So Today

Neowana Unmyeong Ingabwa #2 (My Healing Love)



            Min Ah calmly walked her way into the ranch stable though she’s really feeling frustrated. Her mom’s ‘urgent matter’ made her life more complicated and disturbed. And she felt like there’s no getting away with it, though she clearly knows she couldn’t bear to stand that suffocating marriage thing.

            Yet, she cannot be angry with her mom. Even if she only seems like a business proposal to her, she clearly knows that she’s the one who dragged herself in this matter years before. Because she knows that if she didn’t engage herself in that ‘deal’, her life would be more of suffocating and frustrating. And that she’ll also be ending marrying a man just for pure business, without even living her life on her own. She wouldn’t have the chance she had if she hadn’t agreed to it the first place. She was fortunate enough to live her life in her own means.

            But still, she doesn’t want her fortune to end. She has to think of a way so she could get herself out of another misery—this time, the kind of misery she may endure forever. But how can she possibly get herself out of this when she told her mom the dumbest and the most impossible reason for her to be saved. She doesn’t have a boyfriend—not anymore. And that’s one of the sickening pain she’s enduring. Her long time secret boyfriend cheated on her and broke her into pieces. If her mom only knows that… No! Her mom would push her more to that arranged marriage if she would let her know.

            She messed up with her hair as she walked. This is really getting to her nerves!

            “Young miss,” she was awakened by that voice. When she looked on who it was, she saw their stable boy who’s weirdly looking at her like she’s a freak.

            “Ah… Annyeong,” she awkwardly stated. She couldn’t blame the poor guy for gazing to her like that. She looks crazy with her totally messed hair.

            The boy bowed to her and she just smiled sheepishly as she was fixing her hair with her fingers.

            “How are the horses?” she asked.

            “They all look perfectly fine, young miss,” the boy responded.

            “I’d love to see them!” she exclaimed excitedly as she walked herself in. She loves their horses. That’s one of the things she truly missed while she was away.

            “Snow White!” she exclaimed happily as she caressed the face of her favorite white mare. “You’re still as lovely as before.” She chuckled when the horse made noises as if saying that she missed her too.

            She turned to the stable boy. “Is it okay if I take Snow White with me?”

            “Of course, young miss,” the boy answered. “I’ll accompany you as you take a ride on her.”

            “Aniyo,” she easily shook her head. “There’s no need for that. I want me and snow white to be alone. And besides, I can handle things on my own.”

            And without difficulty, she had already jumped in the back of Snow White and had maneuvered the horse to run in a swift manner she had always enjoyed. She’s an expert horseback rider. That’s one of the few things she enjoys as a Shin. The others are staying and relaxing here in the ranch because of its beautiful vicinity.

            She liked horseback riding because it’s her father who taught her how to. It’s the way she and her dad used to bond before. And snow white is actually her favorite among the bunch of the high breed horses they have in the ranch because it’s her father’s gift to her. It’s just sad that he’s not here with her anymore. He died when she was only twelve. However, it isn't just horseback riding she had learned from her dad. He taught her a lot of things which drove her to be what she is today. Her dad is the one who told her to live her life the way she wants it to be.

            She maneuvered Snow White to take the path out of the ranch’s vicinity. She wanted to visit the lake she had always gone through when she was still young. That’s her favorite spot in the province. It really has that serene ambience that comforts her when she’s down.

            And that’s also the reason why she didn’t think twice on going here when her mom called her. It isn't just all about that ‘urgent matter’ that she went here but it is more because she wanted to breathe some fresh air and clear her mind from the lingering painful thoughts. She wanted to get hold of herself again and just forget about everything.

            But then, does going to this place can really bring her peace of mind?

            She easily get herself off Snow White’s back and tied her in the nearest tree then she marched her way to get near the lake. But it seems like it’s not her lucky day today to have the place alone. There is already a guy who’s sitting near the lake.

