IF ONLY (becoming a mommy)



Chapter 10


                A few months later, yoona noticed she is becoming bigger/fat, her tummy is bigger than the other months. She thought she is just eating a lot of foods. When her mother served some foods, she really loves eating it and when her father is out she always asked to bring some fruits. Yoona now hates the smell of unions, everytime she can smell some unions, she will always throw up. Her mother noticed yoona is becoming moody. There is one time yoona is running to the sink and dwelling. “what happened?” her mother asked while handling some towel.

“well, maybe it’s  just because of the food I ate” she wiped with a towel. Yoona’s mom is worried about yoona, she’s a mother, she knows what is happening. She just hopes what she’s thinking is wrong.


                Yoona was cleaning the house when she felt dizzy, she sat down at the chair but still she felt dizzy. She was massaging her head but no use. After a while she fell down. Her dad saw yoona and hurriedly lifted her. They brought yoona to the nearest hospital.

                Yoona was seeing a little boy playing with a ball. Yoona was so happy looking at the little boy. “what a cute little boy” yoona said smiling at the little boy who is also looking at her. “mommy!” the little boy ran towards yoona. yoona seemed confuse. “ what? Is he running towards me?” yoona is looking around to see if there’s anyone around but it’s just her and the little boy. The boy hugged yoona. “mommy!” the little boy said again. Yoona just hugged the little boy. She felt happy knowing that this cute little boy calls her ‘mommy’.  “yoona,.. yoona… yoona..” yoona can hear someone’s voice.


                When yoona opened her eyes she saw her mother looking at her. “mom!? Why am I here?” yoona said trying to get up.

“yoona, you should lie down, you should rest…” her mom said. Yoona can notice her mom’s teary eyes.

“I’m okay mom,” yoona sat down “are you crying? Where’s dad?”

Her mom hold back her tears “no I’m not crying… your dad’s outside”

Then a doctor came in and approached yoona.

“how are you?” the doctor said smiling

Yoona now is really confuse. She looked at her mom and then back to the doctor “I’m fine”

“well, congrats yoona!..” the doctor said touching her hand

“deh? Congrats? Waeyo?” yoona looked at her mom but her mom was not facing her.

“ you’re 3 months pregnant”

“ WHAT!!? Me? pregnant?.. it can’t be… you’re just mistaken…” yoona don’t want to believe what the doctor had said.

“no, I’m definitely sure yoona” the doctor said

“no..no..no…” yoona started to cry as well as her mother.


                They all went home. They let yoona rest first.

“I can’t believe it.. “ her mom said

“we should believe it.. but.. who is the guy that made our yoona like this?” yoona’s dad angrily said

“ I never heard yoona having a relationship with a guy”

“ if I knew who that guy is.. I’ll really kick his off!!” yoona’s dad is clenching his fist.

“appa! No you can’t” yoona said walking towards them. Her parents turned their head to see yoona.

“yoona, are you okay now?” her mom asked

“deh..i’m okay now mom” yoona said sitting at the sofa

“yoona, tell us… who’s the father of your child?” her father was so serious

“okay dad I’ll tell you but please don’t do anything to him…” yoona said holding back her tears

Her dad tries to calm his self down. “okay… so who is it?”

“it’s…it’s.. siwon” yoona cried.

“siwon? Choi siwon?” her parents said in unison. They looked at each other. They can’t believe choi siwon… they never expected it’s choi siwon.

“but how?? Yoona.. tell us what happened..”  her mom said leaning towards yoona.

                Yoona told her parents the whole thing. While telling the story, yoona can’t help but cry.

“but siwon did not know what happened” yoona cried “I’m sorry appa, umma…”

“why don’t we tell him then?” her mom said

Yoona stod up “andwe! Umma.. please.. no.. don’t worry I will give birth to this child no matter what but please don’t tell siwon.”

“but the child needs a father” her father said

“I will explain it to my child when it grows up” yoona said touching her tummy

“what about siwon? He also has the right to know that it’s his child”

“I will tell him when the right time comes.. but not yet now”  yoona said then she excused herself and went to her room.Chapter 10


                A few months later, yoona noticed she is becoming bigger/fat, her tummy is bigger than the other months. She thought she is just eating a lot of foods. When her mother served some foods, she really loves eating it and when her father is out she always asked to bring some fruits. Yoona now hates the smell of unions, everytime she can smell some unions, she will always throw up. Her mother noticed yoona is becoming moody. There is one time yoona is running to the sink and dwelling. “what happened?” her mother asked while handling some towel.

