


Your POV:


“What a gorgeous view,” I sigh as I stare at the neighboring apartment building through my bedroom window. 


The movers had just dropped everything off and left, leaving me alone to unpack and move the furniture. Great. 


“I give up.” I flop down onto the plush sofa. I’m far too hot and tired to care about this mess. “Aish, if I want to wander around the neighborhood, I’ll have to actually try to look decent first. Unpacking it is.”


I crack open the windows and savor the breezy night air. I set my laptop down on the coffee table and set my music on shuffle, motivating me to get up off my bum and be somewhat productive. I sway my hips to the beat and sing along, the upbeat tunes relieving some of my fatigue. I turn up the volume to block out any worries and thoughts; the neighbors will learn to get over the noise. After dancing along to some Girls Generation, (and who could resist from screeching about oppa to “Oh!”? Complete with dancing, of course), my favorite Super Junior song comes on. I stop pushing bulk boxes and grab my hairbrush off the nightstand as a makeshift microphone.


“The memories of having once loved, control me so easily

Once again, one more time

How can it end like this, I cannot believe

Those countless promises.... What do I do? What do I do?”


When the song ends, I sigh contently and turn off the music. I tear open the box that contains my fluffy pillows and pastel bedsheets, disregarding all the other unopened boxes. It’s not like anyone will visit my apartment any time soon. 


“I should get some shut-eye if I want to explore the neighborhood tomorrow.”


I briskly exchange my t-shirt and jeans for pajamas and brush my teeth. Yawning, I crawl into bed and stare at the digital clock. 


“3:29 AM. Less than five hours to sleep, woohoo. Sleep is for squares, and squares can’t walk unless they’re Spongebob.” I babble tiredly as I listlessly move more boxes to away from my bed.


After pushing the bed in an orientation to my liking, I jump under the covers and pull the billowy blanket up to my chin. I turn onto my side, staring out the humongous windows. Squinting, I see a shadowy figure adjusting their curtains and retreating away from their window, back into the apartment next door. 


“Must’ve bought themselves some new curtains. I should do the same...” I mumble and slowly drift of to sleep, letting the calm waves of fatigue take over my body. 


☆ ● ☆ ● ☆ ● ☆ ● ☆ ● ☆ ● ☆ ●


Onew’s POV:


 “YAH! KIM JONGHYUN! I swear, if you keep chanting “It’s time” one more time, I’m going to push you down a flight of stairs.”


“Or maybe I’ll just push you down on your knees, Kibum.” Jonghyun wiggles his eyebrows seductively at a frustrated Key. 


“You’re as tall as my knees, you shrill chihuahua,” Key snorts.


“WE ARE HUUUUUUMAAAAAAN NOIDS!” Jonghyun yells, red-faced. 


Ignoring the brawl that follows, I quietly place my dishes in the kitchen sink and trudge back into my bedroom, flopping onto my messily made bed. It was another tiring day, packed with schedules. I sigh and flutter my eyes closed. The recent comeback promotions are the energy out of me. Suddenly, a quick, sharp knock interrupts my thoughts.


“Jinki, don’t you have the decency to change out of your sweaty clothes and wash your face? You’ll start breaking out, and then you’re going to whine about how they cake on the foundation of your makeup again,” Key continues to nag as I bury my head in a pillow, trying to block out his high-pitched voice. 


“Key, leave. Just let me live my life in peace for once.”


“Well excuse me,” Key retorts. “You and Minho are exactly the same when you don’t get a sufficient amount of sleep; A pair of sassy pants. Just wash up at least, arasso? Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a dino to sedate.” 


Key struts away and slams the door behind him. I twitch as the room shakes, causing some of my hair products to fall off the shelf and the curtains to become askew. I let out an exasperated sigh and contemplate whether I should clean it now or later.  


“I’ll probably end up tripping over my hair gel tomorrow morning in addition to my feet.”


I leap off the soft mattress and pick up the bottles from the floor. I proceed toward the windows, which are chaotically dressed in lush baby blue curtains. I push the heavy curtains to one side to adjust the hooks when the sight of the neighboring apartment building catches my eye. A girl appears to be mouthing words as she peppily dances. After a few moments, I recognize the dance moves and gesture along with her: “Oh-oh-oppa! Oppa saranghae~!” I chuckle as the girl grimaces at her ridiculous dancing. The girl then energetically grabs a hairbrush and sings as she weaves her way around the room filled with boxes. As she nears her own window, I realize I’ve been staring at the girl for a good five minutes. Flustered, I scramble to put the curtains back into an orderly position, though I continue to watch her leave her room from the corner of my eye. I struggle with the curtains but manage to set them back into place. The girl reappears and crawls into her bed as I smooth out the curtains. Taking that as my cue to leave, I book it out of my bedroom and beeline for the bathroom. 


“Oh my god, I’m becoming a ert like Jonghyun. I must not succumb to the works of that dino like Taeminnie has!” 


I pull frustratedly at my hair, knowing how creepy I was watching the girl prance around innocently in her room. 


“I’ve never seen her in the neighborhood before. She must’ve just moved in. And... she’s super adorable.”


I shake my head and splash some cold water onto my face. I towel my face roughly and then stare at my reflection in the mirror. 


“Snap out of it, Jinki! This isn’t the time to be thinking about such irrelevant things. I need to focus on taking care of my members.” I ball my hands into fists and breathe heavily. I haven’t been the supportive leader that I want to be. “They’ve been working so hard and I’ve just been lounging around. It’s time for a reality check.” I slip into some pjs and drag my body back into the bedroom to find comfort in my bed. I’ll save the stress for another day and sleep now. 


I'm enervated but I can't sleep; That girl’s radiant smile still lingers in my mind. 





Meeeeeep. Hi guys. Merry Christmas! (& happy holidays~) It’s been awhile since I posted the forward. In fact, it’s been over seven months I sincerely apologize, I’ve just been so busy and askldfjhas ughhhh
Anyways, excuse the errors and poor sentence structure, I have yet to edit this since I just cranked this chapter out and I have to wake up early (because, you know, Santa :p) My writing is a bit rusty since I haven't written anything in months, so please forgive me. 

Comments are appreciated ^0^ 


(ps: cookies to those who know what Super Junior song I’m referencing ;D )

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BeautifulNightmares #1
Update soon!!! I'm looking forward to the next chapter!!!!
Chapter 1: kkk im totally sure that its Daydream 8)
Please continue it!!!!!!!! ;______; He told me that Im cute afshdhdakjgdkkgaLOOOOOL (?????)
Chapter 1: Continue . [[;
Update soon:)
please continue~ ^^