

Title: Entirety
Author: angelicpeach
Date Completed: 1/26/2011
Genre: romance, fluff
Plot Line: It's Leeteuk's 27th birthday, and Yoona realizes a whole new something.

Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/18940/oneshot-entirety-leeteuk-yoona-yoonteuk

All credits rightfully go to angelicpeach, and all poster rights belong to BloodyRavens. Comments for this oneshot go on the link above. Thank you and enjoy!



"Hey," I, Lim Yoona, turned to see a giddy Jungsoo (otherwise known as Leeteuk) running after me. He greeted my questioning look with a wide dimple and beautiful eye smile. "It's my 27th birthday." He stated matter of factly. Of course I knew, everyone did. The stage crew even managed to shove a nice big birthday cake in his face, right after he blew out the candles. I was their witness, and couldn't stop giggling at the memory.

I grinned back, not wanting to ruin the delicate moment. 27? Really, Jungsoo oppa?

Time flew so fast...

"You're getting old." I teased, sticking my tongue out. He let out a chuckle, putting his hands in his pockets. Of course the whole realization of him reaching his early 30's was finally coming to him. But how I could love him any less? He was the older brother I never had, and an amazing one at that. I appreciated every single moment I spent with him.

"Well, is there anything special you want to do?" I asked thoughtfully. We were in Beijing after all, and the SM artists were about to squish in five large vans and head for the stadium towards the heart of the city. We were preparing for our annual SM Town Concert, in which I was extremely nervous about. There had always been this nerve wracking feeling inside of me, and I could never get the hang of it. The nerve of these stupid emotions and fears -- I never got to get over them.

As Jungsoo oppa stood there grinning at me, I felt as if the world was just circulating around the two of us. Jessica was in the corner and bragging about her latest hair dye. She ordered it to be a dirty blonde, however it was a little too Western for my taste. She was beautiful and perfectly dollfaced, but sometimes I wished that she'd just slice the act to a minimum. However Sooyoung, whom I loved dearly, was dancing in the corner and giving out some pointers to the f(x) hoobaes. Then there was SHINee, in which Onew made a seemingly embarrassing mistake with his Lucifer dance. Taemin was giggling in the corner, trying to suppress the loud chuckle threatening to erupt from the back of his throat.

SM was a big family, and a happy one. We all loved each other dearly, and couldn't imagine life any other way. Of course we faced multiple hardships, even to the point of breaking our contracts and leaving -- but how could we bear ourselves to leave a family that cared about one another so much? No one understood me like the SNSD unnies. Even the Suju oppas understood me -- but they rightfully belonged to ELF and vice versa.

So as Jungsoo and I stared at one another, exchanging knowing grins; Kyuhyun wrapped an arm around my shoulder and said evilly, "Wow, you guys are going to spend your date like this? Nice." Jungsoo immediately broke the eye contact and psh'ed. "Get your arm off of her, you little brat." He said jokingly, shoving the maknae away. In some ways, the shove felt a little more demanding then practical -- and Kyuhyun knew it.

"Hey, hey.." He said defensively. "I was just kidding.."
"Yeah, I know." Jungsoo sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. Then he shooed the maknae away and turned to me, "How about wetake a break and do something other than -- ?" He lifted his leg and did the signature Tell Me Your Wish dance, which drew a giggle from me. "One hour." He said demandingly.

"But don't we have concert practice?" I asked worriedly, nervously shuffling my legs from side to side.

"Aish~" Jungsoo grinned. "You're no fun!" Then before I could protest, he grabbed my arm and started running towards the exit doors.

"OPPA!" All heads turned, and the managers just gazed amusingly at us scrambling over one another. They must've thought we were heading for the vans -- obviously not.

I caught last sight of Heechul oppa as he drew out a chuckle, and took a picture of the two of us.

"Twitter update!" I heard him exclaim; and before I could turn around and warn him not to upload the pic -- we were out the door.