“well, maybe it’s  just because of the food I ate” she wiped with a towel. Yoona’s mom is worried about yoona, she’s a mother, she knows what is happening. She just hopes what she’s thinking is wrong.


                Yoona was cleaning the house when she felt dizzy, she sat down at the chair but still she felt dizzy. She was massaging her head but no use. After a while she fell down. Her dad saw yoona and hurriedly lifted her. They brought yoona to the nearest hospital.

                Yoona was seeing a little boy playing with a ball. Yoona was so happy looking at the little boy. “what a cute little boy” yoona said smiling at the little boy who is also looking at her. “mommy!” the little boy ran towards yoona. yoona seemed confuse. “ what? Is he running towards me?” yoona is looking around to see if there’s anyone around but it’s just her and the little boy. The boy hugged yoona. “mommy!” the little boy said again. Yoona just hugged the little boy. She felt happy knowing that this cute little boy calls her ‘mommy’.  “yoona,.. yoona… yoona..” yoona can hear someone’s voice.


                When yoona opened her eyes she saw her mother looking at her. “mom!? Why am I here?” yoona said trying to get up.

“yoona, you should lie down, you should rest…” her mom said. Yoona can notice her mom’s teary eyes.

“I’m okay mom,” yoona sat down “are you crying? Where’s dad?”

Her mom hold back her tears “no I’m not crying… your dad’s outside”

Then a doctor came in and approached yoona.

“how are you?” the doctor said smiling

Yoona now is really confuse. She looked at her mom and then back to the doctor “I’m fine”

“well, congrats yoona!..” the doctor said touching her hand

“deh? Congrats? Waeyo?” yoona looked at her mom but her mom was not facing her.

“ you’re 3 months pregnant”

“ WHAT!!? Me? pregnant?.. it can’t be… you’re just mistaken…” yoona don’t want to believe what the doctor had said.

“no, I’m definitely sure yoona” the doctor said

“no..no..no…” yoona started to cry as well as her mother.


                They all went home. They let yoona rest first.

“I can’t believe it.. “ her mom said

“we should believe it.. but.. who is the guy that made our yoona like this?” yoona’s dad angrily said

“ I never heard yoona having a relationship with a guy”

“ if I knew who that guy is.. I’ll really kick his off!!” yoona’s dad is clenching his fist.

“appa! No you can’t” yoona said walking towards them. Her parents turned their head to see yoona.

“yoona, are you okay now?” her mom asked

“deh..i’m okay now mom” yoona said sitting at the sofa

“yoona, tell us… who’s the father of your child?” her father was so serious

“okay dad I’ll tell you but please don’t do anything to him…” yoona said holding back her tears

Her dad tries to calm his self down. “okay… so who is it?”

“it’s…it’s.. siwon” yoona cried.

“siwon? Choi siwon?” her parents said in unison. They looked at each other. They can’t believe choi siwon… they never expected it’s choi siwon.

“but how?? Yoona.. tell us what happened..”  her mom said leaning towards yoona.

                Yoona told her parents the whole thing. While telling the story, yoona can’t help but cry.

“but siwon did not know what happened” yoona cried “I’m sorry appa, umma…”

“why don’t we tell him then?” her mom said

Yoona stod up “andwe! Umma.. please.. no.. don’t worry I will give birth to this child no matter what but please don’t tell siwon.”

“but the child needs a father” her father said

“I will explain it to my child when it grows up” yoona said touching her tummy

“what about siwon? He also has the right to know that it’s his child”

“I will tell him when the right time comes.. but not yet now”  yoona said then she excused herself and went to her room.

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Chapter 28: It 's so cute
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 28: Adorable!!!

thumbs up authornim ^^
Jbeeps #3
yooonwoon write more authormnim<3
uchiyoonwon #4
Chapter 28: It is like watching the drama...ilove yoonwon..
ShinSooRa #5
I just read it in one day and I Love it!! A really good story!! :)
Hyma25 #6
i really like this story especially yoona and siwon.....i always read it...i love the story.....I will support YoonWon.... <3
saphireblueelf #7
ok..another great fic of yoonwon again :)
i just want to congratulate you for this.
make another fic of course yoonwon is the lead.. ;)
soonashikshin #8
wiiiiwwwww love the story one of my favorite fic of yoonwon.. :)
awwwww how cute
i love yoonwon! <3
yoona my bias from snsd
and siwon my bias from sj
please write more (:
rubikk #10
best story... please write more yoonwon story.. i really like it :D