chapter one

Friendship Lasts Forever


Way To Go! - SNSD




“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

– Lao Tzu


     A perfect spring day for the start of this school year’s first semester. The school grounds were fully packed of students that were scattered everywhere. A girl with a medium-length brownish hair and wearing glasses was seen wandering around the campus; probably searching for one particular spot.

     “You can do it. It’s only for one year.” The girl mumbled to herself as she felt the deep stares of everyone to her. She hears the girls whisper, mumbling something under their breaths, curses and giggles which is a hundred percent sure all about her.

     After some more minutes, the bell rang signalling that the students should go to their respective rooms already. Everyone rushed to their rooms, afraid to get detention on the first day of classes. She was now less insecure due to the fact that she’s alone already in the corridors. Soon enough, she spotted the room she’s looking for; the principal’s room.

     “Annyeonghaseyo, cheoneun Im YoonA imnida.” she greeted then bowed.

     “Ms. Im, I’ve been waiting for you since a while ago.” the principal said.

     “Chwesomnida, I was somewhat lost on my way here since I’m not yet familiar with the grounds.” She apologized.

     “It’s alright Ms. Im. Welcome to our school and congratulations for gaining a scholarship. Here with me is Ms. Song. She’ll be your homeroom teacher. You may go now.” the principal welcomed her and gave out instructions.

     YoonA, together with Ms. Song, left the office after bowing. They walked through the corridors until they reach the room they’ve been looking for.

     “We’re here. Wait for my signal for you to come in.” Ms. Song instructed. While Ms. Song is inside the room, YoonA scanned the people in it from the see-through glass. She heard that Ms. Song somehow made her voice louder for her to hear. She took this as her signal and carefully opened the door and walk beside Ms. Song.

     “Please introduce yourself.”

     “Annyeonghaseyo, cheoneun Im YoonA imnida. Nice meeting you all.” YoonA greeted and bowed. When she looked up, she wasn’t taken aback with their reactions; whispers and death glares. She just shrugged off the feeling.

     “Ms. Im, you may take your sit beside Mr. Kim.” YoonA easily found the seat she was asked to take since it’s the only vacant seat in the room. She took her sit and looked at the view outside the window.

     The class started and the time was ticking very slowly for the students whilst for YoonA, it was just a normal one. Sometimes you can see the students just chatting with their seatmates rather than listening to the teacher in front of them. The teacher didn’t mind at all but surely the other day or the day after next, they’ll be as strict as hell. YoonA, still, noting down whatever words came out to the teacher. Two more hours passed then the bell rang, signalling for break time. The students hurried their way down the cafeteria.

     “Is this the proper attitude of students in the highest section in a semi-prestigious school like this? Mine is way more than preferable than being here.” YoonA thought.

     The cafeteria was fully packed by students so YoonA decided to just tour herself around the campus. She spotted a garden so she went there. She found the place very peaceful except for the constant noise coming from the cafeteria; since it’s located across it. She took a place under the tree and she continued reading the novel she started just yesterday.


     “Kai! Gossips of the new girl around become the trending topic for today. She’s in your class right?” a girl with long wavy black hair asked but the latter didn’t respond.

     They were on their usual spot; under the tree located at the middle of the campus. No one dared to take the place aside from the five of them.

     “Krys!” a dark brown-haired guy called. “Doubt you heard about the new girl in the house.”

     “I heard she has a Chinese decent like our Han here.” a girl with long black hair added.

     “Really? She seems an interesting person. Want to meet her with me?” Krystal asked.

     “Then you’ll add her in our group, right?” the dark brown-haired guy asked.

     “Asking her to be one of us won’t hurt Sehun-ah. Don’t tell me that she’s a nerd because a nerd has a true beauty outside; it’s just that she’s not confident enough to show it off. Besides, she seems a nice person because our Kai here can’t take his eyes off her.” Seohyun said.

     “Kai, do you like the new girl around?” Luhan asked but got no respond from the latter.