            “Jong Hoon- ah?” she knotted her forehead when she caught a glimpse of the man. Do her eyes really tell her right? “Choi Jong Hoon- ah?”

            And when that man turned to face her, her heart ponded in a rhythmic manner. Her eyes are really not fooling her. It is Choi Jong Hoon himself. And he looked at her with his two wondering eyes. He scanned her look. She’s wearing a horse rider outfit with matching long leather boots. And all her hair is gathered in a braid. Is it possible for him not to know it was her?

            “Min Ah- ya?” he finally uttered. “What are you doing here?”

            That was she was supposed to ask him but she was taken aback with that question of him. What will she answer him?

            “Ahmmm… Ahh… I’m visiting my mom,” she finally answered.

            “So that means you’re from this province?”

            “Yeah,” she answered truthfully as she walked through the big rock where Jong Hoon is seated. She also sat on it and busied herself throwing pebbles in the body of water.

            She turned herself to Jong Hoon and found out that he is looking at her. His eyes looked wondering, as if he wanted to ask her a lot of questions. She secretly gulped as her eyes shut straight through his black seductive eyes.

            “What about you? What are doing here? Don’t you have any schedule?” she asked questions that started flowing to her mind the very instant she saw him.

            Jong Hoon shook his head. “I asked the entertainment’s permission to give me a weeklong break before we start rehearsing for our concert tour.”

            “And you want to spend your vacation here?”

            “Yeah,” he nodded. “We have a small farm here. That’s where I’m currently staying right now. What about you?”

            “M- Me?” she pointed to herself. She was hesitant to tell him where she is staying right now. But there’s no point on lying, right? It’s not that she wanted to keep her real identity a secret. It’s just that she doesn’t want to sound boastful telling all the people she knows that she’s from the prominent Shin clan. If they’re going to ask her about their family background, then she would definitely answer. She’s just so used on not talking about her family that’s why she was hesitant to answer.

            “Well, I stay there at the ranch,” she tried to sound casual as possible.

            “The ranch owned by the Shins?” she just nodded at his question. And Jong Hoon furrowed his brows as if he’s thinking real deep.

            “Shin Min Ah… By any chance, are you the youngest daughter of the Shin clan?” he turned to her, as his eyes are widening with anticipation.

            “Y- Yeah,” she hesitantly responded. “But how were you able to know that?”

            “Huh? Ahh… Well, the Shins are quite famous in this little province. And I’ve heard from the hearsays that the youngest has just returned here. And so I supposed that is you.”

            Remembering she is a Shin, all her frustrations all came back to her senses. She was frustrated because being a Shin makes her responsible for that’s stupid arrange marriage thing.

            “You’re still frustrated?” Jong Hoon asked, noticing her current state. He is really good in reading minds and observing. “It’s because of him that you are here. Because you want to forget him? Am I right?”

            She faced Jong Hoon. “Yeah. I was thinking of having a peaceful time alone here so I can clear my mind with everything that has happened. But then, being here made everything more complicated,” she expressed her frustrations. “It makes me want to regret being a Shin!” once again, she picked a stone and threw it in the water. But this time, it was harder than ever.

            “Why?” Jong Hoon curiously asked.

            She sighed. Then she shook her head as she faced Jong Hoon once again.

            “It’s complicated,” she said in a calm manner now. “But thank you for listening to my sentiments.”

            Jong Hoon patted her head and smiled so beautifully to her. “I didn’t do anything so you don’t have to thank me.”

            “But still, I want to thank you,” she said.

            This lake always calms her when she’s down. That’s why she went here today. And she enjoys its surroundings especially when she’s alone. But then, she doesn’t know that what she’ll find in the lake today would make her feel more comforted. It’s because of Jong Hoon’s presence that it made the ambience more at ease for her.

            She doesn’t know why or how, but every time she’s feeling crazy, every time her heart feels drowned, she finds Jong Hoon on her side, making her feel alright. And she found that a great timing because there’s just something in him that calms her soul. Something which she couldn’t explain but she’s thankful of.

