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He Comes To Life!



“W-what was that supposed to mean?”

Jinyoung widened his eyes. He pulled his hand as he averted his eyes away.

A moment of silence dropped by. Geez, why did he keep himself silent like this? Say something Jinyoung!

“Jinyoung,” I impatiently called. “What was that supposed to mean?”

He let out a sigh, and said, “Well, today I appeared in your room.  I must be something for you, right?”

I brought my eyebrows together. Yes. Really, really something.

He chuckled and smiled calmly, “Why so confused about it? You’re the one who said I’m the God’s plan.” He leaned over so our faces are in the same height, and continued, “..and He sent me to your place. Then I must be God’s plan for you.”

I let out a slight “Oh...”

I knew it. He’s not being romantic. He’s just being logic.

Jinyoung widened his smile, narrowing his eyes. I swallowed my saliva. I hope I’m not blushing now. His smile was too.. adorable. He patted my head smoothly and asked, “Shall we go now?”

“Ah yeah, I forgot.. yeah, let’s go..” I exclaimed as I turned away, avoiding his gaze.

I felt small wave of disappointment swarming my heart. This guy is sisterzoning me. Such a foolish girl I am to think that he’s into me.


As we walked out of my apartment, Jinyoung stopped. He turned around, looking at the building. “It’s huge.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty big, but thank God it’s not too expensive so I can reside in it.” I assertively told him.

He said nothing, just threw another nice eye smile at me. He then looked around. I know he’s so excited about the environment, although he didn’t say it.

“What’s that building for?” He pointed at a small old building right at the corner of the street.

That old small house. People had been talking about it since long time ago, even before I resided in my apartment room. That building was abandoned by the owner.  It’s so dirty ~of course, who would want to clean it up? And the building looks so creepy at night since nobody lives in there.

Actually that house drew my interest when people told me that it was once a building full of music instruments. I love music. But I know, I came residing here to study, so I just shrugged the whole thing off. Besides, the house is creepy, anyways. Who would be fool enough to go in there?

I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know.. some people said it was a music school, some people said it was just an old music studio.. I don’t know. The only thing I know is, it’s abandoned by the owner years ago. Even before I reside here..”

Jinyoung didn’t respond, he just kept looking at the building.

“Jinyoung, come on..” I called. He turned his head at me, and I continued, “Let’s go.”

He turned his head again at the building and then muttered, “Can we go take a look?”

“What? There?” I pointed at the old building. “No… no no no no.. people said it’s haunted… and it looks pretty scary, don’t you think?””

I lied. Although the building’s creepy, nobody told me that it’s haunted. I just don’t want to go in there. At least, not in my current mood.

He didn’t respond ~again, he just kept staring at the building.

I pursued my lips together. I’m seriously tired with this silent style of his.

“Jinyoung, come on.” I said, as I grabbed his hand and pulled it.

He suddenly turned his head at me with a very surprised expression.

I quickly released his hand and grasped his jacket sleeve instead, “Come on, let’s go…”

God, what’s gotten into me? I shouldn’t grab his hand like that.. geez…

Jinyoung turned his head again at the building for a moment, and then back at me. He nodded, walked towards me, and began walking with me again at the same pace.


Author’s POV:

Actually, you don’t know where you are going. You just walked and walked and walked. Your mind wandered here and there. Too many things happened to you yesterday through today.

Jinyoung, as usual, kept himself silent all the way.

You then noticed an ice cream stand right across the road. The ice cream drew your interest a lot, making you exclaim, “Ice cream… I want some ice cream!”

Jinyoung looked at where your hand pointed at. He just chuckled, and nodded.

You happily ran towards the ice cream stand. While Jinyoung just slowly trailing behind, following you.


“Strawberry Vanilla please..” You cheerfully ordered. “What about you Jinyoung? Don’t worry, I’ll pay..” Of course you have to pay for him. Jinyoung just appeared out of nowhere this morning and no way he has any money with him.

He just chuckled, “Simple. Vanilla.”

After the ice cream man handed you the ice cream, you just quickly attacked it. It was absolutely delicious. You quickened your , as you feel the faster you eat it, the tastier it becomes. Jinyoung took his ice cream from the man, as he looks at you.

You finished the ice cream quickly, and ordered one more cone from the ice cream man.

Jinyoung just chuckled at your acts.


Your POV:

We were sitting on a bench nearby, under a huge tree. As I’m dealing with my ice cream, I observed Jinyoung. In contrast with me, he’s doing his vanilla ice cream calmly, and slow.

He then noticed me staring, and mumbled, “hmm?”

“Nothing. It’s just.. how can you do ice cream that slow?”

He glanced at his cone, and than back at me, replying, “No need to be hasty to eat ice cream. You have to feel it.”


He chuckled, and then continued, “You have to let the taste, the sweetness embraces your tongue. And then.. (closes eyes) feel the warmth of happy feelings embrace your heart.”

