The Bug On My Windshield

Selfish Bastard
"Are you heading home now?"

Aejung looked up to see Byunghee standing at the doorway of the restaurant.

"Yeah, I have to get home to Kibum. It's getting late." she nodded as she unlocked her car. "Can you take Seungho home?"

There was a second of silence before Byunghee nodded. "Congrats once again." Aejung waved before driving off.

"Who's Kibum...?" Byunghee furrowed his eyebrows before going back inside the restaurant to drag a drunken Seungho home.


Aejung was on her way home when she drove by a milk tea shop. "Ooh, milk tea!" She stopped the car in a parking space and entered the shop to purchase her beloved milk tea.

She inwardly groaned when there was a long line that she had to stand in. Maybe she should just go back out and go home.

"Might as well wait since I'm already here." Aejung sighed.


Joon was currently walking on the sidewalk of the outside world, completely lost.

"I shouldn't have left the house." He groaned. It was much safer in the comfort of his home but he had wanted to get some fresh air. Joon decided to take a walk but ended up taking a wrong turn so now he had no clue where he was. "Where am I?!"

He growled in frustration and looked around. He saw a shop that sold milk tea and walked past it into the parking lot.

"Maybe this will be a shortcut home." He wondered. As he was walking, he saw a person exit from the shop. "Oh shoot!" He ducked behind a random car in the lot for fear of being discovered. The person would surely faint if they saw his state of being right now.

"That was the longest wait for milk tea ever! Augh!" The person's voice scoffed as they headed to their car.

'Ah, she's coming this way!' Joon tsked and climbed onto the bumper of the car he was hiding behind to remain hidden. He somehow managed to climb upwards and clung onto the back windshield wiper. 'She won't see me here!' He smirked at his 'awesome' hiding skills.

The girl climbed into her car and slammed the door shut. Joon furrowed his eyebrows as he thought about her actions. If the girl had slammed the door shut, and the car he was on was slightly moving at around the same time that she slammed the door...

"Oh my god." He said to himself. Before he was able to scurry off of the windshield wiper, the car started to move and drive away from the parking lot. He clung onto the wiper as though his life depended on it, which it did since he'd surely die if he fell from that height. "AHHH!! THE ING CAR IS GOING TOO FAST!!"


After about ten minutes of clinging to the windshield wiper with as much force as possible, the car came to a stop. He let out a breath of relief as he tried to calm down.

"What the..." Joon looked up at the voice and saw the girl from earlier staring directly at him.

"Ah ..." He mumbled.

"What is this?" The girl murmured as she picked up Joon between her fingers. "I come to get stuff out of my trunk and I find a bug on my back windshield?" She sighed and threw Joon over her shoulders.

"Yah! That hurt!" Joon shouted when he landed on some mattress that was conveniently placed where he landed.

The girl stopped in the middle of opening her trunk and slowly turned her head to where Joon was.

"The bug talks...?"

"Yah! I'm not a bug!" He scoffed, offended at the name he was called.

The girl cautiously walked up to Joon and stared down at him. She picked him up in between her fingers once more and narrowed her eyes curiously, examining every aspect of him.

"This is so weird..." She mumbled.

"I am not weird." He glared at her. "Do you have any idea who you're talking to?!"

"A miniature person? Yeah, of course I know who I'm talking to." She said. "How can this be? This is so strange and goes against every aspect of life. It's not possible to be a miniature person right? I must be going crazy..."

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Joon growled. "I am Lee Joon! The Lee Joon. Surely you know who I am!"

"Oh!" Realization dawned on the girl's face.

"That's what I thought." A smug smirk appeared on Joon's face.

"You're that arrogant rich bastard that no one likes!" Aejung snapped her fingers.

Joon's jaw dropped at his identification. "Yah! I'm not an arrogant rich bastard that no one likes!"

"That's not what I hear." Aejung laughed in amusement. "So why were you attached to my car like a leech? Don't you have somewhere to be, like, I don't know... your house or maybe even your office plotting on how to expand your company into other continents and become super powerful?"

"Well..." Joon started to explain but was at a loss for words at how accurate Aejung's guess was.

"Well...?" Aejung urged, an eyebrow raising curiously.

"It's not like it matters to you." Joon scoffed. "I was only going out for some fresh air but since the world is so big to me right now, I kind of got..."

"You got what?"

"...Nothing." Joon looked away, refusing to finish his sentence.