            “Do you often go to this province during your vacations?” she thought of asking him.

            “This is actually my second visit here. My first is when I was still a little kid.”

            “So you mean you haven’t been in the nicest spots of this place?”

            Jong Hoon shook his head as an answer.

            “You would be missing half of your life if you wouldn’t see those beautiful places,” she said as she shook her head in disbelief.

            “Kaja,” she stood up from her place and pulled Jong Hoon.

            “What are you doing?” he innocently asked.

            “I’m gonna tour you around, okay?”

            She held his hands tighter as she pulled him harder to the place where she tied Snow White.

            She stopped for a while and faced Jong Hoon.

            “Do you know how to ride a horse?” she asked.

            Jong Hoon looked at Snow White, as if scrutinizing her favorite gentle white mare.

            “Don’t worry, she’s harmless,” she assured Jong Hon with a smile. Then, she put his hand on Snow White’s back.

            “Snow White, this is Choi Jong Hoon. Be kind, araso?” she talked to her horse. And she just smiled when Snow White made some noise like it understood what she said.

            “Good girl,” she said as she brushed the horse’s back. Then, she turned to Jong Hoon who’s also touching her horse.

            “Let’s ride on Snow White’s back for now, and then let’s drop by to the ranch before I’ll give you a tour,” she spoke to him. “I’ll lend you beast so it will be more comfortable for you to tour around.”

            “Beast? You mean another horse?” Jong Hoon asked.

            “Yep. My stallion,” she answered back. “Don’t worry. He’s also harmless. He’s one of the gentlest stallions,” she said as she turned her back on him. Then she easily managed to slide herself at the back of the horse. And she offered her hand for Jong Hoon to join her. And he had no difficulty jumping on her horse’s back. But then, she was surprised when Jong Hoon pulled the rope from her and maneuvered the horse.

            They travel in a smooth and swift manner that she didn’t know Jong Hoon is capable of. The cold autumn breeze is touching her body. But still, she is very conscious to the fact that she’s now very near Jong Hoon, his arms enveloped her. And the coldness of the breeze makes her want to stick closer to him. She always finds serenity and security in his arms. She even felt comforted when he hugged her before.

            She felt her heart pound fast and loud. She mentally shook her head. Why is she feeling this way, like this very moment with Jong Hoon excites her?


Hey guys!!! I hope you like this chapter... There'll be a lot of Min Ah- Hunnie moments in the next coming chapters so i hope you enjoy... I think I'm learning new techniques in writing.. haha^^ Please support and comment.. I love hearing those.. Please!! haha

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waahh!! i find it hard to write an update.. im lacking oit of time.. always have something 2do.. sorry.. but i promise i'll update d soonest time possible!!


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I'm not sure if you're still here at aff but, I think I am also following you at WP :P
thanks for all my subscriber.... thank you for loving my fic and for appreciating it... and,please support my newest fic... spread the Hongshin love<3
jujun123 #3
Chapter 25: Finally i have time to read it from chapter 14 to final..

I sobs at the last 2 chapters T_T.. thanx for the such beautiful fic... full of beautiful words and meanings..

You are really a gud writer... i heart u!
Chapter 23: dont go away min ah!!! dont leave jonghoon! XD update more!!
Chapter 23: Such a cliffhanger ogridjgdiujv
Chapter 22: Minah is so stupid.. :( I'd never break away from hugging omg such an amazing fic^^
omy gosh! super thanks for the uplifting comments. loveyah guys! keep comments coming, araso? thanks:)
i feel like i wanted to cry with the excerpts of Min Ah's letter. It's so meaningful and sad.keep updating:)
ohgod this was by far my most favourite chapter^^
omo!! jonghoon's sooo sweet:) and i wonder wat will happen after the kiss.. loving your fic. hope u update soon... please,please. i hope u gain mor readers. this is really worth reading. haha