
Wedding Game


That time is raining day, and I’m still remember he asked me to meet with him. We set our date at my favourite Coffee Cafe near my house. So, I take my coat, and walk into my car and drive towards the destination.

When I’m arrive, I saw him seat at a round table which is only have two chair. I greeted  him and he smile bitterly at me.

“So, what so important?” I said broke the silence around us. It makes me worried because he never be like this before.

“Jaejoong, you already know that I really love you right?” asked him. And I just reacted with a nod.

“But, what will happen if we are not meant together?” he continued.

“You’re kidding right?”

“No, I’m not. Maybe it’s hurt both of us, but I need to say that I’m already engaged with someone,” he didn’t dare to look in my eyes. If we hurt someone we love, we also can feel it.

“Is it an arrangement marriage?” I asked calmly. But I know, I can’t hold on.

“Yes, but I was the one who agreed without thinking first.”

“And what’s the reason for you to agreed?” How can he?

“Because I was forced and I don’t want my family to be ashamed by other company.”

“Is that all? Who is that unlucky girl, hah? Why did you sell over my love while you will marry to someone? Why?” and tears started to rolled down from my eyes to my cheeks. I know everyone in the cafe is looking towards us. Maybe they think this interesting, but this is the worst day of my life.

“Jaejoong! Can you just accept the fate? I can’t do anything now. You know that I love you, right?

“Yes, I know. And it’s a fake one! You didn’t love me, you’re using me! Yes you are!”


I touch my red cheek, and I can feel the pain. But not as hurt as my heart.

I don’t think I can’t hold it anymore. I then left him without any words. I run out from the cafe. All I think right now is this is just a dream, and I want to walking out from this life. I just want to run, want the rain to shed away my tears. I can hear a footsteps chasing after me. I know he also hurt. But, I’m too selfish to accept the fate.

“Jaejoong!” he’s shouting.

I keep running, don’t dare to facing him. I just keep running didn’t realize that I just crossed the road which is still RED. I heard a horn and I saw a truck just nearly want to crash me. All I hope that time is only DIE.

But, maybe my time still hasn’t arrive yet. Because the god take another soul. And it’s not me.

I can hear he called my name and pushed me beside the road. I’m lying be the roadside while the rain still pouring onto me.  My eyes started to blurring and I saw there’s a blood on the road, and he is lying on the middle of the road, I can sense he’s gonna say something, and I’m completely understand it. Even it only a whisper...

 “I..I’m..sorry. I..lo..love..y...you. Good...bye...,”

 And he closed his eyes slowly.  We’re on the crowd of many people around us and I’ve heard some of them said,

“ Calling ambulance, he’s still alive. How about the others?

“He didn’t breath anymore,”

When I heard it, I’m started to cried slowly and I closed my eyes,  want to stop the nightmare.  That is the last time I saw him, and after that, I keep blaming myself because I’m the one  who caused his death. It’s all my fault. I’m sorry, Hyun Joong. I didn’t believe in our love. I thought you leave me because you already have someone, but you did  leave me because you really love me. I’m sorry...

[End flashback]


“Jae, are you okay?” Yunho staring at me.

“Eat now, you didn’t want to eat if it’s turn cold right?” he continued. I’m nodded and slowly eat my food.

“I think it’s alright to marry you,” Yunho said slowly. But, I’m still can hear it.

“What? Marry me? I didn’t want to force you, you still have 3 days to think about this,” I didn’t expect he will give the answer this fast.

 “I’m serious. By the way, my family doesn’t really care,” Yunho look at me seriously.

“I thought your mom is against me,” then Yunho chocking over his food. How cute!?

“How did you know?”

“Her expressions is obvious.” And I chuckled a little. I still remember that day...


“Umma, he’s Jaejoong. Some of my worker in our company. Jae, this is my mom, Mrs. Jung” Yunho mom started to frowning when Yunho introduced me.

“Hello, Mrs. Jung. Nice to meet you” I said politely.

“Hello, Jaejoong? Nice name.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Jung,”

“ You’re the worker in our company? I hope you didn’t have any feeling towards my son,” as I expected, she dislike me. Really obvious. And I can see the glare Yunho giving to his mother.

“No, I don’t.”

“Glad to know that. So what you---”

“Umma, can we talk,” Yunho cut her the speech. He know his mother doesn’t like a low-class boy. But I’m already a millionaire. But, I never told anyone. Only me, my younger brother, Junsu and my cousin, Keita.


[In the room]

I heard they are talking about me. And they are speaking. Don’t judge me, I got A+ is English subject. Maybe I may look like a low-class boy, but actually a top students in University Oxford.

[“Umma, can you treat him nicely?”] Yunho whispered.

[“I don’t care and I don’t want. He’s not my son-in-law anyway. There’s must be a reason why he came here. And I suspect you the most. Anyway, why did that poor boy came here? Maybe you’re the one who asked him to come?”] Mrs.Jung shouted.

[“Yes, and it’s really important.”] He answer calmly.

