Ditching Date

Supa Luvers (one shots)

Lee _____ 
Min Soo's girlfriend of 4 years

"Yah!" He said trying to pull hand from yours, but you just held on tighter. "Where are you taking me ____? We have class..." 
"I know we have class..." You smiles turning back to him. "But I don't care this is our last week that we get to spend together before you go on tour again..." giggling you stopped walking looking up to him. "I just wanna spend some time with you~" you grinned "With out the rest of your group..." 

Turning away from him pulling out keys stopping at the double doors to the school pool, you felt him grip tighter on to your hand. Unlocking the door pushing it open a cool breeze hit the two of you.

"H-How did you get the keys to the pool?.." He stepped back nervously, dropping your hand.
"Don't worry about it..." you smiles walking behind him pushing him into the room closing the door behind you. "I'm not gonna push you in." you raised your right hand. "I promise... It's just that with it being late fall and still warm out the swim team won't be using this pool so we can be alone in here..."
"Oh~" he raised an eyebrow smirking.

Putting down your bag you smiled to him pulling hi closer to you hugging him tightly as he placed his hands on your lower back. Getting on your tipy-toes and pecking his lips he pulled you closer. Leaning back against the wall you smiled pulling away from him, smiling looking up to him.

"What?" He looked down to you curiously. 
"Nothing~" you smiles shaking your head."
"No I know it's something _____." He pecked your cheek winking to you. "Tell me."

Stepping away from you you pulled off your jacket, kicking off your starting to your unifrom shirt.

"WAHH!" he turned read covering his eyes "What are you doing?! We're still at school!" He peaked through his fingers watching you.

Giggling you smiled, taking off your shirt releaving your bikini top. 

"I wanna teach you how to swim oppa." you smiled blushing reaching to his hands pulling them down.

Going to your back digging through it you pulled out two towels and trunks holding them out to him. 

"I asked Chanhee if he would get a pair in your size for you so I could teach you..." you smiled turning away from him.
"YAH! That's why he was asking for my pants?!"

Backing away from you he hit the wall, holding his hands out and shaking his head, walking closer and closer to him holding out the trunks you bit your lips, quietly begging to him. 

Rejecting your pleds he closed his eyes. Dropping the trunks at his feets then taking off your shirk and socks you jumped into the pool, swimming around then resting holding on to the edge of the pool you looked over to him as he opened his eyes. 

"Minsoo~" you smiled to him giggled. "Come on at least go to the shallow end, please?" you begged over and over."
"Why should I?" he said in a bratty tone. 

Gulping then biting your lip you shut your eyes yelling out.

"I was your first kiss, your date, you taught me how to ride a bike years ago and I want to teach you how to swim Minsoo..." you sighed "On of the last things we get to together before you leave for who knows how long..." 

Looking up to him he smiles pulling off his shirt and taking off his shoes, then looking down to you.

"Close your eyes so I can change.." he sighed picking up the trunks undoing his pants.

Giggling nodding then going underwater swiming around. Popping your head out you saw him stepping into the water. Shivering then jumping back you swam over to him. Laughing you stood up in the water reaching out and pulling him all the in. 

Jumping up gasping for air he wiped his face off. Smiling you held on to him. 

"Relax, relax..." you moved your hair out of your face. "It's okay just relax..." 

Smiling he stood up and held you in his arms. 

"I'm fine with not learning how to swim, and just holding you in my arms..." he pecked your wet forehead. "I'll just hold you in the water, and we can play in 3ft." 

Smiling then leaning back falling into the water pulling him down with you laughing. Pulling you back up he splashed your face. 

"Yah! Stop that..." he said squeezing you laughing. 
"Okay~" you whined trying to pull away. 

"I love you ____." he smiled pecking your lips.
"I love you too~" you smiled against his lips.

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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 4: Ahh! I love the one shots! Can't wait for the chunji one
Changjo: so sweet!!!!!!
I liked all one shots.
Excited for Chunji <3
Hwaiting! Soo excited for Lee Chan Hee's one shot! CHUNJI!!!~ XD