I'll close my eyes. ❤ apply closed.


    Being able to fully trust people, knowing that they have your back no matter what happens. Being able to get crazy, laugh your off, and act like a complete weirdo. Being able to fight with one another knowing it doesn't matter in the end because your friendship is more important and you want to work through it. Being close with someone, so close they're like family. That's how it is for a certain group of friends. Block B's girlfriends. That's how the girls are with each other. Hehe, Block B are like that with each other too. ;)


    Block B's girlfriends have known each other since high school; they grew up together. Once the girls moved out of their parent's houses, they moved into an apartment together. These girls appear to be the definition of best friends. It's almost funny that they all ended up getting a Block B boyfriend.


    Block B and their girls have always been golden couples. Everyone who knows about them, which is everyone except the fans, think they're couples to look up to. They are understanding of each other. They don't like wasting time arguing when they could be having fun. The guys support their girls and the girls support their guys. The girls are Block B's #1 fans. The couples have been through a lot together. When Block B's scandal occurred, the girls were always there for them. It seemed like nothing could break them.


Sometimes things change. 


What happens when their healthy and loving relationships turn not so healthy nor loving? 
Can they get through the fighting, the doubts, and the tears?


Some say love conquers all. 
Others say it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. 





If it's okay with you, I, I'll close my eyes.


Hey, it's yahhajumma!
Don't you ever think to yourself, I wish I had a boyfriend from Block B?
How could you not? Hehe. ;3




1. No bashing. I really don't get the point. If you don't like it, get out.

2. Subscribe, write application in blog post, and comment with the link.

3. Apply only once.

4. The password is your favorite Block B song. 

5. If you are chosen, you must comment at least every other chapter. If you don't, your Block B boo will kick you to the curb. 

6. I'll be in the story. Kyung is taken. Mian!~

7. I have the right to change your application any way I want.


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awww~I just found my application for this fic because i remembered that I did apply for a block b story! So pumped for their comeback! Hope to see something soon! fighting author-nim! :)
-AngelicMiracle- #2
This looks interesting...it has a unique story plot! Pity I wasn't able to find this before apps closed...but I'm still going to read! :3
Fighting! ;)
yay ~ i can't wait :D
HooHoo~ Looking forward to this one...
Good Luck author-nim.. ^^
laybaby #5
Awesome i can't wait ~
Yay!!! the deadline has come!!! now we'll be able to see who got chosen and the story can start ^^
Are applications still open? ^^ I'll do my best to hurry and post it up tonight~ ; u ;