
Like a storm to me

A week later:
- What is it, Onew? Asked Key while all four stood leaning on each other in the narrow doorway to the kitchen where Onew walked around singing while he mixed the stuff in a bowl.
- He's in love, said Teamin with a smile.
- In love? Onew? of whom? Minho asked shocked.
- Yes, he is in love with Miss Go Ha Na, said Taemin then.
- There you go, and thanks to it we get .. order home food, Jonghyun said with a smile that went out when they all saw how Onew poured in half the pepper tank into the bowl. They realized then that he just seemed to pour in something, he was completely in his own thoughts.
- We must also act, muttered Key because if it went like this so he must have emptied the refrigerator to.
- Onew cried Minho and Onew looked up.
- Do you not have practise your musical soon? asked Minho who had just realized what time it was. Onew looked at the clock that sat on the wall.
- Hell .. Did he and let those he had in his hand, the bowl tipped over, and content that ran over the bench without Onew noticed. He ran past the Key, which gave a hissing. Minho laid a hand on Key's shoulder as he came close to grabbing Onew while Onew pulled her purse which he had packed before.
- I leave now, cried Onew before they heard the door slammed.
- You clean up this mess of it I'm not going to do, said Key to Minho.

Go Ha Na was standing outside a dance studio. She looked at the paper again and she knew she had gone right, but she was hesitant about going in but she could hear her mother's whining in her head:

- Now, make sure to do it, this was the condition that you had to move to Korea, think of all the money that your father has paid for your dance training, that's an important friend to us so do not embarrass us!

- It's not my father muttered Go Ha Na for itself.
- And by the way it was you who wanted me to take those stupid lessons, said Go Ha Na annoyed and crumpled paper.
- You Go Ho Nias daughter? You could hear the snap. Go Ha Na turned shocked and saw an elderly lady in dance clothes stand behind her. Go Ha Na could not do more than take a deep breath and then reply.
- Yes.
- As well, we've been waiting for you, it's an honor to have you here, 'said the lady.
- My name is Kim Gi, I'm a dance teacher here, said the lady.
- Nice to meet you, I have worked with both your mother and your father, 'said Kim Gi.
- Danced Go Park? Asked Go Ha Na shocked and tried to see him in tights, but how she tried, it did not. Kim Gi laughed.
- No, I mean Jo Park Kim, your real father, said Kim Gi.
- So he was a dancer, she said quietly.
- You're late, 'said Kim Gi suddenly with a severe tone, even if she was still smiling. They both saw how Onew came running with a bag over his shoulder. Go Ha Na felt that she automatically got a smile on his lips.
- I´m sorry .. Go Ha Na? Did it surprise Onew.
- So you know each other? Asked Kim Gi.
- Yes, we meet a few times, she is Taemins teacher, said Onew with a smile. He did not know why mhen he was glad to see Go Ha Na. He had wanted to see her, longed for her, even dreaming about her.
- Oh, so you're a teacher now, 'said Kim Gi. Go Ha Na smiled.
- But what are we out here, we have work to do, move the switch on, both of them, said Kim Gi.
- But .. Go Ha Na began.
- No, but I have a few extra clothes for you, I have strict orders to follow, interrupted Kim Gi and shoved Go Ha Na. She put a few clothes in Go Ha Nas arms.
- Be a good girl and switch on, said Kim Gi and shoved Go Ha Na in the locker room. Onew grinned as he looked at the whole situation.
- What are you smiling at? Should not you be redressed by now, move! Exclaimed Kim Gi.
- Yes, ma'am, 'said Onew quickly and disappeared into the other locker room.
- Young people, said Kim Gi and sighed.


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naue523 #1
:) NICE!!!