     “Maybe it’s your chance to meet her. She’s the one gathering the attention of everyone in the garden.” Kai suddenly spoke.

     “More likely, you’re really following her by your stares.” Luhan said.

     Krystal and Seohyun hurriedly went to the scene created at the garden while the boys followed them behind. They had a hard time going through the huge crowd but they can hear constant shouts from a certain girl and groans from the one in pain. When the girls finally reached the middle, the scene stunned them as well as the boys behind them. A girl was pulling the new student’s hair whilst she just got a hard slap from the other.

     “Yah! Stop it!” Krystal shouted. The crowd went silent and you can see in the eyes of everyone that they are afraid from the sudden outburst of Krystal.

     “Krystal-ssi...” the first girl started.

     “She didn’t do anything to you, isn’t it? Then why are you hurting her?” she asked angrily.

     “’s just a misunderstanding.” the other girl defended.

     “You call this a misunderstanding?!”

     “Krys, calm down.” Luhan whispered to her.

     “Chwesomnida Krystal-ssi.” the girls both said and bowed to her.

     “You’re not supposed to say sorry to me, say it to her.” Krystal said trying to make her self calm down while pointing to YoonA.

     “Eh? Excuse me, it’s nothing really big. It’s just a pure misunderstanding. They don’t have to sa—” YoonA said but was cut by Krystal when she glared at her that made her speechless and left stunned.

     “We’ll not say sorry to her. She said it herself that it’s just a misunderstanding.” one of the girls said.

     “Don’t make me repeat myself.” Krystal said.

     “Fine. Chwesomnida for what we did earlier.” both of them bowed but when they’re about to straighten their backs, one of them pulled YoonA’s hair again and was about to slap when someone grabbed her hand. Everyone gasped from the sudden scene that they never thought will happen.


     “You don’t have to say sorry when you don’t mean it.” He said sternly.

     “Kai...” Krystal started then Kai let go the arm of the girl.

     “Everyone get back to your own works and pretend like nothing happened before you got caught by the principal himself.” Kai shouted and left.

     “OMO! Are you alright?” Seohyun asked YoonA eyes full of concern but she didn’t receive any response from her; still in shock of what happened earlier.

     “Uhm, would you mind if you come with us for a while? We’ll just treat your scratches and bruises.” Krystal led the way.

     The boys took out their emergency first aid kit and treated YoonA right after she made her sit on their usual spot.

     “Are you alright now?” Luhan asked but YoonA was just staring to the wind not hearing nor saying anything.

     “I guess she’s still in shock of what happened minutes ago.” Seohyun concluded.

     A couple of minutes already passed but YoonA is still not moving on her position since then. Suddenly, a tear escaped her eye in which Kai saw. Suddenly the bell rang YoonA still remained composed to her sit.

     “Maybe we should leave her for now. It’s hard to absorb all those things in one go anyway, she needs some space.” Luhan said.


     Classes just ended an hour ago and they noticed that YoonA was nowhere to be found; she didn’t go to her class either. They decided to just talk to her the next day since it’s getting late already. Luhan decided to stop by his favourite park to freshen up his mind. As he reached the park, there was quite a number of children playing and having fun with either their friends or guardians. He smiled as he remembered his childhood days when his mom would come with him to this park to play. He took a sit on a nearby bench and observed the place once again. He heard soft sobs on the tree beside the bench he’s sitting at. He stood up and went on the opposite side of the tree. There he found a girl with brownish hair covering her face who’s reading a book while wiping her tears from time to time. The girl felt the presence of someone because of its shadow so she looked up and meet the eyes of Luhan.

     “Can I take a sit beside you?” Luhan asked politely and the girl nodded while wiping her tears.

     “You’re the new student right? Why are you crying?” Luhan asked as he took the space beside YoonA.

     “I’m not crying; I’m just touched with the story I’m reading.” YoonA answered.

     “I’ve read that book three times already and no specific part of it that you’ll be touched and cry. It’s not a drama story; it’s about science and mysteries.” Luhan defended.

