
Another Normal Day for Chunji


                Chunji moaned as LJoe hit the right spot once again.

                “Oh god,” he mewled, “That feels so good. Can you go a bit faster though?”

                “This is as fast as I could go…but fine.” LJoe whined but increased his speed anyway. “If I hurt you then stop me okay?” The older groaned as the rapper got the right spot dead on again.

                “You…do this so much better than Niel. He never gets it right even if I lead him…” LJoe pressed on even harder, the bed squeaking as he added even more weight. Chunji threw his head slightly back.       

                “Damn you’re good at massages. You should do it again for me sometimes. The practices manager hyung makes us go to is so tiring. Yo my back hurts like a .” Chunji complained and rubbed the back of his neck. LJoe smirked.

                “Of course I’m good at this. I’m LJoe.” Chunji raised an eyebrow at the younger.

                “Cocky much?” LJoe shrugged. “Well thanks for your help. You should go practice with CAP hyung or something.” The younger nodded his head, his hair flopping up and down.

                “Araso. I’ll be out then.” He left the room. Chunji gently laid his back onto the bed for a while, staring up at the ceiling. I wonder what the others are doing. He threw his legs over his bed and walked towards the door. He turned the knob and a pair of pink boxers flew to his face.

                “Whoops! Sorry hyung!” Niel ran over and plucked the piece of clothing off the vocalist’s head. “Ricky threw them; Changjo and I were trying to get them back.” He explained. Almost right on cue, about five more objects went sailing towards the direction of Chunji. A pair of neon skinny jeans, two plaid shirts, a pair of green boxers, and something that looked like something crossed between a mini skirt and short shorts. He didn’t want to know what it was.

                “RICKY!” Chunji hollered. Almost immediately, Ricky arrived in front of the 2nd eldest. He gave the lead vocalist an innocent look which sadly wasn’t working like he planned. “Ricky, go pick up all the stuff you threw and bring them back to Changjo right now.”


                “No buts. Go.” Ricky scowled, his bottom lip jutting out in a pout. He reluctantly trotted back to pick up the clothing he threw all around the living room. Chunji sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He walked into the kitchen and searched through the bottom drawers for his stuff. After a few minutes of rummaging through endless boxes of crackers and Oreos, Chunji stood up empty-handed.

                “Changjo ah, did you see my strawberry pocky anywhere?” the maknae walked into the kitchen with long strides and reached over Chunji’s shoulder. He’s too tall. He grabbed a container of mint crème Oreo.

                “Didn’t CAP hyung eat them?” With that, he walked back out. Chunji scratched his head. CAP wouldn’t take anyone’s stuff, he always asked for permission first.

                “I give up.” Chunji muttered to himself. He went back into the room that he and Ljoe shared. He grabbed his laptop off the table and plopped himself comfortably onto the bed. Chunji muttered the words as he typed. “Www dot asian…fanfics dot com. And enter.” The page quickly loaded and Chunji logged in. “Chunjiistheistidol, password xxxxxxxxxxx.” He clicked enter and scanned the page that displayed shortly afterwards. New story updates, new story comments, new blog posts, new blog comments, new messages, friends request. Typical. Chunji closed the tab. He never revealed his real identity of course. People online assumed that he was just another fangirl that wanted to ‘Chunji ‘as soon as she saw him.

                He had started a story about Teen Top, mostly staring him and LJoe. In a matter of weeks, he had gained many views, comments, and subscribers. Chunji had discovered the many pairings fans had for them, Chunjoe being the most popular. Since then, he had made an effort to show as much fan service as he could with the rapper. Truthfully speaking, Chunji had read a couple of stories with chunjoe in it. But never the rated ones ‘cause they were just too graphic for his mind to handle. Chunji shivered as he remembered the first time he’d accidentally clicked on a story that had chunjoe tagged and was rated [M]. It was very different and that was all he was going to say.

                Chunji closed the laptop and leaned against his pillow. A soft voice traveled around the dorm. Probably Niel singing. His eyes slowly started drooping, opening and closing as he sank deeper into his soft pillow. His eyes had just close when he heard…


                And there goes my nap. Chunji opened his eyes and voluntarily strutted out the door. On his way to the kitchen, he heard loud roars of approvals and cheers. Chunji secretly smiled to himself. The dorm was so much better when it’s noisy.


Was anyone trolled? >:3

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MishaRen #1
Chapter 1: -facepalm- OH GAWD. I seriously got trolled LOL
Chapter 1: LOLOLOL at the beginning xD
Hyun_mi #3
LOLOL I read the first part in Ask Teen Top so I wasnt trolled this time round author-nim :b BUT lolol CHUNJI is juz so cute <3
Lololol. I want a little bit taken back on the first part. Then BOOM.
Lololol. Nice <3 I was entertained XD
ILoveYou_Forever #6
FML~~~ For a ChunJoe lover like me, everything in the first 6 lines was just...... wow~~~ You are bad, you know~ T_T LOL~
And awwww~~~ Even though it's short, it's so sweet and adorable!~~~ I like it a lot! And then the ending is beautiful too~~~~~
I kind of expected it. But it's nice.
I was trolled. Even though I had already read that scene before xDD