What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?

"Hey, Dara!"

Dara turned around, a book cradled in her arms. It was Jiyong, and he was motioning her over. She walked over to him, wondering what he could want.

"What's up, Jiyong?" she asked.

"I got this thing from Seunghyun," he said, holding up a crumpled piece of paper. "He told me to give it to you."

He handed the note over, and she immediately recognized Seunghyun's perfect hand writing. It was short, and there were a few holes in it. Dara recognized them as rips from using a eraser too much. Seunghyun seemed to have written and rewritten the note, but had finally settled for the following:


Meet me outside at the bottom of Shibusen's steps. I have something I need to tell you.

Choi Seunghyun

Dara's lips twisted into a wide smile as she thought of seeing Seunghyun, standing at the bottom of the steps, looking as handsome as usual, waiting for her.

"I don't know what he wants, though-" said Jiyong, but as he looked up, he saw that Dara had already ran off. Jiyong shook his head.

"That boy better be confessing," said Jiyong. "I don't think that I can handle any more their denials."

Dara took the stairs two at a time, and when she got halfway down, she saw him. He was in a white shirt and jeans, looking out over Seoul, the wind tossing his hair back. Dara felt her heart pound against her chest when she saw him. She walked down the rest of the steps a bit slower, trying to soak up the sight of him, the slight smirk on his face, the look of joy that seemed to always radiate from him.

"Hi, Seunghyun!" greeted Dara, holding the note up. "Jiyong gave me the note."

Seunghyun's lips broke in to a smile the moment that he heard Dara's voice. This was it, this was the moment. He held out one of his hands, and Dara placed hers on his, something that greatly felt like an electric shock travelling up her arms.

Seunghyun just took a moment to look over her. So beautiful, so joyous…


Seunghyun brushed a stray strand away from Dara's face, causing her to shiver slightly and her cheeks turn pink. He smiled at the sight. There she was, the Dara that he had fallen for.


"Yes?" she asked, subconsciously batting her eyelashes and driving Seunghyun crazy.

He chuckled slightly. "What would you do if I told you that I loved you?"

Dara smiled brilliantly. "Do you?"

Seunghyun gave her that y smirk of his. "Of course."

Dara grabbed Seunghyun's tie and pulled him down to her.

God, thought Dara. I knew that his body is different than a normal human… but this? This is heaven.

She pulled away from him, and then looked up, as if pretending to ponder. "I think that I would do something like that."

Seunghyun kissed her forehead, intertwining his fingers with his. "In that case, I think that I'll tell you. Dara Park, I love you."

Dara giggled. "I love you, Choi Seunghyun."



Yours Truly One.Four.Three

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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 1: sweet tabisan... (⌒▽⌒)☆
wow so sweet ..Tabisan
OneFourThree #4
sujukat #5
wae so sweet???? kyaaaaaaa...i love you!!!!!
yah i agreed w/ @jekomgarcia .... aigoo so sweet...
jekomgarcia #7
Hehe... So Tabi needs to find out first about Dara's reaction before actually saying what he really feels. Tabisan <3