     “You just don’t feel what I feel.” YoonA answered.

     “What do you feel then? It’s definitely not your emotions about the one you’re reading right now but the one you felt about the situation that you encountered earlier this day, right?” Luhan asked but YoonA stayed quiet.

     “Sometimes you need someone to talk to; someone you can share your feelings with, you don’t have to keep the pain inside. By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Luhan, what’s your name?”

     “YoonA. As you can see I don’t have any friends besides I’m not the type of person that’s being open-up about my feelings.”

     “Then you’re not considering me as your friend?” Luhan looked at her with a sad face.

     “What I meant is that...” YoonA sighed.

     “I consider you now as my friend. You’re nice and kind, besides you didn’t judge me from my physical appearance. Thank you.”

     “No need to say thanks. You know, you should observe your surroundings. Sometimes there are people who accept you for who you are but they’re afraid to befriend you and be judged. And sometimes, you should learn how to consider the ones beside you as your friend.” Luhan stated.

     “Yah! I already did consider you as my friend. After some years of being alone, you became my first friend.”

     “I didn’t mean that way. My friends want to befriend you too but since you’re too occupied with your thoughts after the incident they decided to give some space. Do you mean I’m your first friend ever since?”

     “You’re the second one though the first one, I haven’t seen him for a decade already, I guess. I haven’t thanked your friends though. To be honest, I’m quite scared with the girl who told those girls to stop and the guy who stopped the girl in slapping me.” YoonA confessed.

     “They’re just as scary as that but when you got to know them well; they’re kind-hearted and very nice. Sometimes they just have to pull-out that kind of attitude to scare some kids out there.” Luhan explained.

     “They are like kids though.” YoonA chuckled.

     “It’s better if you’ll keep that smiling face of yours, YoonA. It suits you better than having deep thoughts from time to time.”

     “Are you just telling me that to make me feel happy or you mean that?” YoonA asked full of curiosity.

     “Of course I mean it.”

     “Thanks.” YoonA muttered.

     “I told you to keep that ‘thanks’ of yours. So what do you think?”

     “Think of what?”

     “Mind joining our peer? They want you to be part of us though.”

     YoonA thought of the offer but there are possible outcomes that are bothering her. She was about to answer Luhan’s question but was stopped when she saw Luhan talking to a little girl. She unconsciously smiled at the sight.

     “What did you talked about with the girl?” YoonA asked.

     “Are you jealous that I forgot about you just to talk to a little girl?” Luhan teased.

     “I’m not! Is asking you meant I’m jealous?”

     Luhan chuckled and answered, “I’m just joking. She asked me if you’re my girlfriend because we look good together.” YoonA blushed.

     “Are you...blushing?” Luhan asked with a slight teasing voice.

     YoonA covered her cheeks and denied that she is. Luhan continued to and the two had a fun time spending together. Little did they know that Kai was watching them from a far with a slight anger on his face.


     “Yah Kai! What’s with your face early in the morning? Even Leonardo da Vinci won’t be able to paint it.” Sehun teased.

     “Hey guys! Where’s Han? He usually came before me, right?” Krystal greeted.

     “I saw him here a while ago though. Hey Krys, can you like to that boyfriend of yours. Look at him, he seems like he carries everyone’s problems.” Seohyun stated.

     “I’m not her boyfriend. I’ll go to my class first.” Kai said and left.

     “Is he PMS-ing or what? He was never like that before.” Sehun said.

     “I’ll go talk to him some other time. For now, have you seen the new student?” Krystal asked.

     “There she is with Luhan.” Seohyun pointed.

     “He befriended her already? That fast?” Krystal asked surprised.

     “Apparently, yes. They’re heading here, guys.” Sehun pointed out.

     “Hi guys!” Luhan greeted.

     “Annyeonghaseyo~” YoonA bowed.

     “Uhm...thank you for what you did yesterday. Though I didn’t asked for anyone’s help, you volunteered in helping me. Thank you.” YoonA bowed continuously after her statement.