I burst out laughing as he finished his words. “That’s so sweet… but doesn’t make sense.. hahahaha…”

He brought his eyebrows together. Surely he’s either confused or perhaps annoyed by my reactions. Seeing this expression of his, I began to regret my laugh. But before I managed to fade my grin, he smiled and muttered,  “Hey I’m serious.” He slowly pushed my hand which is holding the ice cream, towards my lips, “Go on, try it.”

I looked straight into his eyes. Oh God, his serious but friendly gaze caught me. I unconsciously opened my mouth and my ice cream slowly, scooping a big heap of creams.

“That’s it.” His deep voice mutter. “Now pause… feel it.”

I closed my eyes. God! He was right! I feel the sweetness of the ice cream melting slowly in my tongue, streaming all over my mouth wall, flowing through my throat.

I don’t know what’s gotten into me, but seriously, a moment after that I felt like something’s sending cheery and happy feelings all over me. And I feel something weird in my chest. It’s like.. a firework bursting in here? It’s like.. I’m going to burst out in happiness.

“How do you feel?” His voice flowing through my head, hypnotizing me.

“Wonderful.” I replied as I opened my eyes. “How can it be?”

He just shrugged his shoulder, smiling. But a moment later he commented, “You didn’t have to close your eyes actually.”

“Yah!” I jokingly hit his arm, “Me just like a fool closing my eyes here..”

He laughed with his one hand in front of his mouth.

Hey… I kinda like that shy laugh of his..

“Ok, I admit it. That was horribly wonderful.” I murmured. “But seriously, it would take hours to eat ice cream that way, and the ice creams will surely melt before that!”

He let out a laugh again and said, “You just don’t have the technique.”

It’s definitely not funny, but it drove me laughing too. Ice creams and laughs.

No. Ice creams, laughs, and Jinyoung.

I like it.



We continued our walk after we finished our cones. My eyes caught a small park nearby and I decided to wander around there. Jinyoung automatically followed me as I made my way entering the park.

Actually, it’s cheering me to walk with someone today, but it just felt like I’m walking alone since the company kept silent all the way! And unfortunately, I didn’t have the guts to start the conversation. I tried glancing at him, turning my face at him, just to signal him: ‘Talk to Me’ but he seemed like he didn’t catch what I meant and just throw me his eye smiles instead. Of course, that made the situation become so awkward and I ~always~ have to look away because I can’t stand his charming smile. God..

“Jinyoung,” I can’t help it. We must talk. “Tell me about yourself.”

He raised his eyebrows in a bit surprise, and asked, “Why?”

Ok. He killed me with that one word question. It’s like he doesn’t want me to talk to him or something.

“Well I.. (sigh) .. just wanna know. You appeared in my bed room, saying that you came out of the comics. Perhaps you were transmitted from the other world or something?”

A small smile formed his face, and a moment later he shook his head slowly.


He turned his face at me, giving me either confused or serious or deep gaze ~I’m not really sure, and continued, “I don’t know. I just.. suddenly existed in your room.”

Somehow I opened my lips to reply, but nothing came out of my throat. I didn’t know what to say. I looked down at my walking shoes. Suddenly existed, he said. I remembered also, he said earlier that he had no name. The whole thing just confused me, and scared me.

Jinyoung ~again~ kept himself silent. It’s like.. he enjoys silence so much. While the extrovert me in contrast, kinda hates it.

After few minutes walking in silence..

“Jinyoung I’m sorry!” I exploded, couldn’t stand this silence anymore. “But I really really don’t like it if you stay silent all the way…!” I looked straight into his eyes, ignoring gazes from people around. He looked so surprised that his lips are parted.

I continued, “I said I need a company today, because I need someone to talk to me! To cheer me up! To comfort me! I..” before I finished my words he grabbed my arm, turning me around, and slung his both arms over my shoulder, flinching me.

“You want me to comfort you this way?” His deep calming voice waved into my ears.

“Well.. I uh…” I was about to say ‘I didn’t say that’, but his hold onto me right now is just so calming that I don’t want it to be ended quickly. I don’t even care that now we drew people’s attentions more.

He tightened his grip, and whispered, “I can stay this way as long as you want.”

I took a deep breath, and then exhaled heavily. I honestly want to stay this way like.. forever, but number one: it’s not possible, and number two: I shouldn’t be drowned too deep in this feeling, it’s not good. The last time I let myself flew with feelings I ended up crying the whole night heartbroken.

“Okay, you may.. let go of me now,” I muttered. Jinyoung said nothing, he just loosened his grip and released me. As I felt his hands pulling away, I began to regret asking him to let go. But I just shrugged the whole thoughts off and continued walking.

I then noticed that he wasn't following me. I turned back, and found him staying still. It’s like his mind was wandering somewhere. “Jinyoung.. let’s go..” He looked up at me, and ran towards me without saying anything. We then continued walking at the same pace again. “But please talk to me this time..” I muttered. He just looked at me, smiled and then nodded. “What are you into?"


