Childhood Sweetheart

Childhood Sweetheart



It was a sunny day in Seoul, Korea. A certain park was filled with little kids running around with their friends and young teenagers on their first dates. But, in between the laughter and cries of joy, a little 7-year-old girl could be seen crying and that little girl was Kim Taeyeon.

Little Taeyeon was seated on a bench crying her eyes out; a little scratch was seen on her knee. A little boy saw her and approached little Taeyeon cautiously.

“Are you okay?” the little boy had said. Little Taeyeon lifted her head and stared at the small eyed chubby-cheeked boy and kept silent.

“What’s wrong?” the little boy asked once again.

“I lost my mommy and,” Taeyeon paused to rub the teary eyes. “And I fell down and now I have a boo-boo.” She hiccupped.

“Oh well, let’s fix that boo-boo then we can go look for your mommy.” The little boy took Taeyeon’s small hand and took her to his mommy.

“Mommy, look this little girl got hurt.” He had said while pointing to the scratch.

“Oh, are you okay little girl?” His mother asked her with a soft voice while looking at the scratch on her knee.

“Come here I think I have a band aid in here somewhere.” She said while rummaging through her bag and out came a small box of band aids.

“Mommy I want to put it on her, can I?” the little boy asked with his small eyes.

“After mommy finishes washing this first okay. Now sit this is going to hurt a bit.” Taeyeon sat down next to the woman and winced when the water came in contact with her boo-boo. When it was clean the little boy took a band aid, with little dinosaurs, and placed it on the cleaned boo-boo.

 “Now where is your mommy?” the woman asked, Taeyeon finally remembered that she was lost.

“I don’t know.” And Taeyeon started to sob once again. The three started to search for little Taeyeon’s mother. They searched for almost fifteen minutes until a voice was heard.

“Taeyeon! Kim Taeyeon, where are you? Taeyeon!” Taeyeon’s whipped her head towards the voice and shouted,

“Mommy! I’m here! Where are you mommy?” They saw a young woman dressed in a yellow sundress running towards the three. Taeyeon let go of the little boy’s hand and ran to her mother.

“Mommy, where were you?” she had asked while hugging her tightly.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Mommy was getting you ice cream and when I came back you were gone. But, it’s okay now mommy is here.” The woman hugged little Taeyeon until she saw two pairs of eyes looking at them.

“I assume you found Taeyeon. Thank you so much for looking after her while I was gone.” Mrs. Kim thanked and the two ladies continued talking while their kids were watching from the sides.

“Hi Taeyeon, my name is Lee Jinki!”


A young woman, dressed in a beautiful white gown, looked at her reflection in the mirror until a knock was heard pulling her out from her trance.

“Taeyeon, are you ready? It’s time to go out.” Sunny, her best friend, popped her head in the room.

“Yea, I’ll be out in a sec.” Taeyeon gave a big sigh and walked out of the room towards her awaiting father.

“My baby is getting married, I’m so happy for you!” Her father gave her a small hug before escorting her towards the door where she will start a new life.


“I do.”

“You may now kiss the bride.” The man leaned towards Taeyeon stopping a few inches before and said,

“I love you, Lee Taeyeon.”

“I love you more, Lee Jinki.”

And a soft kiss was planted to seal the deal.


“Oh my god! Jinki, I think my water just broke!” Taeyeon exclaimed.

“Oh no, what am I going to do?!” Jinki started to panic and was unable to think properly.

“Oh my god, Jinki just get in the damn CAR!”

“Oh okay.” He took the car keys and proceeded to help Taeyeon to get in the car.

Throughout the whole ride to the hospital Taeyeon was groaning in much pain.

“Drive faster!” she demanded.


“I need a doctor! My wife is giving birth!” Jinki shouted as soon as they got in the hospital. Two nurses came towards them with a wheelchair to settle Taeyeon in and she was pulled into the emergency room.


“Jinki!” Taeyeon screamed.

“Breathe Taeyeon, breathe. Oh, hi mom! Ouch Taeng, you`re hurting me! Yea, mom, Taeyeon is giving birth.” He informed his mother.

“My daughter-in-law is giving birth! Oh my goodness! I`ll be there as soon as possible!” and his mother hung up.


“Congratulation, it`s a boy.” Said the doctor after they had finished cleaning the baby. Both Jinki and Taeyeon watched the little baby boy when it was given to Taeyeon.

“We`re finally parents Jinki.” Taeyeon whispered to her husband.

 “Where is my grandchild?!” Then came in a middle-aged woman; ruining the peaceful aura followed by a middle-aged man.

“Mom you`re going to make him cry.” Jinki complained.

“It`s a boy! Oh joy!” Mrs. Lee celebrated.

“Where`s my parents?” Taeyeon asked.

“Oh, I called them and they are on their way.” M. Lee said.

When the Kims had arrived, they were all cooing at the first grandchild of the family.

“I love you, Lee Jinki.”

“I love you too, Lee Taeyeon.”


Okay, that was HORRIBLE but I hope you LIKE IT! :D

The wedding part, bleh, was so bad! I don't really know how they take their whatever.


Just tell me what you think...I DON'T CARE!! Though I would be hurt if there is any hate comments but still I DON'T CARE!!!

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Aww! So sweet!
AteNa-Na #3
Don't care if it's rushed I still love it!
MKNisk #4
OOOooohh.. It was soo rushed! But still, a better love story than twilight :p

Nah Jowk. I loved It. It explains their love story in a matter of minutes ;)