Meeting Him Again

Once Upon a Time...

I sat down in my college class, looking out the window. ' I still cannot forget that day', I thought. I sighed deeply as I thought back to the day it happened, the day I met him....


It seems as if it was a long time ago, when only it was last year. I was in Los Angeles attending the Korean Music Festival with a few friends of mine. You are probably wondering who I am right? My name is Juanita, a native of Oklahoma and a proud Kiss Me. We had planned this trip a few months ahead and we saved up money so we can attend. I was so excited because my favorite group was going to perform here. I sat down in the seat assigned to us, holding my Soohyun fan and using it to fan myself off...

"Hey Juanita", my friend poked me in the side, "Can you go and get some water bottles for us?", she asked. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her strangely,

"How come you won't get it yourself?", I asked. I mean, I'm trying not to be rude but I want to get an excellent view of my boys who were about to perform after G.NA. Kayla shook her head and rubbed her knees. Knowing what she was getting at, I sighed and gave her a look before I stood up and started walking towards the refreshment stands. The hallways between the stands on the other side of the wall and the stage were empty and I, being my clumsy self, bumped into someone, causing me to fall. Waiting for me to hit the ground, I never did. I opened my eyes and saw two hazel ones staring back at my own. I gasped as I realized that the leader and power vocal of UKISS was right in front of me. I blushed a bright red and coughed a bit before saying, "Gomawo", which is 'Thank you' in korean. I immediately got out of his arms and bowed before rushing away towards the stands, leaving the leader standing there speechless.

Soohyun stood there, watching as the black haired girl speed walked away. A wave of warmth went through him as he thought about her emerald eyes that looked right into his soul. 'No, it couldn't be', he thought as he put a hand on his chest. His heart was beating alot faster than normal. He broke out of his trance when he heard Hoon yelling for him,

"Soohyun-hyung! We are about to get on stage", he said and grabbed the leaders hand and pulled him towards the entry towards the stage. Only one thought was going through his head at the time, 'I need to see her again', he thought as a smile appeared on his face at the thought of her, 'I guess this is what 'Love at first sight' feels like'.

During the whole performance, I couldn't keep my eyes off of Soohyun. I screamed  when they came on stage, danced when they danced, and sang when they sang. It was soo fun but when the concert had ended, the artists were standing on stage waving towards the audience and our eyes connected again. It felt as if time stood still between them until Kevin ushered Soohyun off-stage. I blinked and shook my head.

"Ready to go Juanita?", Kayla asked as she stood up. I nodded but started tearing up a bit. Kayla looked at me concerned,

"Is something wrong?", she asked. I smiled and shook my head,

"Nah, I just, I didn't want the concert to end, ya know?", I said. She nodded and we both headed towards the enterance. Before we reached it, one of the employees ran to us, carrying what looked like a small box with a piece of paper on top. 

"Miss, I was told to give this to you", she said, handing the box to me before rushing backto where she came from. Kayla looked at me than the package that I held in my hands. I opened up the box and gasped at what was inside. A pendent, shaped like a kiss stared back at me. I looked at the piece of paper on top and read it.

'Be prepared that the next time we meet, I won't have you walking away from me again, Sincerely, S.S.', it read. I gasped and Kayla had a smirk on her face.

"Oooh, Someone has a secret admirer", Kayla sang. I glared at her and all she was chuckle and walked away towards the car. I looked back down at the pendent inside the box and got it out, putting it around my neck. The medal felt cool against my skin as I got inside the car and made our way back to Oklahoma.

-Flashback Ends-

 I sighed and the same pendent that still rests around my neck. The bell rang, signalling that the course was over and I was free to go. I picked up my stuff and walked down the hallway to the hub when I caught a glimpse of something pink and white on the wall. I looked and gasped.


 MAY 23, 2012          2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M



I got out my cellphone and immediately contacted the teacher, only to find out the tickets were already sold out. I sighed sadly and hung up. I walked into the hub and I got out my tablet. I looked at the date and mentally smacked my forehead. 'Now I know why they were sold out', I thought, 'The stupid thing is today!'. 

"Hey Juanita!!!", Kayla ran up to me holding two tickets in her hands, "Look at what I got!", she said. I looked closely and saw they were tickets for the fanmeet. My eyes widened and I looked up at her in surprise.

