Trust Me

Sweet Dream Or A Beautiful Nightmare

He stood up, his eyes still on you. "You came." His low voice was soft and calm. You took a deep breathe "I..came?" He walked close, but stopped few steps away from you. He was so handsome and tall. With his dark eyes he watched you, then he showed a shy smile. That smile made you feel that you have known him for a long time. "Yes. I have waited for you, um a long time." You felt your cheeks were burning, but you couldn't turn your eyes away. "H-How long?" Your voice was shaking. You finally looked down. "Few weeks." He said. "You know, every time I tried to touch you, you disappeared." You raised your eyes to meet his. "Huh?"

"I'm talking about the dream?" You blinked. "But, every time I tried know. You disappeared." His smile was gone. He looked at you little in confusion. His eyes looked up and he finally spoke. "Can you play piano?" His voice was different. It was hopeful. "Little." You noticed your voice was like a whisper, but you didn't care. His eyes met yours. "Then come." He walked back to the grand piano. Before you could take a step, a hand turned you around.

In front of you were standing a tall guy with a smirk on his face. "Oh, you found her!" His voice was low too, but not so calm. Actually his voice was mixed with that smirk. You blinked. "Kai. Please don't." The man walked back and took Kai's hand away from your shoulder. "But Baekhyun. She is very pretty!" Your cheeks were burning again. "You didn't even introduce yourself to her." Kai walked few steps away, sitting on a chair. Chair. There wasn't a chair when you came. The man looked at you. "He's right-" "Of course I'm right!" Kai shouted. The man gave him a gaze, before turning back to you. "My name is Baekhyun. And he's Kai." You nodded. "I'm Jinkyong." Baekhyun nodded and stepped couple steps, giving you space.

"Ah! I'm hungry!" Kai shouted. Baekhyun and you watched him. "Eat." You said. Baekhyun chuckled. Kai raised his eyes to you and stood up. "Funny." He smirked. "Because we are ready to go home!" He walked beside Baekhyun, now both of them looking at you. "Um, okay." You were little confused. "Well are you coming? I'm still hungry!" Kai asked looking at you with serious face. "What?" You raised your eyebrows. "I'll tell you later. Please come with us. You're important." Baekhyun took your hand, with a smile on his face. You couldn't say no. "Okay." Kai took Baekhyun's other hand and in one second you saw white light.

You were standing in the middle of white living room. Baekhyun let go of your hand and shyly stood beside you. Kai walked to the hall and shouted. "She's here!" One by one four men walked to the room, watching you. "Ah! She's pretty!" One said. "How old are you?" "Shut up! Are you ok?" you looked all six in shock before you could open your mouth to answer. "I-I am Jinkyong. Um, I'm almost eighteen and I'm fine, thank you." You bowed and looked down. 

"Woah!" Kai shouted. "Let's eat now!" Everybody started to walk towards the kitchen. "Come." Baekhyun rested his hand over your shoulder. "I'll tell you soon, what this all is." You looked up to his face. He was so close. "Trust me." His voice was soft and sleepy. "Thanks Baekhyun." With a smile he leaded you to the kitchen, were the others were shouting, laughing and cooking.

Is this another dream?

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