
Just One of Those Pairings



I told you guys that I'd update so here it is :) Don't worry I'll be updating again this Saturday :>

I hope you enjoy this update and I promise to present to you a better chapter on the next update :)))

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Myungsoo’s POV


Yeah right… she’ll know if I have the courage to tell her but I don’t think that courage has come yet.

I mean… why am I such a coward? I should do it as soon as possible.


Lately, I’ve been noticing that Amber is somewhat avoiding me… She doesn’t return my glances, and when she smiles at me, I feel like she’s holding back.

I don’t know why she’s avoiding me but I’ve noticed it all morning… even before I told everyone about the “Suzy” thing.

It’s true what I said, Suzy and I are just great friends now. I really loved her before but now, I know that it was never really meant to workout. We tried but it was in vain of course. I’d like to think that I’m destined for someone else preferably someone “boyish” *wink wink*.


Again, here comes the question of why is she avoiding me. She doesn’t look at me when we shot the MV and she wasn’t looking at me when I danced with her in “My Style”


What’s up Amber?




Maybe she’s pissed because I didn’t answer her call last night. Sorry, I’m a deep sleeper. But she’s not like that… she doesn’t get pissed because of something as simple as that.


I have to talk to her.









I can’t do it.


She’s talking to Hoya and I just can’t talk to her.


Maybe later.



“Guys! Listen up! We’ll be editing the MV tonight and the teaser photos for the album will be released tomorrow.” Our manager said, coming into the tent.

Amber and Sulli cheered.

“There’s also rehearsals for vocal and dance tomorrow then the day after that, a press conference about the upcoming Inki performance.”


“Oh! Busy again tomorrow…” Sungjong frowned.

“But still, the teasers will be realeased. I’m looking forward to it!” Sulli said.

“I wonder how the fans will react?” Woohyun asked.

“We’ll find out tomorrow.” Victoria gravely said.

“Umma! No need to be so serious!” Sulli reminded Victoria.


“You better get home guys. Tomorrow’s a big day and you have to rest up. And one more thing! SNSD will be coming over at your dance practice tomorrow to update their web diary… be ready arasso?” f(x)’s manager reminded them.


“Ne oppa.” Luna and Krystal answered.


I exited the tent with Woohyun and Sungjong and boarded the van… still not talking to Amber.


Maybe later…


I just have to get her attention right? How hard can that be?


But after days and weeks of observing her, I know that she has a tough personality, what she doesn’t want, she doesn’t want. It will be hard to make her talk to me if she doesn’t want to.


We arrived at our dorm after fifteen minutes of travelling. We went to our rooms immediately because everyone was really tired and we don’t want to interrupt the girls who were having their fitting for dresses they will wear on the press con, Amber won’t be wearing a dress though, blazer and pants as usual…

But don’t worry Amber, when we win at Inkigayo… you’ll be wearing your special dress. Bwahahahaha.


“Hey guys!” Woohyun announced as he set our food down on the table.

“Waeyo?” Sunggyu asked.

“What if we prepare a surprise for the girls?”


“Huh? What do you mean?” I asked, my mouth full of rice cakes. Sorry, hungry mouth has to be fed.


“A surprise… you know, the teasers will be released tomorrow then we should present to them our little surprise just to take their stress away. Knowing them, they will be stressed if the fan’s expectations are high or if the fans underestimate us.” Woohyun continued.


“What surprise though?” Sungyeol asked.


“Not something expensive because I don’t have money on me yet.” Sungjong whined.


“Of course not. It should be heartfelt!”


“What? You mean we compose a song for them?” Hoya laughed.


“OMO! YES!” Sunggyu said.


“We don’t have the time to compose one by tomorrow though.”


“Do you remember what Teen Top did for Big Bang?” Woohyun asked.


“What did they do?”


“They made an MV cover for ‘Fantastic Baby’ …”


“So, let’s make an MV cover of an f(x) song..?”


“Not just an MV cover… a live performance of an f(x) song!” Sungyeol smiled.


“Nuh-uh hyung! I’m not wearing a wig if that’s what you’re thinking…” Sungjong  shook his head.


“We’re not Super Junior so we don’t need to wear a wig.” Sunggyu reminded him.


“So what song will we do a cover of?” I asked them…


“I don’t know… let’s choose what we’ll wear first!” Always the diva, Singjong suggested.


“Let’s choose the members first!” Dongwoo interrupted.


“Yeah… yeah, members first.”


“So obviously, Woohyun is Luna and Hoya is Victoria noona.” Sunggyu said.


“Can I be Sulli?” Sungyeol asked shyly, making me laugh.


“We all know that you want to be her.” Hoya said. “I have to learn the proper way to do a ‘Victoria Cartwheel.’” He added.


“So we have Sulli then Vic noona and Luna… who will be Amber and Krystal?” Dongwoo asked, looking at me evilly.


“Sungjong is the rapper so he’ll be Amber… unless someone objects of course.” Woohyun said, looking at me.


“I OBJECT! I want to be Krystal, I don’t want to be Amber hyung!” Sungjong laughed.


“So maknae-nim will still be a maknae –nim and it looks like our flower boy will be the tomboy.” Sunggyu said. “Dongwoo and I will stay back!”


“Good plan guys.” I just smirked. “So what’s the song?”


