Late at Night

Just One of Those Pairings


Sungyeol’s POV


“Don’t tell me… Myungsoo wants to ask Amber out?” Sunggyu asked as we sat down together at the living room.

He asked me what’s up with Amber and Myungsoo then answered his own question. Nice one, leader hyung.


“Well… not really. I think Myungsoo just wants Amber to know his feelings for her.” I replied.


“Well, that would be hard. I’m not saying idols can’t fall in love…” He smiled at me. “But… if ever they would get together and made their relationship public… fangirls everywhere would freak and probably kill their relationship.”


“I know right, I just wish the best for them.”


“Plus… we’re not really sure what Amber feels for him, so if he confesses, for example, tomorrow and Amber rejects him… he would be too heartbroken to practice and collaborate with f(x).”


“Hyung! Why are you so negative?”


“I’m only looking at the possibilities Sungyeol! So many things can happen.”


“That’s love…” I sighed.


“Wait… so who else knows about Myungsoo’s little crush?” Sunggyu asked.


“Please keep it a secret hyung, please… Myungsoo will kill us both.”


“Sure. I won’t let anyone else know.”


“Myungsoo has to be the one to tell everyone that he likes Amber… it’s all up to him to finally admit that he likes her.”


“I hope everything will turn out well for them… we need more love in this world.” Sunggyu hyung smiled. “Get to sleep Sungyeol, we have a busy day tomorrow again.” He told me.


I obediently stood up and walked to my room.


We all need more love in this world, Sulli and I made it. Why couldn’t Amber and Myungsoo?




Sulli’s POV


“We’ll be starting on Love choreography today?” Amber asked me excitedly.

“Ne hyung! We have finally moved on from “My Style!” I replied.

“Love will be a bit more girly though… urrrggghhh. No please, no.” Amber whined.

“Why don’t you try being more girly hyung? You’re as pretty as a girl as you’re handsome when you’re a boy.”

“What? That statement was so confusing.” Amber laughed.

“Seriously hyung… why don’t you try?”


“Because SooMan wants my concept to be boyish and I like being boyish… ever since I was young okay?” She explained.


“No one will fall in love with you.”


“MWO?!! Aigoo… I don’t need someone to fall in love with me!” Amber laughed.


Yeah… we get into arguments like this all the time. But this time, I know that Amber hyung really likes someone. But it’s just a guess.


Need I say the name?


I’ll say it.




At first, I thought this kind of “friendship” between the two of them was just Amber hyung being friendly… that’s what she always does, being friendly and approachable.

But then, there was something different about the way her eyes shine when she’s with him… something… entirely different.

This “shine”… I’ve seen it in my eyes the first time I thought about Sungyeol oppa… but that “shine”… I’ve also seen it in Amber’s eyes before. When she and Henry oppa were filming and practicing the “Happy Holidays” song for last year’s christmas album. But it was just a crush. Nothing serious.


So maybe she has a crush on Myungsoo.




“Are you still there?” Amber giggled, snapping me out of my thoughts.


“I’m still here! And everyone needs love hyung!” I argued.


“I have your love and Victoria’s and Luna’s and Krystal’s love. There is also love form Key and Minho oppa… Everyone loves me!” She boasted.


“That’s the biggest joke ever! But I do love you hyung!” I smiled. She smiled back and lifted her eyebrows.


“Plus, I just want rice cakes to love me too!” She said randomly.


“Girls! Eat up… after dance practice we’re filming the My Style MV!” Victoria announced, putting a plate of eggs and bacon in front of us.


Krystal sat beside me and speared a strip of bacon with her fork but hesitated before she put it on .


“You know what this reminds me of?” She asked me.




“Chanyeol-ssi and Baekhyun-ssi. I thought Exo’s concept were aliens but they turned out to be food….” Krystal looked at the piece of bacon for awhile but ate it anyway.


“Wait… I just realized something. I am Sehun’s sunbae!!!” I squealed.


“He’s older than you.” Amber pointed out.


“No! You’re such a mood killer… I mean, I’m his sunbae because Exo are still in the rookie stage.” I smiled.