"You got lost didn't you?" Aejung smirked in amusement.

"O-of course not!" Joon gave her a glare, refusing to accept the fact that he really was lost. He's not going to because of his pride. That was much too important to let go of for a stupid matter. "Why would I get lost?"

"Alright then." Aejung nodded as she placed him back on the mattress. He gave her a curious look as she walked back to her car. "I'll just leave you be and pretend that I'm not going crazy. Have fun getting home."

The girl grabbed a box out of her trunk before closing it and locking the car before she made her way towards her apartment.

"Y-yah!" Joon called as he struggled to climb off of the mattress. He chased after the walking girl, which seemed like a regular person chasing after a person on a bike. "You can't just leave me here!"

Aejung stopped and looked down at Joon. "Uhm, yeah I can. I just did. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get to my apartment. I need sleep." The girl began to walk away again.

"Hey!" Joon growled.

Aejung stopped again and let out a sigh. "What? I'm trying to pretend that I'm not going insane."

"You're not." Joon frowned. "You can't just leave me out here like this. I can't get home."

"So what do you expect me to do?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Uhm..." Joon looked away, not wanting to propose anything.

"If you don't answer, I can't do anything." she sighed. "So if you're done, I'm going to—"

"No!" Joon blurted out. "Just... Let me stay in your house." He demanded and began to walk ahead towards the apartment.

Aejung raised an eyebrow again. "Who are you to demand that I let you stay in my house?"

"I'm Lee Joon!" He scoffed. "You can't say 'no' to me."

"Right..." She nodded slowly. "Have fun sleeping in a wooden box near the trash tonight if you can't find your way home." she then walked ahead to the apartments and entered, not bothering to hold open the door for the tiny man so it slammed shut in his face.

"Yah!" she heard a muffled voice shout through the glass.

Aejung rolled her eyes as she rounded the corner and placed the heavy box down. "Maybe if he asked nicely I would have let him stay for the night." she mumbled.

Joon let out a frustrated groan as he sat on the lowest step of the apartment steps. He buried his face in his arms as he huffed in anger. "What the hell did I do to deserve this?"

He glanced around before getting up, making his way towards the exit of the parking lot. "Might as well try to find my way home..."

As Joon began to walk away in displeasure, a voice called out to him and he looked back to see the girl from earlier leaning against the door with her arms crossed.

"You still need a place to stay the night?" she asked. Joon's eyes widened in surprise. She was offering to let him stay? "Well? If you don't then I'm leaving." She turned to go back but he stopped her.

"Wait! I'll go with you!" he ran back to where she was and inside the apartments as she held the door open.

Aejung grabbed the box she had set down earlier and made her way towards the elevator with Joon trailing behind. The two arrived at the seventh floor and Aejung led Joon down the hall to her apartment room.

After she unlocked the door, Joon went in first and started to climb onto the sofa with much difficulty. After deciding that he wasn't going to waste any more energy trying to get on, he sat on a pack of index cards placed on the floor right next to the coffee table instead.

"How can you live in such a tiny place?" Joon frowned at his surroundings. "Don't you get... claustrophobic from this?"

Aejung stopped in the middle of making tea. "Well, my apologies oh great Lee Joon. I can't afford to live in a mansion like you do." she rolled her eyes before going back to making tea.

"So this is how peasants live..." he nodded to himself in awe as he roamed the living room.

"Peasants?" Aejung frowned. "Who the hell are you calling a peasant. Do you want to go sleep outside?"

Joon gave a scoff. "Why would I want to sleep outside?"

"Gee, I don't know, because you're acting very bastard-like right now?"

"Whatever." Joon rolled his eyes and headed towards what he believed to be Aejung's bedroom. "I'm going to sleep."

Aejung frowned before following after. When she entered the room, she saw that Joon had already climbed onto her bed and crawled underneath the blankets.

"Uhm, what are you doing?" she asked slowly.

"I just said I was going to sleep. Unless you didn't understand the first time." Joon repeated.

"That's my bed."

"Obviously." Joon rolled his eyes. "Now go away. I want to sleep."

"Where am I supposed to sleep then if you take my bed?" she crossed her arms as she raised an eyebrow at the fool that was laying on her bed. Her bed.

"I don't know! The couch or something? It doesn't seem like you have an extra bed." Joon waved his hand to dismiss her.