"How the heck did you manage to get a hold of them???", I asked. She smirked and waved them around.

"Well, I work at the PAC and maybe I snuck them from the ticket box while no one was looking", she said mischeviously. I blinked and laughed softly. Sometimes I was grateful that I had a friend like her.

"Sometimes Kayla, I wonder what I would do without you in my life", I said. She smiled brightly and gave me a hug.

"You would be bored and miserable without me", she said. We both laughed and then she tugged on my arm, "Now come on, the fanmeet starts in five minutes, I want to get a good seat". she said. I nodded and gathered up my things. We rushed to the PAC and managed to get the third row in the middle, right in front of the stage. The girls were chattering around us, along with some squealing and the lights dimmed. The song, 'Neverland' started playing through the speakers and our focus was drawn onto the stage as they danced and sing. I smiled as I mouthed to the song and did the hand flaps with them. Than came the question portion...

"Now boys, all of the girls here are wondering...what is your ideal girl?", the hostess asked UKISS. Kevin was the first to answer,

"Well, I like a girl who is sweet and honest, takes care of herself, and wouldn't mind spending time with my members and I", he said. The same question was given to every member. When Soohyun was next, what he said shocked me,

"I like a girl who is clumsy, sweet, adorable, dark haired with emerald eyes", he said, smirking, "I ran into her once at L.A. but I haven't seen her since, but when I do, I don't plan on letting her go again..". The audience gasped and some girls squealed too, wondering who took their dear Soohyun-oppa's heart. I blinked and blushed a bit, thankful that the room was dark. The fanmeet came and went and I smiled like a dork as I exited the PAC with my friend.

"Wow", Kayla said, "I didn't know that Soohyun would like that type of girl, I feel jealous, don't you?", she asked me. I smiled and nodded. As we walked down towards the crowded hallway. A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty room without Kayla noticing. The room was dark so I wasn't able to see my attacker. I was about to say something until a pair of lips covered mine, stopping me. My eyes adjusted to the dark and saw that the figure in front of me was Soohyun. He looked back at me with a hungry yet loving look in his eyes. "Soohyun...", I was about to begin but he stopped me again with a finger on my lips.

"You don't know how long I've been searching for you Princess", he whispered to me and buried his head in my neck and hugging me close, "It actually hurts me that I don't even know your name yet you captured my heart". I gasped a bit and he looked up again and looked at my neck, where the necklace was hanging. A smile appeared on his lips as he the pendent.

"Remember when I said, when I see the girl again, I don't plan on letting her go?", he mumbled to me and planted a kiss on the pendent. I nodded and he smiled a bit more. "I found you and I am planning on keeping that promise", he said. I looked at him with a questioning look.

"How do you plan on doing that?", I asked him, "I live here, in America, and you live in Korea?". He smirked and winked at me,

"Don't worry, I already had your stuff packed and sent to my apartment there. Your friend Kayla helped", he said and kissed me again. I was in shock and immediately thought, 'Kayla, you are in sooo much trouble once I get my hands on you'. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. After a few minutes, we broke apart and I whispered, "Juanita".

"Hm?", he looked at me and a smile appeared on his lips again, "Is that your name?". I nodded and he whispered my name again. I shivered at how it sounded coming off of his lips. He held me closer and planted a kiss on my forehead and opened the door. I realized the hallway was empty and the UKISS members stood in front of the door with smiles on their faces.

"FINALLY!", Eli exclaimed. I blinked and looked up at Soohyun, who was shaking his head. Kevin walked up and placed a hand on my shoulder,

"We are just glad that Hyung managed to find his dream girl", he said, even though there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. I smiled and winked at him. 

"Don't worry Kevin, you guys will find yours soon, trust me", I said. Kevin smiled brightly and yanked me out of Soohyun's arms and into his and hugged me tightly.

"YAH!", Soohyun exclaimed, yanking me back into his arms. "Don't steal my girlfriend!". I blinked and busted out laughing with the other members. I hugged Soohyun and he smiled down at me and pecked me on the lips before walking with me towards the entrance of the PAC with UKISS following behind. As we exited the PAC, I looked around to see the members laughing and making fun of one another and then at Soohyun. I smiled and snuggled into the crook of his arm as I thought, 'I guess there is a 'Happily ever after' after all'.

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cute! ^^