Yan Guilun

Sea Son

"I don't want!" Gui gui said.

"You don't want to be a single mother right?" Gui gui's mother asked.

"I don't mind" Gui gui said.

"If you want to keep , you get out of the house" Gui gui's dad said in the strict tone.

"Dad.." Gui gui said in a shocked tone.

"You want to keep this child?" Gui gui's mother asked.

"I want!" Gui gui said.

"Get out!" Gui gui's dad said. Gui gui walked out crying.

"Gui gui , you come to my house and stay , ok?" Wang zi asked. Gui gui nodded and smiled.

"Wang zi , thanks" Gui gui said and wiped her tears.

-6 years later

"Yan Guilun! I am teaching here and there you are sleeping!" a lady shouted angrily infront of the class, Guilun woke up.

"Miss Miranda , your teaching is very boring" Guilun said while rubbing her eyes.

"Then what is this answer?" Miss Miranda asked Guilun a difficult question and Guilun didn't think more than 5 seconds.

"105" Guilun said , everyone including Miss Miranda , was shocked.

_After School

Guilun saw Gui gui and ran to Gui gui's side.

"Mrs Wu, your child , Guilun... he is very smart" Miss Miranda said and went to take care of another classroom.

"Guilun , why did Miss Miranda praise you? She never praise your before" Gui gui asked weirdly.

"Because.. i slept in Miss Miranda's class" Guilun said and smiled.

"Yan Guilun!" Gui gui shouted angrily and Guilun started to get panic.

"But Miss Miranda said i'm smart" Guilun said. 

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please update!!
-HaeFany-Forever- #3
aww where have you been you havent updated yet, where is Aaron, will Aaron be able to accept GuiGui back or will he just be a cold jerk and hurt GuiGui and be with Hebe? well i hope he make a good decision and remember GuiGui already, but anyways you got to love GuiLun, have everything like his father, the brains and as for looks of course both from the mother and daddy too haha! but anyways you got to update sooon!<3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥
AWWW Guilun is so cute! love his personality!<br />
When is Aaron going to be in the story? <br />
Please update soon <br />
Guilun <3
REALL, Guilun is so CUTE. I super duper love him. I'm talking Guilun, my lil bro, hehe. I want to pinch his<br />
cheeks. He's so curious about his dad. And LOL, like father like son, haha. I love it. And T__T<br />
My lil bro is really such a nice kiddo, he's happy recieving his daddy's disease, I hope it's not<br />
so dangerous though. Again, thanks for the update. I wonder how is Aaron now.
grace_leeu #7
Nice foreword. I like your characterizations! Guilun sounds so cute!!<br />
<br />
Since I will definitely be reading your fanfiction, if you would like unbiased critiquing and a detailed review, please visit Musical Sweets at: https://sites.google.com/site/graceleeu/home<br />
You will definitely hear my honest feedback.<br />
<br />
Grace (Musical Sweets webmaster)
LOL!! HAHAHAHA.....<br />
Father and Son are the same ... always sleep in class XD <br />
Yan GuiLun is cute^^ <br />
Update soon (:
OMG OMG I love this. Yan Guilun is really cool. He's smart, cute and I love his cool personality.<br />
Lol sleeping during class, hahaha. He's uncle Wangzi is such a bad influence, but it's okay<br />
cause Guilun is smart. And OMG, how can they suggest to abort baby Guilun. NOooooooooooooo<br />
NEVER, he's Guilun, he's my little bro =_= They are so bad. And Aaaaawwww so AAron has lost his memory.<br />
T__T I hope he remembers my Guigui soon. It has been 6 years already. Thanks for this.<br />
I want more, please, hehe.
OMG!! HAHA.... <br />
I just commented on chapter 1 xD <br />
Now chapter 2 was up, LOL^^ <br />
YaY!! Yan GuiLun is so cute^^!<br />
Poor Gui Gui she has to look after Yan Guilun a lone :'( <br />
I hope Aaron will come back soon ... hehe <br />
I am waiting for the returning Aaron ^__^