Aejung's jaw dropped at what just happened. "Unbelievable..." she mumbled as she walked over to the bed. She picked Joon up, despite his protests, and walked him into the living room. She dropped him lightly on the couch.

"Yah! I was trying to sleep!" Joon fumed.

"Yes, well that's my room. You're sleeping on the couch." she concluded before walking away to get her tea. "Want some tea?"

"No." Joon glared.

Aejung stared at him in silence for a moment before shrugging. "Suit yourself. See you in the morning." she left a nightlight on and turned off the other lights before she took her cup of tea to her room, leaving Joon alone in the living room.

Joon stomped his foot on the couch and ended up laying down on the pillow that Aejung provided him anyways. He pulled the large blanket over himself and sighed.

"How much longer do I have to stay like this...?" He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

~ 이준 ~

I have way more subscribers for the other two stories in the Eternity Series even though this one has a better writing style and storyline.  Do people not like Joonie or something? .____.
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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 14: What? No!! It's over now :'(
But then you said that you were joking :D
And I was relieved :D
Idk why but I liked the railroad scene. Especially the moment where Joon ran off before the witch finished her sentence about that Aejung no longer needs his kidney^^
That's enough evidence that Joon cares for/likes/loves Aejung :D
I'm going to miss that selfish (little) bastard ;D
Chapter 14: Part two~ Damn the limit on comments. -____-"

Omg. The ending. LOL. I'm glad he opened the door for the little boy this time~ Like what kind of human being are you if you shut a door into a little boy's face?? And then we had an accidental kiss. Omg. Haha. Omg omg omg. Give me a moment to blush~

So I think Joon fell for her fish face more than anything else about her. I bet you that that face is what made him fall. Yeahp. Not her personality or looks. Nope. It's her fish Idk if that's something to be proud of, but it did score her a rich boyfriend, soo~~ LOL.


Chapter 14: It's a new feeling to click on the title of this fic and see the word "complete" beside it. It's a mix between happiness and sadness. Lol. But omg. Congrats on completing it before it's one year anniversary! :D AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PUTTING TIME OUT TO WRITE THIS FOR ME~~ <3

I go comment on the last chapter now~ xDD

ROFL at the fake beginning. LAWL. That's an awesome ending~ We'll meet in heaven, Lee Joon you bastard! LOL.

Omg. Joooooooon~~~~ You came for me!!! I knew you love me~ You can't deny it! You have fallen for mee~~~ My fish face makes you fall even harder~ :D Kekeke. And then you gave me "Junggiefish"...Lol. That name is everywhere now. Like literally. Everywhere. Mentioned all over the place. Lol. It's coo' coo'~

Omg. The lady floats. SHE FREAKIN' FLOATS. DO PEOPLE NOT SEE HER?? HE WAS IN PUBLIC, RIGHT?? And awhh~ He's running to the hospital before the lady even gets a chance to speak~ Hah! In your face, lady! How does it feel to be ignored? LOL. She does it to Lee Joon a lot. Haha.

I like how Aejung is calm when she's on the brink of death. LOL. Just you know, gunna say good bye to people while I'm in pain. It's all good~ LOL. And then bam! Lee Joon bursts through the door like a hot shot~ But omg. I helluh giggled when he said "I'm here" LIKE OMG. MOST CHARMING PART IN THE WHOLE FIC. LOL. Ended up not using his kidney anyways though because she miraculously healed. THE WITCH IS A ____ FOR PUTTING AEJUNG GO THROUGH ALL THAT. SHE OWES AEJUNG. I SWEAR TO GOD. YO WITCH. GIVE ME YOUR LIFE!

Aejung now has Joon's blood running through her veins. LOL. "I got you~~ ooh~ Under my skin~" (DBSK! Kyaa! <3) LIKE LITERALLY.

Cheondung is like, the best secretary in the whole wide freakin' world. I bet you he was the one that spilled something on that one lady's dress. LOL. You go Cheondung~

Joon doesn't mention anything about the "boyfriend" comment because he already considers himself as Aejung's boyfriiiiiend~ LOL. Naneoui boyfriend~ <3
Chapter 14: OMG. This is AWESOME! Honestly at first when I started to read this I was super thinking...he is going to be stuck forever! OMGOMG. Then the creepiness of him following her around was kinda...well I guess it was good he found a pretty lady to go home with. ;DDD

for these last two chapters I was like...This boy is totally a goner. A very rich goner. Ice scupltures and everything.