“Hmm.. you wanted me to talk to you right?”

I tilted my head and sighed. It seems like he didn’t really want to talk to me. He just awkwardly picked random questions to start. “Music.” I simply answered. “I love music.”

“Music? What kind of music?” He asked.

“Any kind. Music is just… wonderful.”

“Music can cheer people up.” He mumbled.

“Yeah.” I simply sounded.

“Why are you so sad today?”

“What?” I blurted out, wasn’t expecting such irrelevant question. Or maybe I was just not into such questions. “No. I’m not.”

“You are in distress.”

I swallowed my saliva, and just as I opened my mouth to say something Jinyoung grabbed my hand and pulled it, signaling me to follow him while his free hand pointed at a small pond nearby. I was about to protest, but he gave me another dreamy smile, silencing me.

At times like this I know that I can just releas my hand away or ask him to let go, but this time I guess I’ll just enjoy it for a moment. I couldn’t help but smile as I look at my hand in his. 

Jinyong dragged me to the edge of the pond, where I noticed some ducks swimming around. Without saying anything, he pointed at those ducks.

“Uhh… just some loud quacking ducks?” I questioned. He didn’t answer, just turned at me and smiled warmly, and then turned at the ducks again. I automatically followed his gaze, looking at those ducks.

Then I noticed something different, in my eyes they’re not just some random quacking ducks anymore. I noticed how they swim like a boat, leaving water tracks behind them. The tracks vanish quickly, as they kept moving on, leaving more tracks. The tracks keep vanishing each time the ducks make another.

It’s like they’re telling me that every single time of my life I will leave tracks behind, but as life goes on, as I keep swimming on, those tracks will gone. I know I’ll create more tracks, I will keep creating tracks, but they won’t last long. I shouldn’t let my brokenheart and sadness keep on haunting me. Those are my current tracks, and those will just fade away, I just have to keep swimming on.

I then secretly averted my gaze at Jinyoung. Now I get it. Jinyoung rarely speaks, he speaks with his smiles. I guess I’m getting used to it, somehow.

I inhaled the fresh air, sending good feelings throughout my whole body. Jinyoung suddenly crouched and extended his hand, touching the water. A moment later he glanced at me, signaling me to do it too.

I raised my both eyebrows, was about to question him about this. But then I just decided that I’ll just do exactly as he did. I crouched, and reached for the water. I felt the water embracing my fingers, flowing some calming feelings through my arm and soon it was all over me.

“Thank you Jinyoung.” I unconsciously mumbled. Jinyoung turned at me, smiling silently as usual. “I don’t know how but.. you make me see everything differently. I mean.. they were just some normal ice cream, loud quacking ducks, water of the pond …”

“It all depends on the way you see them.” He simply answered. “A small normal pond can turn into a beautiful painting which worth thousand words.”

He then put his sneakers off, sat himself on the edge with his toes touching the water. I put off mine too, sat beside him, just like what he did. He smiled at me and moved himself a bit closer to me. It’s like a magnet, it drew me moving closer to him too, and before I knew it I found myself resting my head in his chest. Huge comfortable feeling embraces all over me.


Author’s POV

Jin Uk and Ara were skipping college today for a date today, not caring that they might skip some important tasks. They were out at the park, and after few walks around, their eyes caught someone at the pond, someone they absolutely know well, you.

Jin Uk was shocked seeing you with another guy, and that just annoyed him so much. He began regretting in dumping you earlier. It hurt his ego, a girl he just played gets new guy in less than a day, which means himself was worthless. While Ara was a bit different, she felt like she never been angrier before. She was just feeling she was in triumph, winning a guy from you, but now she saw you with a much hotter guy than the one’s with her now, less than a day. Her hate towards you increases as her eyes kept observing you and the guy besides you. What's the point of winning a guy over a girl if that girl gets a new one the next day? And the how good looking that new guy was, just upset her more.



No, no no no. That girl was into me before! She can’t be forgetting me that fast.

I can’t lose to some random guy. No way.


Who is that guy? I have to find out. I have to win him over her.

I can’t let her happy for making me upset like this.


Finally an update!

I thought I'll never get finish this chapter, hehe...

Well, thanks 4 reading, subscribing, and commenting!

Keep in touch! God bless you all!

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anime_freak_here #1
Chapter 3: omgogosh I love the story plz update soon
Chapter 3: OhMyGosh! I'M LOVING YOUR STORY! Please update soon!~
AncientWriting #3
Uh OH! Jealously!
cielnek066 #4
yay !!! i love reading long chaptersss !! :D hwaiting for chapter 3 author-nim!!! wooh! fighting ! ^^
AncientWriting #5
WAAAAAAAAAH!!! I knew it, Jinyoung isn't real at all! He just literally came out of a manga!
LOL~ Just kidding. XD But really, I somehow believe it. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
cielnek066 #7
i liked the 1st chapter! :))
cielnek066 #8
what an interesting story ! hwaiting ! ^^