Simple Minded

Simple Minded


It was the first you’ve heard of him in a week. His call woke you up and his urgent voice asked you to be at your usual café in less than 30 minutes. You were so worried you weren’t really paying attention to what clothes you were putting or what you were hastily throwing in your bag. You started dating a few months back after a few weeks of being friends. He was introduced to you by your mutual friend Taemin who thought you guys were fit to hang out with each other. Taemin knew you from high school and had met Jonghyun at the company they both belonged to. It had clicked in your first meeting but you couldn’t let things go so fast so you waited. He then confessed saying the borderline friendship-love relationship you were having was driving him crazy and that he wanted it to stay in the love district for good. You then became closer than you were, and that is saying something. You became so close to him you saw him more often than your best friend who was the reason you two met.

He got an apartment for himself and surprised you on Christmas by bringing you, and all of your belongings and making you move in with him. The apartment wasn’t far from his original dorm where his four mates and band members still lived, a few blocks. Indeed, your boyfriend was Jonghyun, Tengoku‘s leader and vocalist. They had started as an underground band but quickly shot to fame when they played in a café where a scouting agent was taking a break from work.  Their main genre was indie rock but Jonghyun often wrote softer, slower songs; almost ballads, that went on his solo albums. The company chose not to render yours and Jonghyun’s relationship public avoiding you both the trouble some unaccepting fans might bring and you didn’t mind.

 Tengoku was now meant to debut in a foreign country and you’d learn this a week ago through one of their fansites. You were upset some that Jonghyun didn’t tell you himself. In fact, he hadn’t said anything other than mono-syllable words since the last party you attended together and he spent more time in his dorm than in your shared apartment.

You were sipping on your usual warm French Vanilla thinking back to how to it came to this. To why you both haven’t spoken to each other for almost 2 weeks, why he hadn’t been in the apartment all of last week and all you thoughts brought you to that party.

It was held 10 days ago at Joon’s mansion as a graduation ceremony. Joon was yours and Taemin’s very close friend. He had joined your high school in the last year and you and Taemin had made him feel welcomed. The three of you then went to the same college which all of you graduated that month. Jonghyun had never seen him before and was surprised you were friends with someone so well off. The evening went by really well. By midnight you were a tad bit tipsy and had spent quite some time talking to Joon about your future plans. You hadn’t seen Jonghyun for a while but you assumed he was with Taemin since he too was nowhere in sight.

Later when you were in Taemin’s car driving back to the apartment he told you that Jong had left first because he said he had a headache. You didn’t think much of it but when you got home and found him asleep you worried that it might have been a bad headache.

The next morning you woke up alone and without Jong’s usual ‘I’m off to work have a nice day baby’ note.

From then one the one word answers and the nights at the dorm had started.


You had been in the café for 20 minutes already, your French Vanilla had gone cold and worry was making you extremely nervous. Adding up the last week’s events with the fact that you had spent most of the party with Joon hurt your brain and you could already see what kind of discussion you and Jonghyun were about to have.

The café’s door opened for the tenth time and you sighed in relief seeing it wasn’t Jong. You definitely weren’t ready for that talk to take place. You thought back to all your secret dates and picnics and was almost about to cry.


‘Baby what’s wrong’ Your face shot up in shock as you heard Jong’s voice so close. You had been lost in your thoughts and didn’t see him come in.

‘i.i..hi jonghyun’ your lower lip was quivering and you almost teared up seeing him.

He sat beside you and hugged you. You went stiff as he whispered ‘I really missed you’.

You pushed him off and gave him a confusing look.

‘you…you’re not mad?’

‘what…mad about what’

‘Jonghyun. You spent a whole week at the dorm and haven’t called once. Before that you …you would only answer me yes or no to anything I’d say’ you say your voice cracking and your eyes watery.

‘why would I be mad at you baby. I’m most definitely not. I don’t even know how you came up with this’ he chuckled patting your head.

‘…at Joon’s party you had left early and..and since then we haven’t talked and.’ You couldn’t allow yourself to say another word because you knew you’d cry.