Infinitely4k #5
Chapter 14: Wow I really loved it!!!
Chapter 13: part two ;D

BUT LITTLE CHEONDUNG SHOULDER ANGELS. CAN I GET A PAIR? PLEASE? I’LL BE GOOD (OR BAD…?), I SWEAR. totally disregarding (but not really) lee joon being all petty and jealous and stab-y because- i want a pair omg.

(and lol not aejung unnie, but i read the note anyway and- wow, daeun hasn’t changed at all.)

okay, the last tidbit/section of my comment spam! if cheondung says there is a way, there will be a way~~ ;D BUT YAY. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. he finally realized how much of a ________ he is. ;3 yesss, treat aejung unnie and cheondung better~ haha. but- so close, yet so far! we may have stumbled upon a baby attempt of lee joon actually thanking someone ;o (i love how he compares her to a fish all the time, because junggiefish is just legit omg) HE CALLED HER CUTE. MORE DEVELOPMENT. he is so good this chapter ;D

boom! lee joon is back to normal size! and then that raises all suspicious and warning signs because bad things always happen when the main character thinks his problem is resolved, but he hasn’t done anything to resolve it. ._____.

a couple lines later- boom, again! ah, gdi. she was rushed to the hospital? (while the other side drinks and prances along with their rich selves). when the witch popped up in the washroom, i was half expecting her to spit on him again xD

“she was fine when i saw her earlier” omg poop can happen in like .05 seconds, man. come on. large trucks. a danger to society. and lee aejung.

hey lee joon, if you don’t go, you’re going to eff up the deal and die, so you might as well go (out of the goodness of your heart because damn, we all know you have a crush on her anyway). GIVE HER YOUR BLOOD. AND YOUR KIDNEY. COME ON, LEE JOON. BE A WARM PERSON.

it shouldn’t even be a tough decision (but i guess you wouldn’t be the a-hole of the story if it was an easy choice)- just let cheondung handle the deal! sheesh. GO LEE JOON, GO!

(i tried very hard not be censored, can you tell? lol.)
Chapter 13: so i was going through my subscriptions because i knew i was forgetting something, but when i finally looked back, i was like- how am i three chapters behind?! lol. so onwards to my comment spam! ;D

chapter eleven: i like the word douche. sadly, i don’t think lee joon appreciates the word as much as i do- even if he is one (because i read the latest chapter already and omfg not going to the hospital is an epic move of douchebaggery, but more on that later).

okay, i thought bad thoughts around the stretching part because it pretty much sounds like medieval punishment, but- hah. a dog named bummie. i thought of kibummie, and then i pictured him as a dog, and now all I can think about is aejung unnie having a really sassy (and gorgeous) golden retriever. ;D

“so what’s your name little guy?” chulyong wins best character in this fic (until my biased self gets to spazzing about cheondung, and then this statement will hence be forgotten forever). but throwing lee joon in the air. pretty awesome.

chapter twelve! aejung the babysitter. the title works ;D but yay, mir has met lee joon in all of his ry! ;D ah, lee joon is in denial and back to the “peasant, do my bidding”-ness because he got all flustered over unnie’s smile? oh jealousy. how you work wonders on people of the douchebag category. (wait, is the d word going to get me censored? i guess i’ll find out later…)

mir sounds like someone who would wake up in the middle of the night and scream “GOOD MORNING, WORLD” just because he could. hmm. he is starting to rival cheondung in his awesomeness (kind of). .___. lol.

ah, aegyo. the downfall of everyone. he can’t stand her pouting either. oh, have the might have fallen! (shrunken…?) it makes me giggle how he gets tinier and tinier just cause he won’t let up on being a buttface xD
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
Chapter 13: OMG JOON!! >.<
I hope that you make the right decision!!
Chapter 13: Joon you ____er. Any normal person would rush to the hospital after getting a call! You're a ____in' selfish bastard. Omg. They should've called Cheondung. Aejung helped you too, ! And reality check: if you disappear, you'll still lose the deal. And then your company! . The woman is cruel for putting Aejung through that. The doctor should really call the best friend, co-worker or neighbor. They're probably more help. Omg. I wanna see Aejung's best friend beat the crap out of Joon. Or like, step on the stupid dip ____.

But thanks for updatingg~ ;3
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
Chapter 12: Ohh this was good!
Joon is jelly :D
I'm so excited because of the next chapter