
Link-Line: Relationship Helper

“Noooooooo” Seungri whines, his voice hitting a pitch that everyone in the room wished was only audible to dogs. “I don’t want to do any more hyung! They all say the same thing” he drops his head to the table dramatically, causing YoungBae to shake his head and start rocking in his chair.

“He has a point” YoungBae runs a hand over his face; they were all tired and fed up with the whole process, “they have all been pretty terrible so far. Nothing like what was asked for.”

“Just one more, it can’t be that bad! Then we will be done for the day” JiYong says in a voice that was practically begging for them to just hang on for a little bit longer.

“Nothing will ever be as bad as the last one,” DaeSung says, scrunching up his nose in disgust at the memory, “I don’t want to know what they thought the prompt was, but it wasn’t that.”

“I don’t want to know where they got their information, it all just sounded painful” SeungHyun says, barely suppressing a shudder at the memory.

JiYong laughs lightly, and leans forward so that his arms are holding him up off of the table, the last paper of the day in-between his thumb and middle finger; “alright, here we go—

In order to properly prepare someone for meeting the person who could quite possibly be the “person of their dreams”, they would need to understand quite a few things about interpersonal relationships that would be helpful to know in order to make not only a good first-impression, but to make the relationship last.

JiYong pauses, looking up at the end of the paragraph. The other four had moved forward slightly; Seungri even lifted his head.

“That sounds like the prompt” YoungBae says, slowly, as if by saying those words he might jinx them all and the paper would turn out terrible.

“Keep reading” SeungHyun prompts, scooting closer to the table so that he can lean on it.

A person should be aware, at least partially, of what it is that they find compelling, attractive, and important in any normal relationship. The person (in this instance we will call him Billy) would have to write it out as well as talk about it, because this would help Billy to fully understand and flesh out what it is that makes the characteristics that he is listing important. This would also give him the chance to understand and think clearly about what other people might like and want in him. It would be important to let Billy know that the person of his dreams should be everything that he wants in a friend and more. So we would need to know what exactly that ‘more’ would have to be for him. This would lead into what it is that he likes in a boyfriend/girlfriend that is different or more emphasized than in just a normal friend or relationship. This part may be hard, especially since there is no guarantee that he will have any really clear understandings of what it is that he would want or need in a romantic relationship that would be different from a regular friendship. Billy would obviously need to be made aware of the fact that he won’t necessarily notice or find all of these traits in the first person that he meets, and that it would be difficult to notice something like trustworthiness the very first time that you meet someone.”

JiYong stops reading and looks up at them again; “guys, I think we found it.”


The site was a raging success; of course it had only been one week since it had opened. It was also definitely possible that the only reason it was doing so well was because it was endorsed by YG Entertainment and Big Bang had promoted it, but everyone was treating it like a success, so it didn’t really matter.

The five men sit down around one of the computers in the room, Seungri shoving his way in-between SeungHyun and YoungBae so that he could be closer. DaeSung takes control of the mouse and scrolls down the page, pausing to look at each little profile.

“Click on one of the videos” JiYong whispers, leaning his head in closer to the screen. DaeSung complies, clicking on the first video on the page.

The video opens on an empty couch that a woman slowly walks to and sits down on before speaking: “Welcome to Link-Line basics! We are committed to your satisfaction, and because of that we have a number of videos and short text segments dedicated to helping you understand what you want and more importantly what you need. Happy searching!” The video ends, cutting from the woman to jump to the band giving encouragement.

“That was a good idea” SeungHyun says, leaning away from the screen, his eyes searching for a more comfortable place to sit.

“What, us speaking?” Seungri asks, earning a light tap on the back of the head.

“No, the videos; it’s smart to give out the information in more than just a written format” SeungHyun responds, rolling his eyes as he moves across to the couch a few feet away.

“Mm, yeah I agree. It seems to be doing well too. I mean, the counter says that the users are actually watching them” YoungBae says, stretching his arms over his head and smiling brightly, he was happy that she had sent in that essay for the contest; she had not only written what they had been looking for, but she had agreed to do the videos when the CEO had suggested it.

“Or Seungri just keeps watching them when no one is paying attention” SeungHyun says, a slow smile spreading across his face as he watches Seungri’s reaction.

Seungri’s eyes go wide, “I haven’t!” he almost yells, cheeks going red, which just makes the other four laugh.

“Of course not, it’s not like we didn’t catch you checking her out the entire time she was here or anything…” JiYong says, moving away from the computer nonchalantly, as if he hadn’t just said something that would possibly send Seungri into a fit.

“What?! I was not! I swear!” Their laughter became uncontrollable after that, and the rest of the night in the studio was spent with them yelling and making fun of each other.

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And then I laughed, oh, forever. :P