chapter 11



“Sungjong, can I talk to you?” I asked him as he was about to leave the practice room. He nodded his head with a face ripple of fear.


“Sunggyu hyung, did I do something wrong?” he asked timidly. I didn’t answer as I saw Hoya was still lingering around the room, reluctant to leave. I know this boy has a soft spot on Sungjong, so he always stick with the maknae whenever the younger was about to get scolded either by me or manager hyungs.


“Hoya, can you leave us alone. I have something to discuss with Sungjong. It’s personal.” Hoya was startled when his name was called suddenly. He sheepishly scratched his neck as his stare at me, “Yes, hyung. I guess I leave first.” Hoya gave Sungjong a final look before hastily left the room.


As the door closed, the room went silent.


Didn’t know how to begin, I cleared my throat that suddenly felt dried and looked at Sungjong. As soon as my eyes lay on his figure, I can felt my palm began sweating despite the cool from air-conditioning and my heart beating fast. All the words that I constructed beforehand were gone to the thin air.


‘Yah Kim Sunggyu, get a grip. Don’t be such a coward. Spill it!’ I thought angrily. It’s not like me to be so nervous in front of my dongsaengs. I took a long breath to calm myself. Then I stared at him, read his expression. It didn’t look good. He too was nervous.


“Hyung, what do you want to talk about?” Sungjong started the conversation. I thanked him for that as it helped me to gather my courage.


“Cut the act Lee Sungjong. I know who you really are.” I said directly. ‘Maybe too direct.’ I thought.


He frowned. “I don’t know what you talking about, hyung.”


“Don’t act stupid Sungjong I know you know what I’m talking about.” I spat, losing a bit of my patient. After what happened last week in this very own room, I’m sure he know the fact that I suspect him as the murderer of Daesung. Looking at him trying to play dumb really boiled my blood.


But his expression remained the same. With a frown decorated on his face, literally wrote confusion, he tilted his head to the side avoiding my gazes,” You are really weird, hyung. No wonder the other hyung said so.” The last sentence was said with small voice but I still can hear it.


“Who say that?” I asked irritated. In my mind, I can already imagine my hand strangled each one of them, suffocating them to death. It was already bad for them to badmouthing me behind my back, but to call me weird was another thing.


“Well all the hyung except Myungsoo hyung. They said you began to act weird after that dream.”


“What dream... arhh that dream. They told you?”  Sungjong nodded. I can felt my face heated and turned red from angered and embarrassed. Those kids, after I told them to never spoke about it to anyone, they spilt it Sungjong, the last person I wanted to know about it.


“They didn’t say anything else besides calling me weird, right?” I asked him unsure if I ready to hear the answer.


Sungjong just chuckle. “Nothing hyung.” But somehow I got a feeling that they had said something more, but Sungjong being a good maknae he is, covered their deed. But it didn’t mean I would let it go just like that. They were so in trouble now. I would show them who the boss is!!!


“Let’s go Sungjong. I have something to do.” With a determine look, I led the way out of the practice room with Sungjong skipped happily beside me.


However for some reason, at each step I took, I felt like I had forgot an important thing but I can’t recalled what is it. That feeling was there even after we arrived at the van. But I shrugged it as soon as we hopped into the van and came face to face with the devils. They are so in trouble!!!


Sungjong POV


I smiled as Sunggyu began to take a big step, leaving the practice room in hurry as he practically ran all the way to the outside of company where the van was. With me skipped happily beside him. It’s not difficult to distracted Sunggyu from his own scheme, to make me confess my wrong doing. Just said something that’s goona make him so worked out that he unconsciously forgot the real purpose of the talk. And calling him weird really did that, although I had to sell my hyung for that. Sorry hyung.


When I arrived at the van, as my hand slide the door opened, my mouth automatically turned upward into a grin, amused at the situation in front of me. Sunggyu who was already in his leader mode, scolded the other members as they hung low their head, looking only at the floor of the van. In front of the camera, Sunggyu looked likes he can easily be bully but when there was no camera he really was a scary hyung, especially when he was mad. Even Woohyun, his bestfriend would stay far away from the leader when he furious.


As I took my place at the front seat, my eyes met Myungsoo who I flashed a smile, only to be return with a frown. I shrugged it. I put my earphone and the IPod, ‘Paradise’ blasted in my ears. I humming the song slowly as my eyelids began to felt heavy, welcoming me to the dreamland. But I never noticed how the circumstance in the van turned from heavy to light seconds after my eyes closed. I never noticed how the hyungs spoke softly, murmuring words among them. I never noticed how the other hyungs pestering Sunggyu, bombarded him with questions. How disappointed showed on their face as they learned the truth. How they began to discuss the new plan. I failed to realize it.... and now I have to pay the consequences.


another update yay.... hope you like it

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i change my title after much thinking


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mussykate #1
Chapter 15: I love it! I really love this kind of Fics :D

Sorry for the bad english...
Chapter 21: THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!!! >_< heheh ^O^ I like it! update again! ^O^ can't wait for the next chapter ;)
Chapter 20: Author-nim pls update again ASAP!!!!!! >_<
Chapter 20: OMG!! finally you update^^ nice. nice.. i can't wait for the next chaptie ((":
Chapter 19: update asap !! <33
Chapter 19: Wow, this getting intense. I can totally felt Sunggyu's feelings when he looked at the wound. I mean, its their freakin cute maknae. . T_T
Chapter 18: OMG I'm so worried for Jongie ><
relly wanna know what happens next ~ pls update more soon author-nim ><
tks for this chapter :D
Chapter 17: oh, poor Sungjong his hyung's ignored him that much, bUt they still take care of him, secretly^^
Chapter 16: so Sungha is a killer too?? what his code-name anyway?? keke..
Chapter 15: Update now!! i'm so excited for you next update.. your fanfic was hanging me alot!!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait for the next chap~ :DD