“I see! Ooohhhh… Sehun!” Krystal teased me. I made my mehrong face at her and smiled.


It feels so weird thinking about my old crushes…


“I can’t believe you liked Sehun!” Victoria laughed.


“It was just a small crush!” I argued.


Then the door opened, Dongwoo and Sungyeol oppa came in carrying a tray of chocolate cookies.


“What’s a small crush?” Sungyeol asked me as he sat at the edge of my seat.

I looked down guiltily and smiled.


“Ooohhh… D-d-d-danger!” Amber laughed then reached over to grab cookies.


“It’s nothing…” I said.


“I’ll tell you who has a small crush!” Sungyeol loudly said.


“Who? Who? Who?” Krystal squeaked.


“I’m not allowed to say his name so let’s keep it a secret.”


Dongwoo looked over and Amber stopped munching on her cookie to listen.


“SSsssshh… it’s Kim…”


Luna put down her fork and Victoria smiled.


“Kim Myungsoo!” Sungyeol announced.


Amber dropped her cookie and Dongwoo roared with laughter.


“Who does he have a crush on?” Luna asked.


“SECRET! YOU’LL KNOW SOON!” Sungyeol hurriedly said, for the other guys had strode into our dorm. Amber straightened up as the boys entered.


“Good morning.” Sunggyu told us. Then they took their seats.


Sungyeol eyed Sunggyu and they shared a secret smile then they both glanced toward Myungsoo…


I wonder if Myungsoo’s little crush is true.       




We finally got dressed then proceeded to the dance studio. Sungyeol and I were walking behind.


“Oppa, Is Myungsoo oppas little crush true?” I asked him.


“It is. I swear.”


“Then who does he have a crush on?”


“I told you that it was a secret… but you’ll have to find out.” He smiled at me.


“But oppa! That’s hard. Myungsoo oppa is so mysterious… it will take years before I find out who it is.” I whined.


“You’re just exaggerating!” Sungyeol laughed. “But seriously oppa! How will I know unless you tell me?” I asked again. But there’s nothing that I can do… It’s his personality… he’s tough on the inside out. If he wants something he’ll do anything to get it but if he doesn’t want it he doesn’t want it.


“You know I love you Jinnie. But I just can’t tell you. Sorry… Don’t worry though, you’ll know who it is soon.” He told me, holding my hand.

“Fine. Fine. I won’t ask… but I will try to find out.” I said firmly.

“Are you mad at me?” He asked cautiously.

I looked at him… he’s just a bit taller than I am and his eyes were staring deeply into mine.

Of course I’m not… I can’t get mad if those adorable eyes are looking into mine.

I just scowled and crossed my arms.

“I’m sorry.” He said, bowing his head. “I love you.”


“I love you too…” I said, timidly. My arms uncrossed and my hand found his… holding it tighter.



Amber’s POV


Lovebirds. Pfftt.

I can’t even… Sulli’s growing up. And fast.

Victoria’s being the umma gain, looking at Sulli sweetly and then the next moment, planning how she will hurt Sungyeol if he hurts Sulli.


“Umma, Sungyeol won’t hurt her okay? Chill.” Luna said as she took her place beside Victoria to stretch.

“He’d better not… “

“I’m nervous for them though…” Luna said.

“Wae?” I asked.

“We’re going to debut in what? 10 days? Yeah, 10 days… people will surely notice something about Sulli and Sungyeol. Rumors will start, then manager oppa finds out then the other idols will find out then the whole world finds out… next thing we know. BOOM! We’re f(x) minus one.” Luna said.


“Yeah… I’ve been worried abut that too. But whatever happens, we’ll keep the secret arasso?” Victoria said.

I nodded fervently. “Yes… I’ll bring the secret to the grave.”

“Me too… Their happiness would be ruined if one of us slips.” Luna agreed.

“No one will slip.” Victoria confidently said.

“I hope so…” I said.


“Good morning!” Hyeri and Seungyeon entered the room.


“Here we go again.” Luna whispered to me.


