nose during training, falling from the porch while practicing balance for her dancing
-She literally always has three things with her--chocolate pocky, lollipops, and gum (preferably ice cream flavored)

-She has no social networking accounts because she is afraid she will forget about them or get them confused with each other, due to her constant moving around

-The first time Yerin ever recognized music was when she was at the age of nine months

-Here's the channel of videos from when Yerin was a baby


Family Background : When she was three, Yerin's mom left her and her father for another man. She was raised by a single dad until she was nine, then her dad married an American woman named Margie. Yerin and Margie got along okay, and Yerin didn't try to sabotage her father's marriage, although she did play a few friendly pranks on the new mother. She is very close to her dad and will do anything for him, and she tries to treat her stepmom like a normal friend.

Parents : Dad--Park Taekyung, age 46

Stepmom--Margie Timmons, age 35, is American

Siblings : N/A


Current Status : Crushing (Hard!)

Friends :

Taemin|19|SM KPop Idol (SHINee)|Despite being older, Taemin treats Jojo as an older sister. He looks to her for advice, listens to her when she tells him to do something, and even calls her his noona. This is not because he is immature, but because she reminds him so of Onew, the oldest of his SHINee hyungs. Jojo is not as close to Taemin as she is with Key or Minho, but the two still share an inseperable bond. He was the very first of her mentors to reach out to her with a real sign of friendship, and she accepted it, grateful that everyone was not so stiff and formal. Taeyeon followed directly afterwards. Taemin and Jojo are very brother/sister, and share no romantic feelings.

Onew|22|SM KPop Idol (SHINee)| Onew and Jojo are like family, although they tend to switch between brother/sister and father/daughter. He likes to prank her sometimes, but then he apologizes for it. Jojo, on the other hand, pranks Onew constantly and laughs in his face when he falls for it. Jojo also causes a lot of his clumsiness, since the two are such klutzes and hanging around with a klutz doesn’t help yourself any. She has also allowed herself to cry in front of Onew, who didn’t know what to do and just patted her back awkwardly. But Jojo knew he meant well. He seems a lot more comfortable around her than he does others, and rumor has it he may have a little crush, as well

Choi Minho |20 | SM KPop Idol (SHINee) |  At first, he and Jojo limited their interaction to student-teacher kinds of things, since he was one of the ones training her (she was 13 at this time, and he was 17). But when he heard her crying because she missed her family, he comforted her by singing A-Yo to her. Afterwards, she started looking to him for advice, and he slowly let his wall down. Their relationship went from being acquaintances to being partners, then to being like brother and sister.

Best Friends :

Jonghyun|21|SM KPop Idol (SHINee)|Jojo and Jonghyun are total partners in crime, mostly because Jonghyun is the only one who will ‘commit crimes’ with her and because Jojo is the only one who doesn’t try to change Jong’s plans when he has a particularly tricky prank up his sleeve. They bicker a lot, too, but are found together commonly, arguing over something trivial and then laughing about it later. They are the two mischievous kids, and Key scolds them together more often than he scolds either of them alone.  But lately it seems to be growing even more...he turns red around her a lot, and she tends to avoid his eyes more often than usual (she almost never looks anyone in the eye, due to having Aspergers, but now she rarely looks at his face or anything else). What is to happen between these two people who refuse to admit any possible feelings for each other?

Key|21|SM KPop Idol (SHINee)|When Key gets around Jojo, he very much assumes the role of Umma. He fusses over her, fixes her hair, scolds her when she’s wrong, tries to keep any of the boys away from her, and gives her jacket if she’s cold or dressed indecently (which is never her fault). He is the only person besides Minho and Onew who has seen her cry, and she usually goes to him when she is upset because he always knows what to say or do to make her feel better. Key has completely taken over being her mother since her real mother still lives in Japan, and he has no romantic feelings for her whatsoever.

Crush : SHINee Jonghyun

Rival : friendly rivalry with Jjong, "Who has the most powerful and beautiful voice"


How were you discovered? : JoJo sent in an audition tape, then auditioned live three times before they accepted her

Position : Lead Vocalist, Sub-Dancer

Persona : Miss World (because she's pretty, has a great voice, can play piano and guitar, and has competed in beauty pageants when she was a little girl)

Personal Fan Club : JoJo-ism

Personal Fan Club Color : Orange

*****-K or *****-J: *****-K

Extra Jobs : CF/music video actress, songwriter

Trainee Years : appeared in SHINee's "Juliette" music video, participated in a few CF's for chicken, banana milk, and perfume

Country you came from : South Korea/Japan

Did you get plastic surgery? : once on her nose, after it became broken



Singing Links : fast english     fast japanese     autotune, featuring someone else (Jojo sings first)     slow english

Dancing Links : teaching friends (pink/white shirts)     talent show (red jacket)     favorite/dance audition with buddies (i love my boyfriend shirt)

Rapping Links : only one

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woohyunsass #1
xDDD this reminds me of the J-Rock group ViViD. . .
.___. no seriously this is how it is spelled. . .five memeber boy band
(Ω_Ω) I hope for the best
May God be with you, I remember when my parents wanted to split up, It was really hard then TT.TT
the same response as your other in U4RiA. still, may things go all right and that you get through it all.
aww I hope everything well be okay :(
Here's my application:


wahh ill like to Apply here it is

KeyGal #9
Jojo seems cool. ^^ She's pretty too.~ Can't wait for the other members!