Two Bears

Coming Back



Hongki's POV

Well I just ruined it. Over possessive. Why did I even say it? And now Yoona hates me. 

"Damn it!" I said angrily.

"Hyung... What did you do?" Seunghyun said scarily. Serious, he looked really scary!!! I gulped. "Um well... I kind of called her over possessive? And she saw me chasing Eunkyung." 

"I doubt that you were only chasing Eunkyung that made Yoona so angry..." He mumbled. "And why did you even call her over possessive? You just killed your chances when you said that. Of course she'd be angry."

"What do I do?" I said mournfully.

"Hmmm, hyung, I can't always be helping you. This time you have to do things yourself." Seunghyun said thoughtfully. 

"But you know how to deal with issues like this!" 

"I'll help you a little. The train for Seoul only arrives at 12. So you have... 1 and a half hours before she leaves you forever." 

"That's not helping!" 

"If you truly treasure her hyung, you'd know what to do without me even having the need to tell you. Now go do your stuff." Seunghyun said smiling. 

"Alright, I can do it!"

"By the way hyung, even though you're the oldest, why am I always the one giving you the advice? Shouldn't it be the other way round?" 

"Aish, no time for this, I have to go!"

Yoona's POV 

"What, the train is only coming at 12?!" Great, now I have to wait 1 and a half hours... I sat down in a chair in a small corner cafe. The memories of the morning all came back to me and I started to cry. I can't believe it. I came back as soon as I had graduated. And what do I see? That Hongki had gotten himself a new girl. Fine so I was a little over-possessive, but hey, I'm a girl who'd left her boyfriend for four years. Of course she'd be possessive! I sat there for more than an hour trying to forget. 

"I have to forget him..." I shook my head. "Yoona, forget that that player has ever been in your life!" I muttered, tears flowing down my face. 

"Forget what?" I heard a voice behind me. 

I turned around and saw Hongki pushing a trolley of flowers and in the middle were two gigantic white Teddy bears. One had a pink ribbon around its neck and the other had a blue one.

"Hongki?! What... No, go away! Don't ruin my life!"

"Yoona, I'm sorry I said you were over possessive, I really am! And to be honest, I'm over possessive over you too. I only want you to myself." He said  quietly, hugging me from the back. 

Tears start to spill again. "Please just leave me alone..."

The train slid into the station. I pushed Hongki away and wanted to get onto the train but Hongki grasped my wrist and pulled me back. 

"Let me go! The next train will only come at 4, and I don't want to wait so long!"

"Yoona, I love you, don't go... please. What must I do to make you stay? I'd do anything."

"Beg me then." I knew that with his pride, he'd never do it. 

He hesitated. "Fine, I'll do it... If it will make you stay..." 

I felt surprised. He's going to do it? He's going to beg me? 

Hongki tool a deep breath and slowly went down on his knees. He looked at me. "Please stay. I don't want you to leave again..." 

I literally gaped at him. Hongki was begging me! "I... I..." I didn't expect him to actually do it... Now i didn't know what to do. 

"Um... Please stand up... I... I didn't..." 

Hongki stood up and grabbed me into a fierce hug. "You'd better keep you promise." He whispered into my ear. 

I placed my forehead on his shoulder. "Okay... I will but... please don't... Do it again..." 

Hongki looked at me happily. "Thank you!" 

I took the bear with the pink ribbon out of the trolley and cuddled it. "It's so cute!" Hongki grinned and pointed at the other bear. "This is me," he said and took my bear out of my arms and wiggled it in front of me. "this is you." 

"Hah, no wonder your bear is so ugly." I laughed. Hongki pouted. "They're exactly the same, pabo. I accessorized them. I put the blue and pink ribbon on the bears." 

"Tch... Bad taste." 

"Thought you said it was cute?"

I took my bear and ignored him. We walked together out of the station. As we walked, we saw a flowering tree in the middle of the crossroad with many tags hanging on it. "This is a famous tree here. Its known to bring good luck and has been here for more than a hundred years. It's a famous hotspot for couples and all those tags are couple wishes." Hongki explained. 

I started to circle it, admiring it and reading couples' wishes. Just as I was halfway around the tree I heard Hongki call me. 


I saw Hongki looking very serious. He told me to come to the front of the tree. "These bears represent us." he said holding the two bears together. "You will keep the one with the blue ribbon which is me and i will keep the one with the pink ribbon which is you. But... Let's say you don't want me anymore, I... I want to to put your bear... Here. At the foot of this tree. This means you don't want my bear anymore and in turn... Y.. You don't want me anymore too. If I see this, I'll understand. I won't come after you. I'll leave you alone." 

I stared at him. Why was he suddenly so serious over this? "Hongki, is something wrong?" 

He smiled at me. "No, of course not. But just remember it." He said and handed his bear, the one with the blue ribbon. 

He leaned forward to kiss me but I stopped him. "What..?" 

"Your punishment~" I said as I stuck my tongue out at him and ran ahead.


Updated. :)

Hope this chapter was nice. ^^

Please comment thank you. :)


I seem to update faster when school starts haha

the opposite of most people.

Thats because while i go to school

i need to take 40 min to get there

so i use to the time to write my fics on my itouch. :D

Then i send it to the com and update. ^^


Kk enough nagging enjoy. :)


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thecoolauthorstories #1
Chapter 13: OMG UPDATE PLZ PLz I love yoona hong ki together u need to update we need a yoona hongki together!!
Im_Jiyeon #2
Chapter 13: Cried after reading it. :( Very nice story. Pls update soon. Can't wait for it :)
I_Love_you4orever #3
Chapter 5: Plzz update
LumosStorm #4
Chapter 13: nice story!! plz update!
pandawriter #5
nice fic! update soon!
Yoona is leaving again?!
Hongki should stop her!!!!

Thanks for updating!
Update soon
Hwaiting <3
prisxy #7
I cant believe i didnt sub aft my prev comment... It was a surprise to see this ffupdated! Thank you :-)
Awww thanks for the dedication ^^
Dun Dun Dun I wonder if Wonbin is going to end up falling in love with Yoong ??
Great update !
Update soon :) I really, really like your story^^
There's not much Hongki and Yoona FF..
Update soooonnnn ;D