“So we’ll start the Love choreography today, but let’s do a run through of My Style first.” Hyeri commanded us.


“Hello Ms. Liu.” Myungsoo greeted me as I passed him.


“I thought you stopped calling me that… well, there’s nothing I can do that will make you stop calling me Ms. Liu right?” I asked him. He smiled sweetly at me and shook his head.


“How about… Myungsoo is the most handsome of all handsome people? Will that work?”

“Nope. I will still call you Ms. Liu.” He smiled, sweeter still.


“It won’t work? Okay… gimme time to think.” I smiled, trying to make it sweet.


“You look really beautiful when you smile.”


“Thanks… you’re the one who tells me that every time.”


“Do I say that to you everytime?” He asked.


“Yeah, pretty much.” I laughed.


“It’s because you’re beautiful everytime and it just so happens that I’m the one who notices it.”


“Well thanks.” I smiled and moved to my place.






“We’ve not yet finished filming?” I asked as our manager made us get into the van.

“We’ll continue tomorrow. My Style is hard to film. Let’s get to the dorm now.”


We drove for awhile back to the dorm, Infinite’s van trailing behind us.


I yawned and leaned back on my seat, hugging my backpack.


“Unnie, you still have some make-up on your cheek.” Krystal reached over and whipped my cheek.

“Kamsahamnida princess.” I smiled. She leaned back and closed her eyes.


I was tired as well but I can’t bring myself to really sleep.


So many things going on in my mind.


I want to pick up my phone and just call Myungsoo… just to tell him about today since it has been so busy that we haven’t talked that much.

But it would be weird if I called him out of nowhere so I won’t call him.


Before I knew it, I was scrolling through my contact list and looking for the name “Kim Myungsoo”.


I found it but I did not call it.




“Girls we’re here.” Manager oppa announced. I stepped out of the van and sprinted up the steps to keep myself awake. I did not wait for the others.


I opened the door of our dorm and took a deep breath before entering.


“Why did you have to run unnie? There was an elevator.” Krystal asked as the elevator doors dinged open.

“Or you could have asked Myungsoo to carry you, you know.” Hoya teased me. I just smirked and said goodnight to the others as Luna and I headed to our room. We changed quietly and dropped to our beds. I covered myself with my blanket and after a few minutes, I heard Luna’s steady breathing.


But I can’t sleep.


I stayed under my blankets for awhile. I only went out when I couldn’t stand being awake. I reached for my bedside table where my Ipod was… but then I saw my clock.


2:17 am.


Oh no!


I’m gonna be so tired tomorrow.


Am I an insomniac or something?


I laced my earphones in my ears and looked at my songs. I picked “Alone” by Sistar but still I could not sleep.


Then I picked up my phone and hugged my pillow.


I unlocked it and hesitantly pressed the call button.


A tired and husky voice answered, “Hello?”



I seriously had fun writing these two chapters while I was having my Bio class :) Oh and sorry for not updating sooner, homeworks and lots of homweworks prevented me from updating :(

Anyways, what's up with the cliffhanger? Is that a cliffhanger? I don't know really, cause It's my first time doing this, I think. I'm such a lame author :(

So do comment and subscribe if you haven't yet. Don't ever hesitate to comment! Thank you so much!

Hope you guys had fun with the double update!

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They just kinda look like brothers whenever they interact or smth but I'd love to see them as a real couple :))))


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Best story ever!! Please update!!
Chapter 19: Update please!
illakhira #3
author-nim ,when you gonna update this story ?.I'm look forward about this story ?.It's myungsoo gonna had a small talk with amber ?.Or you gonna make myungsoo and suzy end up together?.I'mwaiting author-nim .
tessadahl #4
plis update. plisssssss.
Chapter 19: Yay^^ they won~
Hurry up Myungsoo ur taking too long lol:P
spygenl #6
no update(s)?
Chapter 19: I like this fanfic haha! :))
I hope you update soon (^-^)
Myungber ruined my otp list haha....
KimPossible21 #8
Will you be updating this? :D
aaaaaa.... can't wait for the dress!
please update soon