     “You don’t need to bow. You’re welcome anyway. And we gladly helped you out anyway. I’m Krystal.”

     “I’m Seohyun.”

     “I’m Sehun.”

     “I’m YoonA. Thanks again.”

     “By the way YoonA, would you like to join us?” Krystal offered.

     “Uhm...Luhan asked me that question yesterday and I got to think of it. I will gladly accept your offer but don’t you think it will be a big mess if I join you?” YoonA asked.

     “Not really YoonA. Just believe in us and you’ll be in great hands.” Seohyun encouraged.

     “May I have your attention please?” Krystal shouted to garner everyone’s attention. “The new student, Im YoonA, will now be a part of our peer. So if anyone of you will hurt her, you’ll go through me first. Do I make myself clear?” Everyone seems to be taken aback from Krystal sudden statement but they all nod their heads and answered her with yes.

     “I told you, now you’re safe in our hands.” Seohyun chuckled.

     “Isn’t it too much?” YoonA asked.

     “I told you they use that kind of attitude to scare the kids but they’re really nice. Don’t worry about it.” Luhan whispered to YoonA.

     “Where’s Kai?” Luhan asked.

     “He already went to his class. I’ll just tell him during break time. Don’t worry. He’ll approve you for sure.” Krystal smiled.


A/N: Hi there~ sorry it took me very long time before updating this story. Anyway, first chapter is out and I hope that you guys will like it. I'm not sure if the song choice is appropriate for this chapter. If you have other song that you think will suit for this chapter, then go for it. :D I tried my nest to make it as intersting as I can. If you think that it somehow still lacks, I'll try my best for the next chapter then. Please do comment and subscribe. I want to hear your reactions about he first chapter. I'll appreciate it either negative or positive. Thank you so much everyone ^_^

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i will probably be updating before or next month since all my stories were deleted in my drive. i need to restore everything first. sorry for the long wait


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katiedoll565 #1
Chapter 3: Awesome story!
Please update soon
please update soon ! i'm dying to read your story ...
Chapter 3: Ohhhh update soon! :D Although I have a feeling it'll end with Seohan ( I am a Luyoon shipper D: ), there's Yoonkai ( I'm a Yoonkai-fanfic shipper too xD ) so everything is alright! :P
Chapter 3: LuYoon and YoonKai moments !!
Luhan likes a girl and he still can't move on?! OTL who could it be ???
Seohyun likes Luhan .. SeoHan !! I want SeStal please!! and Seohyun and Sehun moments .. please do update soon !! i really like this story .
true it is you've been biased for this chapter but without this Seohyun and Krystal won't experience jealousy that became a challenge for the group . and Kai .. OTL he looked for YoonA before .. my feels... i'm still wondering who is YoonA's first friend .. could it be Luhan ?? please update soon!!
sestal please then to the other 4 i really can't choose keke i love seokai,seohan, luyoon and yoonkai
I want SeStal actually. pretty pleaassse ><
and make love square between Yoona, Kai, Seohyun and Luhan :D

from the beginning of this fic is already nice.
I'm looking forward for this.
i want to see Sehun and Seohyun more if i can..i do love Milky Maknaes..haha..update soon fighting
misslove08 #8
LuYoon!! they are so.. romantic and they're perfect together..
YoonKai should have more interactions. they look good together too. Krystal is jealous because of YoonKai.. she really likes Kai then..
i think Kai is the one who tapped Yoona's shoulder.. but why would he want to talk to her? and about Krystal's father.. he's having an affair and is denying it? OMG! that's not good.. i hope it won't affect Krystal's current happiness.. do Kai really know Yoona before? is he Yoona's first friend? because there's a certain part on the current chapter that he asked Yoona if they met before. did they? or Kai was just hallucinating?
this story is very interesting.. please update soon!! :D
luyoonkai-seokris #9
waa ...luyoon ,they are so romantic ...and it make kai jealous ... :D
seem krystal like kai ???
im really curious who wanna talk to yoona ???
update soon ... :d