“Let’s think it over first while eating dinner then we’ll choose what to wear. The things we do for our girls… tsk tsk.” Hoya laughed.


“Our girls… yeah right.” Sungjong smirked.




Amber’s POV



“Hey guys! You better make this good okay?” Hyeri reminded us. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the mirror.


Nice eyebags Amber.


“Okay, one last time then we proceed to ‘Be Mine’” Hyeri said.


Surprisingly, we finished the choreo for ‘Love’ in just two days… it was easy and fun. Another thing that surprises me is that I’m talking to Myungsoo again.


I’m just surprised that I sat down beside him and we talked about stuff spontaneously. Like, he just looked at me then we started talking again.


“Be Mine is my favorite Infinite song.” Sulli said.


“Me too! I bet the choreography will be hard.” Luna said.


“Yeah… it was a bit hard but it’s actually fun.” Hoya said.


“Let’s dance Love now guys. Hana, deul, set!”


“Hey did you hear what happened?”

“No, wassup?”

“Just listen…”          


My voice sounds really… boyish there.



Myungsoo was singing along to the song when he passed me, but of course he did not look. He’s always concentrated and he told me that when he dances, he imagines that there is always a camera in front of him so he would always be at his performance level.


“Oh I can’t breathe, no I can’t speak…”


My voice with Dongwoo’s in the rap sequence… best harmonization ever!

I am so proud of myself.


“That’s a wrap everyone! The SNSD unnies are outside by the way, I’ll be back in 45 minutes.” Hyeri said, exiting the room. Once she went out, Hyoyeon and Yuri unnie entered and started to hug the other girls.


I went to Tiffany and hugged her.


[a/n: Pink text are the words said in English.]


“Ewww. Wipe your back first Amber.”

“Of course Fany. So how’s life?”


“Idol life you mean? Tiring as usual… I’m excited to one up you guys at Inki though!” She punched my arm.


“We’re the one who’ll beat you guys.” I joked.


Wait, I’ll go fetch Taeyeon, stay there and do wipe your back.” She said. I went to my bag and bent over to grab my towel then suddenly…




I screamed and jumped.


My heart was thumping when I turned around to glare at Myungsoo.


He was laughing and was about to grab my hand bu then I pulled away, putting on my angry face.


“YAH! MYUNGSOO GOT AMBER MAD! UH-OH! YOU GONNA DIE BOY!” Krystal laughed form behind us.

I turned away with a smile, Myungsoo behind me looking confused.


“Hey, I’m sorry about that…. You were just looking so sad—“ He stuttered. I put a hand in front of his face and seriously said “NO”


“Amber? I’m really sorry!” He said again, I shouldered my towel and ignored him then walked away.


I walked even faster when he was about to touch my shoulder.


I swatted his hand away when he reached over to grab mine.


I stuck my tongue put at him when he was in front of me already.


Until we ended up chasing each other around the studio.


I stopped, laughing and breathing hard, in front of Yuri unnie who was holding a video camera.


Myungsoo was on the floor, cross legged and laughing.


“Caught on video guys!” Yuri teased me.

“I still haven’t forgiven you just so you know…” I whisper to Myungsoo as I sat beside him.


“Say hi to the camera guys.. this is for our Soshi Diary by the way.” Yuri said, filming us.


I wiped my forehead and faced the camera.


“Hey wassup Sones! It’s me Amber from f(x) and this is my groupmate L of infinite.” I said in English, motioning for Myungsoo to speak.


He’s usually very confident in front of cameras but he seemed to shrink away.


“Hello, It’s me Myungsoo. Annyeong haseyo.” He shyly said, his Korean accent dominant, burying his head into my shoulder. I giggled and tried get his head off my shoulder.


He whispered “ My English is not good.” I just laughed and let his head stay there.


“Well, that’s it Sones! Stay tuned for Infinitely f(x) okay? Thank you!” I finished, smiling. The Yuri shut the camera.

“Thanks for that Amber… don’t worry Myungsoo, you and Amber seem to spend lots of time with each other, it won’t be long, you’ll be really good at English too.” Yuri smiled at Myungsoo. He finally looked at me, red in the face but he was smiling.


“I have to remind you to teach me English.” He smoothly said. I stood up and ruffled my hair.


“Yeah… sure.”


He smiled and walked away…


I looked at my shoulder and smelled my shirt.


Uggghhh. Smells like Myungsoo’s hair.


I might not wash this shirt anymore.




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They just kinda look like brothers whenever they interact or smth but I'd love to see them as a real couple :))))


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Best story ever!! Please update!!
Chapter 19: Update please!
illakhira #3
author-nim ,when you gonna update this story ?.I'm look forward about this story ?.It's myungsoo gonna had a small talk with amber ?.Or you gonna make myungsoo and suzy end up together?.I'mwaiting author-nim .
tessadahl #4
plis update. plisssssss.
Chapter 19: Yay^^ they won~
Hurry up Myungsoo ur taking too long lol:P
spygenl #6
no update(s)?
Chapter 19: I like this fanfic haha! :))
I hope you update soon (^-^)
Myungber ruined my otp list haha....
KimPossible21 #8
Will you be updating this? :D
aaaaaa.... can't wait for the dress!
please update soon