Because i like you

For the show

The other members are all staring at me, and Doojoon looks like he's ready to get violent. "What?" Hmm, he sounds mad. Last night when they got home, Kikwang was still locked in the laundry room and wouldn't come out until Yoseob promised to go sleep in a hotel last night. They were all looking at me, but no one asked any questions. Then this afternoon at the studio we were practicing a dance for the next show when Kikwang tripped and i caught him. He slapped my hand away and left the room. "Ok, what did you do?" I like how i'm the one who got slapped and yet i'm the one who did something wrong.

And now here we are in the middle of an interrogation in our kitchen table. "You... you him?? And you don't understand why HE"S UPSET????? JUNHYUNG!!" He stands up and looks like he's about to launch over the table when Dongwoon grabs him. "Let's just talk about this calmly. Hyung didn't know." what a good Maknae. "Even though he did do something really stupid." little traitor. Yoseob rybs his eyes. "Junhyung, haven't you ever noticed how irritated Kiki gets when you flirt around? Or the way he reacts when you mess with me during the concerts?" I think about it. "He gets pissed. But i just figured it's because he doesn't think i'm serious enough. Since he's really into work."

There's that look, like i said something really stupid. "Did... did it never occur to you that maybe he likes you?" I look at them. What? Kikwang? Likes me? but.. we'r guys right? It should be weird right? "Are you serious? Has he told you that?" they look at eachother. Hyunseung answers. "It's pretty obvious right?" "If he didn't tell you than you can't assume anything!!" they all hesitate but Yoseob stands up looking annoyed. "Well, what about you?!" Huh?? "What? Don't tell me you just his neck for fun?" "T-there was water.." "Right, because it's totally normal to a drop of water of your friends neck?" This is stupid. I role my eyes and leave the table. "Whatever. This didn' help me at all." 

I say goodbye to Hyunseung and Doojoon as we come out of the rehersal building. They're going out with the others to a new restaraunt. They asked me to come too, but i don't really feel like seeing Kikwang right now. I've been thinking a lot about what Yosoeb said. Why did i Kikwang? And what was i feeling when he was sitting so close to me? And when the others said he might like me... that a guy might like me.... I should have benn grossed out, i should have felt weird.... but it made me happy. Could.. Could i like Kikwang?!


You've got to be kidding. Kikwang is standing staring at me, a wet towle strapped around his bare shoulders. "I thought you guys were going out to eat?" we say at the same time. We look at eachother awkwardly and Kikwang looks down, blushing. God, he's so cute. Wait, cute?? "U-um, i wasn't feeling well so.. why didn't you go?" i thought you were going. "I'm not really hungry and thought i should go to bed earlier." "Oh." he blushes again, realizes he's shirtless, and almost kills himself trying to get one of the shirts thrown over the couch. Yes, cute. "Why don't i make you something to eat. You and Dongwoon were doing interviws rigth?" He looks up at me and nods. "Thanks." I hear the t.v. turn on as i walk into the kitchen, and return to sit next to him on the couch, handing him a sandwich. His hair is dripping wet and the smell of his shampoo flows over. Deja vu. He notices too and moves further away from me. This has to stop.

"Kikwang. We need to talk." i trun off the t.v. and face him. He looks uncomfortable, and i think he's goin to try and run, but he puts the half eaten sandwich down and faces me. I love his face, his plump lips, his straight nose. His eyes. I need to tell him. It was just an impulse. That we can't keep avoiding eachother. His wet hair sticks to his forhead. I need to tell him.. "Lee Kikwang i like you." Oops. He blinks at me shocked. I'm feeling pretty shocked myself. Suddenly his face changes and he looks hurt, like i just hit him. "Liar." he whispers. what? "You're such a liar." And now he's crying. Now i'm mad.

I grab his arm and pull him to me. "Why?! Why are you like this? What did i do? Why are you so mad at me lately? Why did you flip out the other day? Why don't you believ me?" "Because i can't! Because, even if i feel happy now, even if it's true now... you'l change your mind again. soon. And then i'll be left feeling even more miserable than i do now." He looks down at my hand on his arm. Wait.. "Kikwang... do you like me?" He nods miserably. "So we like eachother?" "for now." and now i'm getting mad again. "Kikwang don't be like this. I like you, i really do." even if i only just figured it out. But now that i realize it, i feel stupid for not noticing before. He's so ... perfect. "I know i always switch fast but... can't we try? Can't you give me a chance to like you?" He looks so powerless. "ok." He whispers at last. "But if you leave me... i'll hate you forever." I lean forward and press my lips against his, pulling his arms around my neck. Leave you? I don't think that's likely.

The fans screech as i intertwine my fingers with his. He looks at me smiling and blushing under the lights. "OPPAA'S!!" He slaps my hand away to hide behind Doojoon, whose singing and dancing around the stage. Dongwoon and Hyunseung give one last goobye as they walk off, followed by Yosoeb. Doojoon gives one last bow, and then grabs Kiki's hand and walk off stage. Hmm i didn't like that. I follow them into our backstage room and break their hold on eachother. "Don't touch other epople's things," I say grabbing Kikwang's waist and pulling him against me.

It's been three weeks since we got together and i can't get enough of him. He squirms against me and his ears turn bright red. He just keeps getting cuter. "Ewww get a room!!" shouts Yoseob and Hyunseung makes a face. "Junhyung why are you doing this?" says Kikwang, getting even redder and trying to pull away. I lean down and whisper in his ear, "Because i like you." And right there in front of everyone, i the back of his neck and kiss him. 

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eyesmilehottie #1
he sure a creeper guy mostly when in he do in front of members..
anyway,this is a nice story and I like it..
good job...
muso-ka_sonyeo #2
Chapter 2: The ending is y~
Ahh i love it.. <3
Tee hee thanks!! they really don't get enough love as a pairing :'(
please check out my other fics, including my new Junkwang fantasy "Beyond this World" <3
spikecollar600 #4
Heh this story was AWESOME!!really cute and hilarious.Love this couple,hope you continue writing Junkwang because they need more lovin,hahaa.Junkwang forever!!XD
Love you again! Because of u, I have more reason to wait and visit Junkwang tag whenever I'm free.
Anyway, this story is cute, but I would love to see a more active Kikwang...well, that's just my personal idea, but ur story flew the other way, and it was nice too!
Yoseobyeobo #6
your making yoseob choke and push his head awwh
i guess you <3 kikwang and junghyun more lol i used to too >.<
Yoseobyeobo #7
cool cant wait UPDATE SO I CAN READ KEKE please read my story im new ^^