My new family.

It's funny how things workout...

Doojoon lead me into the resturant and we walked over to the table where the rest of Beast was waiting.

"Hey guys. This is my little sister Emily." Doojoon introduced me.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" I said bowing.

When I stood back up, Yoseob attacked me with a hug.

"No need to be so respectful. You are barely younger than us. Plus we are going to be family!" He said pulling away. He really is adorable

"You are just too cute! Are you sure are related to Doojoon?" He asked pinching my cheeks.

"YAH!" Doojoon yelled.

"Well, he has a point." I said laughing.

"What do you mean?" Yoseob looked confused.

"It's nothing Yo-" Doojoon began.

"I was adopted when I was 7 by Doojoon's parents." I said.

"Ohhh. I see." Yoseob looked guilty for bringing it up.

I pinched his cheeks and smiled at him to make him happy again. He is just too adorable to be sad.

"Yah! Share Emily with the rest of us! We have been waiting too!" 

I looked behind Yoseob and saw everyone else staring with anticipation. 

"Emily, this is Hyunseung, Junhyung, Dongwoon, Gikwang, and you know Yoseob already."

"Doojoon, I recognize each of them!" I laughed and rolled my eyes taking a seat between Yoseob and Gikwang.

"So how old are you Emily?" Hyunseung asked.

"I'm 19." I said placing a napkin on my lap.

"Ohhh, are you enrolled in a college?"

"Umm, not yet. I can't afford it right now. But when I can, I will go to Seoul university and major in dance. My minor will be music." I explained.

"You dance?" Gikwang asked.

My heart skipped a beat. Even though I never met the members, I still knew who each of them were. Gikwang has always been my favorite. His personality really stands out to me. I don't know what it is about him, but I am drawn to it. He is my favorite dancer too.

"Yes I do!" I smiled.

They all smiled and got excited.

"When can we see you dance?!" Dongwoon asked.

"Ummm. I don't know. I guess just whenever!" I said.

"Emily was on her high school team. She has always been an amazing dancer." Doojoon said. " She is waaaaayyyyy better than me."

"Really Doojoon? Who is famous in this family?" I asked laughing.

"You really could be. You just have to audition." He said.

I just shrugged my shoulders. I never really thought about auditioning. I mean, my brother really could give me a great audition.... Nahh.

"Why don't you audition?" Junhyung asked.

"I don't know. I guess I never thought about it."

"Well, we are going on tour soon and are looking for backup dancers. You should audition. If you are as good as Doojoon says you are, you could come on tour with us. That way while we are gone, you won't be in the dorm by yourself all the time." Gikwang suggested nudging my shoulder.

Everyone at the table got really excited encouraging me to do so.

"I will think about it guys. I still don't know if I want to pursue music or dance more."

"Why don't you do both like us?" Hyunseung asked.

"I guess I could. But I don't even know if I am a good singer."

"Emily. Stop talking. You know you are amazing." Doojoon said.

I used to sing all the time. I sang at school pep rally's every year. After my parents died I just kind of... stopped.

"Sing noona!" Yoseob said.

"You are older than me babo!" I laughed at his childness.

" I don't care! I want to call you noona! But will you sing for us?"

"Hmm. I will some other time. Right now I just want to eat!" I said rubbing my hands together.

As if on que, the waitor came and took our orders. When he brought us our food, I didn't hesitate to dig in. I'm not really sure how I keep my figure. I eat so much food all the time. I guess it's from always dancing. Plus, I drink tons of water each day.


I looked up from my plate and saw everyone staring at me. I just blushed and wiped my mouth.

"How does someone so little eat so much?" Gikwang asked smiling.

"She has always eaten a lot. I don't know how she keeps her form. She is a pig."

"Yah! I'm not a pig!" I said, hitting Doojoon.

"Whatever you say..." Doojoon laughed.

"So, do you guys have any schedules tomorrow?"

"Nope. We are off. Our manager wants us to get to know you so he gave us a week off." Hyunseung said wipping his mouth.

"How about some of you go rent some movies while I and a few others go get some deserts. I will make cookies. Oh, and we can buy popcorn and smoothie stuff! Sleepover in the living room?!"  I offered.

"Yes!" All th boys said in unison.

I'm going to love it with these guys.

"Okay so Hyunseung, Junhyung, and I will go get movies. Gikwang, Dongwoon, Yoseob and Emily will go to the store and get everything else." Doojoon proposed.

Everyone just stared at him.

"You are going to let those four go by themselves?" Junhyun asked laughing.

"Yeah. I mean, Emily has to get to know each of us. Gikwang will be good I'm sure. I believe Emily can handle them. She is crazy too."

"Whatever you say." Junhyung said putting his hands up.

Now I'm nervous.

Doojoon paid the bill and sent us on our way. Gikwang walked next to me while Dongwoon ran ahead with Yoseob on his back leading us to the grocery store around the corner.

"So how old were you when you were adopted? If you don't mind me asking." Gikwang said nervously.

"Oh it's fine. I mean, I want to be close with you all so personal questions don't bother me. I was 7. I was abandoned at a gas station." I explained.

I act like it doesn't bother me,  but you can tell from my eyes that it does. My biggest fear is being left behind. When my other parents died, it made my fear worse. Then Doojoon left and I didn't think I would make it. But Lauren was there for me. But now, I have the fear of being left behind. It makes me feel empty. It's the scariest thing on earth.

"Is there something wrong?" I looked over at Gikwang and saw hime looking into my eyes.

Can he tell?

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking." I said, putting on my fake smile.

"You know, smiles can't hide everything." He said.

"Doojoon is the only other person who has ever been able to read my eyes so easily." I said.

"Well, I do the same thing you do. I have a big smile, so I seem fine. But, with my eyes, you can tell how I am really feeling."

What a coincidence.....

I just smiled at kept following the maknae and the visual maknae. I felt Gikwang's eyes on me for a few seconds more. But I refused to look at him.


********* Gikwang's POV**********

I find Emily very.... interesting. She is beautiful. I knewall the guys think she is pretty too. But there is something about her that intrests me. I don't know. I can see sadness in her eyes. She is very mysterious. And I find myself extremely curious about her...

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littleloveatmyheart #1
Chapter 26: I hope it will be okay for emily to tell the whole world about her relationship with gikwang..

be strong, emily~~!!
littleloveatmyheart #2
Chapter 20: junhyung,, LOL !! my boyfriend is weird.. haha !

kyaaaa~~~ yoseob is still innocent as ever~
littleloveatmyheart #3
cute yoseob ~~!!
littleloveatmyheart #4
omg.. you talked to yourself ?

that's what i do when i get bored !! :DDD

you're so lucky for having Beast album~~!!

update soon !! :)
dancelovelybird #5
i don't think it would harm anyone but if there are also people who don't like it, why don't you make two versions (ty & not ty)?
littleloveatmyheart #6
chapter 18~ awww.. that was sweet~~ sleeping together with gikwang..

littleloveatmyheart #7
slight ? if you can do it, then do it. it might turned out well ~~!
littleloveatmyheart #8

sweet gikwang.. kyaaaaaaaaa~~!! :D
dancelovelybird #9
i'm....waiting for your next update
littleloveatmyheart #10
Of course i still love you !! and your story too ~~ heeeee~~

HAHA ! anyway, update soon ~~!! ^^