"OPPA!" I said again, more desperately this time. "We can't be doing this!"

"Awwe! Why not, Yoona?" Jungsoo pouted. "It's my birthday!! This is the least you could do!"

"What if Sones or ELFs see us? What are we going to do then?"

"Greet them!" He said matter of factly, and continued his march.

We were now in the streets of Beijing, China; wandering like lost travelers. In some ways, I felt that the scene we were in was complimenting my inner feelings. I always trusted Jungsoo oppa, and it always felt right to be with him. I was merely 20 years old and he was already 3 years shy of 30. Indeed, I felt young. But the energy he gave off made me think otherwise. He could have been 40 for all I cared, and I would still have loved him.

That was when I felt something soft holding my hand, and I realized it was Jungsoo's. I gladly squeezed it.

"Happy Birthday, oppa." I said quietly, enjoying the walk and peaceful moments we were sharing.

I didn't know how long it took me to realize it then; but it was so radical it was like a slap in the face. I reached up to touch my cheek, gasping a little. I felt Jungsoo's eyes hover in front of me in concern, but all I could do was give him a meek smile.

I wasn't okay.

Everything flooded in like one whole new realization... It was something I never questioned.

How did I actually feel about Jungsoo?

Well... I don't know...

He was funny and extremely caring. Sometimes I felt like he was good enough to be my umma, but I loved him all the same. He was easily stressed, but great at hiding his inner feelings because he was the leader and constantly had to be staying strong for others. He cried easily, and his emotions were often overwhelming. He loved the sun and the sky -- it complimented him. He was always trying to make me feel better when I was down, and he wasn't afraid to show disappointment. He loved to write music and close his eyes while listening to his favorite song. He was careful and steady, yet outgoing and crazy. He was everything and anything I could think of -- but did that still seal what I thought I was feeling?

Was it really... love?

Not that feeling you get when you're around your parents or siblings. Not that feeling you get when your best friends are comforting you and saying that everything was going to be okay.

No, not that.

Real, genuine love. That was what I felt.

This feeling wasn't sudden or unlooked-for. This feeling was there all along. It just took a wave of realization to see it. It was as if a brick wall was finally broken down, and you could see the other side. It was as if your glasses were cleaned out, and it wasn't so foggy anymore.

I stood dumbly, not really knowing how to react as Jungsoo lightly shook my shoulders, "Yoona? Yoona, you okay?"

I shook my head, absently staring back into his dark orbs. Of course, the feeling was there. It always had been. My palms sweating, my heart beating. How could I not see it? How could I not want it?

Ever since I was young and only 13; I had looked up to him like an older brother. I admired him, of course I did. I remember him calling and ranting about the soon to debut Super Junior 05. I remember squealing and screaming over the phone. I remember crying and talking about how hard trainee life was. I remember him holding my hand for the first time, and not letting go. I even remember the time I was accepted into Girls' Generation, and Jungsoo giving me my first kiss on the forehead.

It was here. Right here.

My heart.

Every single part of it, he owned. All of it.

It was entirety. Love.

And before I knew it, my lips were on his. No words were exchanged except for his constant, "Yoona? What's wrong?". He accepted the kiss, and he was smiling too. I swore I could feel his dimple curl up.

Then he broke it, and with our foreheads touching, he whispered happily, "Best birthday present ever..." I smiled.

You, Park Jungsoo, own all of my heart.

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Chapter 1: It's interesting
Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 3: Waaaah fangirling here!
These are so cute!
I love Yoonteuk!!
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhhhhh! That was just too cute :3
Ahhhh! Yoonteuk fighting <33 I never knew there were other fans as big as me xDD
Ye_angel #6
YOONTEUK !!! I really love this couple!!! Make more!!! hehehe
wooooh!! YOONTEUK JJANG!!~ <br />
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thanks for the writers of each stories.. i LOVE all OF IT!~~<br />
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ahhh!! i can't wait to read them, I am a huge fan of this couple :)