Gangs of Seoul Roleplay


It was the biggest upset in South Korean history in hundreds of years. The biggest commodity, the one big money earner, the Hallyu Wave as they knew it was over. The artists were no longer able to expand overseas, the music was becoming banned every where, even in their own country. All the major companies were no longer in existence, boarded up and looted, shadows of their former selves. The Founders were forced underground, no longer able to make the music that they craved, forced to find other means of survival. Music was dead in South Korea, but crime was not. The names once synonymous with music and dance, happiness and joy, were now the pillars of the biggest crimes families in South Korea. YG, JYP, and SM were no longer the top three music companies in the country but the top 3 crime families in the world. Their names spread fear into the hearts of people world wide like their music once put happines. Territory, recognition, power: that is all they knew. The smaller company Founders either joined one of the big 3 or tried to fight them. Some became the law. Others started bounty hunter sects. And it all centered around the once vibrant city Seoul. The once music capital was now the main stage for the fight of South Korea’s future…..Who would win out?


Fight for control of Seoul City as one of the members of the notorious YG, SM, JYP, or Cube families, start your own family, become the law, or play the devil’s advocate. Control will come to Seoul but under who?

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