It took Jonghyun a moment to know what you were talking about and his face took on a confused expression once he did.

‘I had a headache that night. I thought I told Taemin to tell you?’

‘he did. But the next day you left and…’

Jonghyun looked down. His face showed sadness? Fear? Maybe a mix of both. And now that you took a good look you saw he was tired. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were red. He was wearing his favorite dark t-shirt and that pair of black skinnys you bought him.

‘I couldn’t bring myself to…’he hesitated before looking in your eyes and continuing.

‘I couldn’t bring myself to tell you that we’d have to leave for Korea soon. I sent you a letter the same day though explaining to you how Tengoku was set to debut there by next month and how we’d have to leave for a while.’ He had an apologetic smile on that made you want to cry even more.

‘as for the staying at the dorm this whole time, that was in the letter too, we have so much to prepare and my manager asked me to stay for at least a week. I was also asking if you agreed to coming with us. I know this might not be what you want but, i…I don’t want to have to leave you for so long. Didn’t you read my letter to you? I used nice paper and even handwrote it for you’ he pouted looking away.

You were dazed for a while. Your head spun and you hot wave submerged you.

‘i……I didn’t check the mail’ you hadn’t checked the mail for a whole week. You were busy grieving, crying and thinking of ways to apologize.

Jonghyun was laughing by now. ‘why are you so dazed baby. Its alright.’

You stood up and dragged Jonghyun out of the café. You needed fresh air.

‘no its not alright! Jonghyun. I’ve been agonizing for the past week thinking you were mad at me’ you almost screamed. You leaned on the wall outside, closed yours eyes and took a deep breath.

‘ I thought you were mad because I had spent so much time with Joon at the party and didn’t even leave with you. Then this whole sudden absence of yours happens and you call me this morning telling me to meet at the café? Do you realize that i…I’ you didn’t want to say those words you dreaded so much.

‘I thought you were about to breakup with me’ you whispered looking at your feet, your lower lip quivering again.

Jonghyun was silent for too long and when you looked up you found him smiling. He leaned in placing his forehead on yours and tickling your nose with his. You were so relieved you didn’t hold back your tears this time.

‘you silly bunny. If you had checked the mail you wouldn’t have made up such a story. I enjoyed the party as much as you did and Taemin even introduced me to some of your other high school friend. I knew you and Joon were close and that’s why I didn’t mind you being with him. I really did get a headache though.’

He backed away, wiped your tears and took your hand. You started walking down the street.

‘as for my morning call. I’m sorry it disturbed you so much. You hadn’t answered whether you were coming with us or not and my manager wanted to know because he’d have papers to prepare if you decide to come. So..are…are you coming with us’

He was worried what your answer would be and you could hear it in his voice.

‘of course I’m coming with you. Kim Jonghyun, I’ll always follow you. To Korea, to London, to the moon if you had to go. Don’t think you can get rid of me’ you stuck your tongue out saying that last part.

He stopped and pulled you into a hug. The smell of roses filled your senses and you opened your eyes to see you had stopped in front of a flower shop.

Jong pulled out of the embrace and his face was a breath away from yours. After months of being with him this still made your heart flutter and butterflies dance in your stomach. And you knew it still would years from now.

‘im so glad to hear that. Because I don’t plan on getting rid of you. Now. Let’s go enjoy my last day off before we go back shall we’

And before you could answer his soft lips grazed yours in a sweet kiss only he could give. You smiled, his lips still on yours, and held his hand tighter.

You then made a promise to yourself; you’d never overthink events or make up stories based on behavior, especially not when it came to your love.



a/n:sooooo this was supposed to be a drabble but seeing as it's almost 2k words we'll call it a oneshot. its probably messy and might have mistakes sorry about that. its 2am so i will read it over tomorrow and correct. also this is the first time i post my writings...;-; //anxious

feedback would be lovely!

thank you for reading.

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amanda13 #1
So sweeeeeet !! Haha ~ :3
Jaehyo_love #2
whooooooo so sweeeet......sound like me...i am a pabo