[Important? How you so sure it’s so important?”]

[“Because it hold my future,”] Yunho said while staring at her mother.

[Don’t tell me you’re falling for him? And you’re gonna marry him?”]

I can see all her mother face is red. And it’s kinda of scary though. But, who cares? If she sick, the victory is mine. Why don’t she just go die?


 I’m started to worried. I hope they didn’t fight just because of me.

[“No, you don’t! Don’t forget, you will engage with the daughter of Kwon Co.”]

[Kwon Yuri!? Why did you tell me now?]

Kwon Yuri? That name seems familiar to me. But what? Aish, It’s really weird.

[Because you’re always busy just like your father. Thank god you didn’t work with him in France!”]

[Don’t change the topic, mom! About that stupid girl, I already reject her! And I’m gonna married with Jaejoong!”]

[What’s so special about him?”] Yunho mom shouted from the top of the her lungs.

“Umm, Mrs. Jung. I think I should go now. Maybe I’m just wasting your time,” Jaejoong who appeared from nowhere cut the conversation.

“Glad you know what you’re doing now,” then she go to her room without saying goodbye.

“I’m sorry if my mom being just like that,” Jaejoong staring at Yunho then smile.

“It’s ok. But, why you must lying to her saying you want to marry me?”

“I just want to see how she will react if I want to marry someone I like one day.”

“Owh, so you’re using me? Duh, what a gentleman,” and Jaejoong laugh. He didn’t really cared as long as he can see Yunho smile. It’s true he loves him, even it is hurt, he didn’t care. Thank god Yunho didn’t realize.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” And Yunho smile because he feel guilty.

“Am I that obvious?” Jaejoong  said blankly.

“So, you’re really hurt?” he’s making a frown. Did Jaejoong really love me? What should I do? If I can reply his love. I’m not gay.

“No, I’m just... Umm, what did you guys talking about just now? Why using English Language?” he trying to change the topic. And Yunho suddenly feel shock.

“You didn’t understand it, right?”

“Of course not, I’m just a Low-class boy, right?” Jaejoong said innocently.

“Don’t said that. I didn’t mean to using you. I’m just want don’t want to marry Kwon Co. daughter.”

“Owh, you mean, Kwon Yuri?”

“Did you really doesn’t know English language? The way you said like you clearly understand it.”

“No, I just happen to heard Yuri name when I’m just passing by the room door.”

“Owh, ok. But I still feel curious.”

“Don’t worry, sir. You can trust me.” Yunho smiled and cupped Jaejoong cheek. Jaejoong freeze and his heart beating very fast. Yunho laughing when he saw Jaejoong shocked face. And he walking out from the mansion followed by Jaejoong.

“Why did you changed your mind to marry me? I thought you’re not gay.” Jaejoong eat the beef stick slowly while looking outside the cafe window. The rain is pouring very heavily. Yunho stopped and staring at Jaejoong.

“It’s true I’m not gay and I hope you don’t have any feelings towards me. Don’t get me wrong. It’s just this is the only way I can do from marrying with Yuri.”

“Hmm, why so sure? There is many girls outside waiting for you. Don’t you worry about your reputations? I don’t want my name appear on the newspaper. You’re the richest and the most good-looking man in this town is marrying the most poor man. I thought I already gave you 3 days to think about it.” Jaejoong looked at Yunho and smirked.

“I know you have gave me time to think. But I don’t want my life to be trapped in an arranged marriage. Marry you is the only thing I can do in this situation. I don’t care about my reputations. Everyone thought you’re a girl, it’s okay. You can be my wife. And I don’t think you’re poor,” Yunho words making Jaejoong shocked. Don’t tell me Yunho know that I’m rich?

“Because I think you’re the most beautiful boy in this town.” Yunho continued his words. He’s curious why Jaejoong shocked a bit and sigh slowly.

“Owh, thanks. So, you already set up the date for our... I mean, the wedding?” Jaejoong corrected his mistakes. He suddenly felt guilty because he thinks of Hyun Joong.

“Maybe next week?” Yunho started eating again and Jaejoong just nodded.

“What about your parents? Did they agree?” Jaejoong weird because Yunho easily agreed with this wedding game. Didn’t Mrs. Jung really angry when I met her  yesterday?

“My dad doesn’t care about my life as long I can take his business in Korea. My mom can’t say anything if my dad agreed.”

“Isn’t you being forced to marry Yuri because want to increase your father’s company reputation?”

“That’s because I don’t want to taking his business here, in Korea.”

“Wait, if you’re agree to be the CEO in Korea, you don’t have to marry me, right?”

“My dad want me to have a child with someone I called wife.” Jaejoong  coughing when he heard about the unborn child. And Yunho is laughing. He didn’t understand why his dad wants a grandson so early.

“I’m a guy. And I don’t think I can pregnant.”

“Let’s see.” Yunho smirking. It’s not impossible, right?

Jaejoong face flushed. I know Yunho doesn’t love me, but why I willing to be his wife? So stupid!

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