
Feelings, Magic, CherryBlossoms, Kiss
Minzy sighs deeply as she strolls through the park showering down pink and white blossoms all around her. She looks up into the sky and places her hand out to catch one as it softly lands in her snow-white small hand. She stares at it and suddenly hears the laughter as a young couple stroll by looking like they are in total bliss and inseparable. Minzy stares after them she notices how beautiful the young woman is and thinks " Will I ever be as beautiful as her or experience love like her"? As she stares at her reflection in the stream below her the breeze blowing her hair across her eyes. She feels hot tears forming in her eyes. She closes her eyes as they begin to spill over into the flowing stream below. She listens to the sounds of nature and happiness all around her. "So beautiful" comes a gentle voice of a male. Minzy opens her eyes and turns her head to find the source. She is instantly shocked because the voice is none other than the prettiest face of a male she has ever seen and he is staring at her with those pretty eyes of his." Taeminshii hello what are you doing here?" She finally speaks up shyly. Taemin smiles sweetly at her" The same thing you are doing watching the cherryblossoms" " Oh really well" she leaves her sentence unfinished as she feels nervous of what to say next. She returns her gaze to the stream the breeze blowing her hair back and the same time another shower begins. "Seriously beautiful" she hears Taemin say. She smiles up at the falling blossoms catching them in her hand " Yes they are very very beautiful." Taemin looks confused at her. Minzy notices and decides she should leave first. " Oh I'm sorry Taeminshii for disturbing you I will leave first" She bows slightly to him and turns to leave. Taemin grabs her wrist as she steps away " Wait don't leave Minzy please." Minzy can feel her cheeks burning as she turns to look at Taemin holding onto her wrist and he slowly takes her hand. Looking at her with pleading pretty eyes "Stay with me Minzy please I don't want to be alone to enjoy this." He smiles at her Minzy is still in shock that he is holding her hand, but she smiles back at him shyly" neither do I " she nervously giggles and tucks a few strands of her flying indigo locks behind her ear. Taemin's heart beats faster at the sight of her beautiful shy smile. She looks breathtakingly beautiful right now. Her hair is long and flowing gently in the breeze her skin is the same color as the delicate falling blossoms her lips are cherry colored and her cheeks light pink from her blushing and she is wearing a long simple white dress with a matching cardigan. Taemin had never seen her dressed so dantily before. "You are so beautiful Minzy". Minzy looks up at him in shock did she hear right?? Did Lee Taemin certified Noona killer and one of best looking guys in Kpop just call HER beautiful. " I'm sorry Taeminshii what did you say." At this Taemin steps closer to her and cups her cheeks gently in his hands he sighs and looks her in the eyes staring" I said you are so beautiful Minzy." O__O Minzy is frozen and words escape her so she just stares at him forming a open o. " I was never talking about the flowers Minzy I was talking about you." He smiles and giggles at her frozen expression and cluelessness. " I have actually been following behind you since you entered the park but you were so in your own little world you didnt even notice when I called your name." I heard everything you said." Minzy begins to thaw this is to good to be true so she thinks Taemin is saying this just to be nice. " oh Taeminshii I'm sorry you had to see me in that pathetic state and thank you for trying to cheer me up." Taemin makes a confused face at her then he sighs as he listens to her babble on about how she thanks him for being nice. Finally he can take anymore " MINZY!" He kind of yells at her Minzy freezes instantly wide eyed at him is she annoying him. " I'm sorry for yelling but you have got it all wrong I didn't call you beautiful out of pity. You really are beautiful to me, especially right now. Seeing you with your badass fierce guard down is very endearing and charming. He places a strand of her hair behind her ear and grabs her chin gently and smiles at her expression. " Yea definitely beautiful" Minzy feels butterflies in her stomach she smiles feeling like she is in a dream. " Thank you Taeminshii you're beautiful too."Taemin laughs " ok first of all please don't call me pretty Minzyah I much prefer handsome. Second call me oppa. Minzy feels alittle stupid for forgetting he hates being called pretty and she hasn't called him oppa since there collaboration. Ummm ok " Taemin oppa  you are very handsome. She giggles nervously at can't stop. Taemin smiled and swiftly leans in to kiss her lips as Minzy freezes again as he pulls her close to him she melts into his embrace and slowly starts to kiss him back. The blossoms create a blizzard around them as their kiss becomes passionate. They break apart to breath but are drawn back to eachothers lips for one more quick lingering kiss. Minzy was flying high and didn't want to come down she brushes some blossoms out of Taemin's hair he does the same to her and cups her warm cheek again. Minzy touches his hand on her face. " Minzy now that we are both adults with more freedom I have something to ask you. " Will you be my girlfriend?" Minzy shocked again but to happy to care smiles her widest most perfect smile her eyes disappear. " Yes oppa I will". She pushes herself up to kiss Taemin quickly. Taemin wraps his arms tightly around her and whispers in her ear " My beautiful Mingkki." He nuzzles her cheek and neck and kisses her in both places. Minzy giggles his touch tickles. She turns around to face him and feeling at ease trails her fingers over his face " My handsome Oppa." they both smile and kiss again  The End
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azndramafreak #2
Chapter 1: Omg! This was one of the perefect stories ive read. Very sweet and very describing. I love it. I could imagine everything!!
i LOVE IT!!!<3<3<3
awww short but sweet and cute ;)
aww taem is so sweet
love this :))
cute story :)!