Yoseob, you major distraction!


A oneshot I wrote for my cousin Vivian (angelzs2)! Since she wrote one for me a few months ago LOL
I also can't sleep which is insaneeee! it's 1.45am and i have to wake for school in about 4 hours!
But oh well, and writing this fanfic at 12:30am wasn't really a wise decision either :(


Enjoy though!

I know how much you love Yoseob, Vy! I hope you like it <3


You're really trying to study but your adorable boyfriend decides to just come and distract you!
It's obvious that nothing will get done because honestly, who could resist... I know not me.


"You finally gave up, releasing your eyes from the textbook and self-consciously shifting your gaze up to his face which you believed God secretly spent more time on for it looked sooo frking gorgeous. Okay don’t gape now… keep your mouth shut… thaaaaat’s it. Good girl. Your brain steps your through the process of self-control nice and slowly."


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YYSdyno #1
Chapter 1: AHH ! I enjoyed the story ; its soo cute (x love~love~love !
Chapter 1: Oh gosh!!! Every day while I'm in school the only thing on my mind is YOSEOB!!!!! But I'm fine with it.
I was blushing whole freaking time >~<
... *blushing like a maniac and grinning like one too* KYAAAAA! KAWAIIIIII! *dies from fluff overload* TOO CUTE FOR ME!
But ngaaaws, arigatou ne, aieru Lisachan!~
Yah! You didn't have to say about how much you knew I loved Yoseob. >///<
I loved the preview and I shall read it after school.